
declined "Singer" to "save" Na Ying, this time, Tan Jing's status in the music world could not be hidden


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declined "Singer" to "save" Na Ying, this time, Tan Jing's status in the music world could not be hidden




In the once dazzling Chinese music scene, Tan Jing can be called an indispensable legend.

Her singing has shocked the hearts of countless people and created countless classics.

declined "Singer" to "save" Na Ying, this time, Tan Jing's status in the music world could not be hidden

Just when everyone was expecting her to appear on the stage again and show her peerless singing skills, she chose to disappear mysteriously.

Why did the singer, known as the "Great Demon King", suddenly withdraw from the public eye?

Is it because of some unknown insider? Or are you in an insurmountable predicament?

declined "Singer" to "save" Na Ying, this time, Tan Jing's status in the music world could not be hidden

All kinds of speculation make people reverie infinitely. Now, when she appeared on the stage again, it caused a sensation, and people couldn't help but ask: Tan Jing, what have you experienced?

Tan Jing refused "Singer" to "save" Na Ying

In 2024, as the "Singer" series will once again enter the public eye, Na Ying's name will once again be closely linked to the "hot search".

declined "Singer" to "save" Na Ying, this time, Tan Jing's status in the music world could not be hidden

This time, she won the third place with her outstanding performance in the show, but it was accompanied by heated discussions and expectations from netizens. In the eyes of many netizens, there is one singer whose absence seems to have made this music feast a little less starry, and that is Tan Jing, who is known as the "Great Demon King".

declined "Singer" to "save" Na Ying, this time, Tan Jing's status in the music world could not be hidden

Tan Jing, this name can be described as thunderous in the Chinese music scene. Since her debut, she has won the love of countless music fans with her unique voice and soulful interpretation.

declined "Singer" to "save" Na Ying, this time, Tan Jing's status in the music world could not be hidden

Her musical style is varied, whether it is soulful love songs or passionate rock, she can interpret them vividly. However, since her stunning appearance in the "Singer" program in 2014, it seems to have disappeared from the stage, which makes many fans and music fans feel sorry.

declined "Singer" to "save" Na Ying, this time, Tan Jing's status in the music world could not be hidden

Just when Na Ying won the third place, some netizens launched an appeal on social media, hoping that Tan Jing could return to the stage of "Singer" and compete with the powers. They believe that Tan Jing's voice and singing style are an indispensable part of the stage of "Singer", and her return will definitely add more highlights and highlights to the show. However, in the face of the enthusiastic calls of netizens, Tan Jing politely declined this invitation.

declined "Singer" to "save" Na Ying, this time, Tan Jing's status in the music world could not be hidden

It is reported that after learning the voices of netizens, Tan Jing expressed her gratitude to her fans through social media and said that she has been following the progress of the "Singer" program.

But she also said that her current work schedule and creative plan are quite full, and she can't find time to participate in the program recording. Although she failed to make it clear whether she would return to the stage, her response undoubtedly stimulated more speculation and expectations among netizens.

declined "Singer" to "save" Na Ying, this time, Tan Jing's status in the music world could not be hidden

Regarding Tan Jing's refusal, some netizens expressed their understanding and support. They believe that Tan Jing, as a professional singer, should focus on her own music and will not easily give up any stage to show herself. But at the same time, some netizens expressed regret and disappointment, they thought that Tan Jing's absence had caused the "Singer" program to lose a heavyweight guest.

However, regardless of whether Tan Jing will return to the stage of "Singer", her status in the Chinese music scene can no longer be ignored.

declined "Singer" to "save" Na Ying, this time, Tan Jing's status in the music world could not be hidden

Her musical talent and prowess have been widely recognized and praised, and every time she sings, people are enchanted by the beautiful melody. Although this rejection made netizens feel regretful, it also highlighted her extraordinary status and influence in the music world.

Tan Jing: A cross-border singer who came out of a musical family

On September 11, 1977, in a musical family in Houma City, Shanxi Province, a little girl was born, she was Tan Jing, who became a bright star in the Chinese music scene in the future.

declined "Singer" to "save" Na Ying, this time, Tan Jing's status in the music world could not be hidden

Tan Jing's family can be described as a musical family, and her mother Zhou Liping is a soloist in the art troupe and is quite famous in the local area. Under the influence of her mother, Tan Jing has shown a strong interest in music and extraordinary talent since she was a child.

Tan Jing's musical talent was evident at a very young age. According to her mother's recollection, Tan Jing was able to hum songs like "Sister Looking for Brother Tears" when she was more than a year old, and she sang it well.

declined "Singer" to "save" Na Ying, this time, Tan Jing's status in the music world could not be hidden

At the age of seven, she mastered the "breath" singing method, was able to sing high notes with ease, and sang the song "Mother's Kiss". Such a talent made Zhou Liping see her daughter's potential to become a singer, so she decided to consciously cultivate her daughter's musical talent.

declined "Singer" to "save" Na Ying, this time, Tan Jing's status in the music world could not be hidden

With the passage of time, Tan Jing's musical path has become wider and wider. She has been admitted to the China Conservatory of Music and the People's Liberation Army Academy of Arts for further study in popular singing, and has continuously improved her musical literacy and singing skills.

declined "Singer" to "save" Na Ying, this time, Tan Jing's status in the music world could not be hidden

In this process, she not only systematically learned national singing, popular singing and bel canto singing, but also tried to integrate different singing styles together to form her own unique cross-border singing style.

In 2000, Tan Jing ushered in an important turning point in her career. She appeared on the stage of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala for the first time and won the attention of the audience with a song. In the same year, she won the gold medal in the professional group of popular singing in the 9th Youth Song Competition, which made her stand out in the music industry and became a high-profile new star.

declined "Singer" to "save" Na Ying, this time, Tan Jing's status in the music world could not be hidden

Since then, Tan Jing's acting career has been soaring. She has appeared on the stage of CCTV Spring Festival Gala many times, sang many popular songs such as "On the Top of Nadong Mountain", and has become a well-known singer.

Her singing voice has not only won wide acclaim in China, but also gone abroad, showing the charm of Chinese music on international stages such as the Musikverein in Vienna and the Royal Albert Hall in London.

declined "Singer" to "save" Na Ying, this time, Tan Jing's status in the music world could not be hidden

In addition to the success of her singing career, Tan Jing also gained a happy family. She met and fell in love with her scientist husband Deng Zhonghan, and finally entered the palace of marriage. The two not only have a deep relationship, but also have a pair of lovely twins together. In Tan Jing's view, giving birth to twins for her scientist husband is one of the most correct decisions in her life.

declined "Singer" to "save" Na Ying, this time, Tan Jing's status in the music world could not be hidden

Tan Jing has written her own music legend with her own efforts and talents. Her story tells us that as long as we have dreams and perseverance, we will be able to achieve our dreams.

Mysteriously Disappearing: The Story Behind the Music Diva

On a certain spring night in 2017, Tan Jing, the queen of the Chinese music scene who has appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala many times and has countless fans, suddenly disappeared from major music programs and screens. For a time, all kinds of speculations and rumors flew all over the sky, which attracted the attention and heated discussions of countless audiences.

declined "Singer" to "save" Na Ying, this time, Tan Jing's status in the music world could not be hidden

At that time, there were rumors that Tan Jing's disappearance was related to her song "Moonlight in Sailim Lake", which was believed to involve sensitive ethnic issues. But such a statement is obviously untenable, because Tan Jing's music works have always been loved by the public, and her singing skills and talent have also been recognized.

declined "Singer" to "save" Na Ying, this time, Tan Jing's status in the music world could not be hidden

The timeline went back to earlier, and a person familiar with the matter broke the news that Tan Jing's disappearance was actually related to her personal life choices. It turned out that when her career was in full swing, Tan Jing chose to return to her family and had a pair of twins with her scientist husband Deng Zhonghan. For her, family may be more important than career success.

declined "Singer" to "save" Na Ying, this time, Tan Jing's status in the music world could not be hidden

Although Tan Jing's disappearance made many fans feel sorry, it also showed us her multifaceted nature as a woman, a wife, and a mother. She has not only made achievements in music, but also made her own choices on the path of life. This kind of courage and wisdom deserves the admiration and learning of each and every one of us.

declined "Singer" to "save" Na Ying, this time, Tan Jing's status in the music world could not be hidden

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