
Why was Lin Shidong not selected for the Olympic substitute list? Three reasons make Liang Jingkun more favored by national table tennis

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Why was Lin Shidong not selected for the Olympic substitute list? Three reasons make Liang Jingkun more favored by national table tennis


Lin Shidong did not enter the Olympic substitute list for three main reasons.

In contrast, Liang Jingkun has more experience in competitions.

In terms of technological maturity, Liang's technical stability is slightly better in some aspects.

Considering the overall strength, Liang Jingkun's ability to cope in key games is more recognized.

Why was Lin Shidong not selected for the Olympic substitute list? Three reasons make Liang Jingkun more favored by national table tennis

The controversy over the list of national table tennis players for the Paris Olympics

The announcement of the list of players for the 2024 Paris Olympics has sparked widespread controversy.

The focus was on the issue of the P card being awarded to Liang Jingkun instead of Lin Shidong.

The selection of the main players Wang Chuqin, Fan Zhendong and Ma Long is well deserved.

There has been a lot of discussion about the ownership of the P card.

Lin Shidong's lack of excellent competition results and experience is one of them.

After all, the P-card players in the team events of the previous Olympic Games have often been outstanding athletes.

Why was Lin Shidong not selected for the Olympic substitute list? Three reasons make Liang Jingkun more favored by national table tennis

Lin Shidong is lacking in this area, and his World Cup singles performance is relatively mediocre.

The Olympic goal of national table tennis is to win the championship, rather than simply building an age echelon.

In a major tournament like this, the potential of young players is often not the primary consideration.

In addition, the problem of doubles coordination cannot be ignored.

P card players may need to play a role in doubles in certain situations, which is very demanding for doubles matching.

Liang Jingkun has been in the national team for a longer time and is more familiar with other main players, so he has a certain advantage in this regard.

Why was Lin Shidong not selected for the Olympic substitute list? Three reasons make Liang Jingkun more favored by national table tennis

Looking at Lin Shidong's development, his development is relatively slow, and he has fewer opportunities.

Compared to the development of the youngsters in the foreign association, he seems to have had a lack of opportunities.

Some of the young players from the other associations have made their mark in various competitions and have been given more opportunities to practice and perform.

Although Lin Shidong has some potential, his access to opportunities is relatively limited.

We can't ignore his future potential and hopefully he will have more opportunities in future competitions and gradually take on more important roles.

For national table tennis, in the face of Lin Shidong's past and future development, it may be necessary to have a more open and positive attitude.

Why was Lin Shidong not selected for the Olympic substitute list? Three reasons make Liang Jingkun more favored by national table tennis

You can't limit the development of young players just because of the factors of the moment.

In terms of cultivating newcomers, we can appropriately increase their opportunities to participate in high-level competitions, so that they can accumulate experience and improve their abilities in actual combat.

At the same time, we should also pay attention to their psychological counseling and cultivation to help them better cope with the pressure of the competition.

In terms of the selection mechanism, it is necessary to be more scientific and reasonable, and comprehensively consider all aspects of the players, not just the immediate results and experience.

For young players with potential, more attention and training should be given.

Why was Lin Shidong not selected for the Olympic substitute list? Three reasons make Liang Jingkun more favored by national table tennis

This is not only conducive to the long-term development of the team, but also stimulates the enthusiasm and sense of competition of young players.

The selection and training of national table tennis players is a complex system engineering.

Regarding the controversy that Lin Shidong did not get a P card, we should look at it rationally and understand the decision-making basis of national table tennis.

At the same time, it is also expected that the national table tennis will pay more attention to the cultivation and development of young players in the future, and lay a solid foundation for the sustainable glory of the mainland table tennis career.

Let's look forward to the wonderful performance of national table tennis at the Paris Olympics, and also look forward to Lin Shidong and other young players being able to shine more brightly in the future.

Why was Lin Shidong not selected for the Olympic substitute list? Three reasons make Liang Jingkun more favored by national table tennis

We also can't ignore the reasonableness of Liang Jingkun's acquisition of a P card.

He also has a certain quality and experience, and he also has a certain status in the national team.

The decision-making of national table tennis is often deliberate and takes into account many factors.

Although Lin Shidong regretted that he failed to get a P card, it does not mean that he will not have a chance in the future.

In the highly competitive field of table tennis, opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.

From a more macro point of view, the development of national table tennis needs to constantly adapt to the changes and challenges of the times while maintaining its advantages.

Why was Lin Shidong not selected for the Olympic substitute list? Three reasons make Liang Jingkun more favored by national table tennis

In the context of globalization, the level of table tennis in various countries is constantly improving, and the competition is becoming increasingly fierce.

National table tennis needs to continue to innovate and reform to maintain its leading position.

The cultivation and development of young players will be the key to the sustainable development of national table tennis in the future.

In addition, all sectors of society should also give more understanding and support to national table tennis.

The players are fighting the field and under a lot of pressure.

They need a good external environment in order to perform better at their level.

Why was Lin Shidong not selected for the Olympic substitute list? Three reasons make Liang Jingkun more favored by national table tennis

We should look at their performance with a positive mindset and cheer them on.

Rather than just focusing on disputes when they arise.

The importance of technological innovation in the field of table tennis cannot be ignored.

With the continuous evolution of table tennis technology in the world, new playing styles and tactics are constantly emerging.

National table tennis needs to encourage players to have the courage to try and innovate in order to maintain a leading edge at the technical level.

Young players like Lin Shidong often have a stronger ability to accept new things and a spirit of innovation.

Why was Lin Shidong not selected for the Olympic substitute list? Three reasons make Liang Jingkun more favored by national table tennis

If you can give them enough space and guidance, it may be able to bring new breakthroughs to the team.

At the same time, the cultivation of psychological quality is also a vital part.

In the competition, in the face of huge pressure and complex and changeable situations, the psychological quality of the players directly affects their performance.

In the daily training, the national table tennis should pay attention to the exercise of the players' psychological ability to resist pressure.

Through simulated competition scenarios, psychological counseling, etc., to help them better cope with various challenges.

Why was Lin Shidong not selected for the Olympic substitute list? Three reasons make Liang Jingkun more favored by national table tennis

Whether it is Lin Shidong or other young players, they need to constantly strengthen their psychological quality in order to be able to play stably at critical moments.

In the long run, national table tennis needs to establish a more perfect talent training system.

This not only includes basic training, technical improvement, etc., but also covers the cultivation of comprehensive quality, such as cultural education, moral cultivation, etc.

A well-rounded player will be more confident in the face of various situations, which will also help them achieve better results in their careers.

For potential stars like Lin Shidong, national table tennis can formulate a personalized training plan for him, and train and improve in a targeted manner according to his characteristics and advantages.

Why was Lin Shidong not selected for the Olympic substitute list? Three reasons make Liang Jingkun more favored by national table tennis

In the international arena, national table tennis also needs to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with other countries and regions.

Through confrontation and communication with outstanding foreign players, they can not only broaden their horizons, but also learn advanced technology and experience from other countries.

This kind of exchange and cooperation helps to enhance the overall strength and competitiveness of national table tennis, and also provides more opportunities for young players to show themselves and grow.

Young players such as Lin Shidong can accumulate experience and improve their competitive level by participating in international exchange competitions.

When making a decision, the national table tennis coaching staff must consider many factors, including the performance of the players, the experience of the competition, the technical characteristics and the teamwork ability.

Why was Lin Shidong not selected for the Olympic substitute list? Three reasons make Liang Jingkun more favored by national table tennis

Liang has shown some strengths in these areas, which is one of the important reasons why he got the P card.

This does not mean that Lin Shidong does not have a chance.

In future competitions and training, as long as Lin Shidong can continue to improve himself and show stronger strength and potential, he still has the opportunity to occupy an important place in the national table tennis team.

For the majority of fans and spectators, we should look at the selection and development of national table tennis players with a more rational and objective attitude.

Every decision is made to achieve the overall goal and long-term development of national table tennis, rather than just meeting the expectations of individual fans.

Why was Lin Shidong not selected for the Olympic substitute list? Three reasons make Liang Jingkun more favored by national table tennis

We should trust the professional judgment and decision-making ability of the national table tennis coaching staff, and at the same time give more encouragement and support to young players.

On the road of their growth, it is inevitable that they will encounter setbacks and difficulties.

But as long as they persevere and work hard, they will definitely be able to achieve their dreams.


Although Lin Shidong's failure to obtain a P card has caused controversy, we should understand and look at this issue from a more comprehensive perspective.

At the same time, we should also pay attention to the future development direction of national table tennis and how to better cultivate and explore the potential of young players.

Only in this way can Chinese table tennis always maintain its leading position on the world stage and win more honors for the country.

Why was Lin Shidong not selected for the Olympic substitute list? Three reasons make Liang Jingkun more favored by national table tennis
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