
The high-level is not ruthless, the middle level is not bad, and the three armies are tired!

author:Jiang Xiaohua Management
The high-level is not ruthless, the middle level is not bad, and the three armies are tired!

✎ Lead.

The top is not ruthless, and the position is unstable; The middle level is not "bad", and the team is not strong!

In the vast majority of enterprises, there is often a phenomenon:

The lack of decision-making of senior leaders and the poor implementation of middle-level cadres have led to the busyness of grassroots employees but it is difficult to see results.

This seems to be a common problem in many enterprise management, and the key to solving this problem lies precisely in the attitude and execution of the top and middle levels.

So, how do you solve this problem?


The top is not ruthless, and the position is unstable

The top management, as the leader of the enterprise, has the decision-making power.

The "ruthless" here does not mean that you are scheming and ruthless to your employees.

Rather, it is to be able to show unwavering determination at critical moments, have the courage to take responsibility, and have strict requirements for the team and themselves.

It is mainly reflected in the following three aspects:

(1) Self-evolution and non-relaxation

Senior managers, if they want to lead a wolf team, must first become the "wolf king" themselves.

This is not only to stand high professionally, but also to be "ruthless" in self-requirements, learn and study, until you become a leader in the industry.

This is the only way to convince the team and lead them forward.

And this kind of "ruthlessness" lies in the strict requirements of senior leaders for themselves.

The high-level is not ruthless, the middle level is not bad, and the three armies are tired!

Whether it is working hours, work attitude, or work results, senior management must take the lead and lead by example.

This is a spirit of self-discipline, but also a responsibility and responsibility for the team and yourself.

Because only in this way can you establish majesty in the team and truly earn the respect and trust of the team.

(2) Key decision-making, not soft

Every decision made by the top management is related to the fate of the enterprise.

When making decisions, you need to combine your past experience and the current situation of the company, and use data and facts to speak.

When you ask a problem, you must be able to give a solution to the problem and make the most correct choice.

Instead of just asking questions, kick the "ball" that solves the problem to subordinates.

At the same time, it is also necessary to understand that indecision and ambiguity are taboos in managers' decision-making, and they must be "ruthless" and firm enough.

When faced with a decision that you can't be sure of, you should be more ruthless and return to the essence of the problem for in-depth analysis until you can make the right decision.

From the perspective of human nature, this kind of "ruthlessness" is not only responsible for the fate of the enterprise, but also responsible for the future of the team.

A hesitant leader cannot earn the trust and respect of the team;

A leader who dares to make decisions and has the courage to take responsibility is more able to lead the team to success.

(3) Performance-driven, unambiguous

In addition to being "ruthless" to oneself and decision-making, the top management should also be "ruthless" in performance.

Because performance is not only about the business performance of the enterprise, but also about the morale of the team.

When the performance is good, the morale of the team is naturally high, and the employees see that the business is doing well and have confidence in their future.

Therefore, the top management should work the performance goals and implementation plans, rather than just completing the corresponding goal setting without an accurate implementation plan.

The high-level is not ruthless, the middle level is not bad, and the three armies are tired!

You must know that not being "ruthless" enough for performance is a blow to the morale of the team.

Over time, it will become a "flock" with no fighting spirit, allowing the "wolves" to attack wantonly.

I have always believed that to do things is to pursue results, and without the implementation of results, there is no meaning, let alone value.

Therefore, in the process of doing, the pursuit of results should be vigorously implemented, so that the performance is in charge.


The middle level is not "bad", and the team is not strong

Middle-level cadres are like the "sandwich biscuits" of the enterprise, which must not only bear the pressure from the top, but also face the expectations of the lower.

How do you do it in this position?

The answer is a bit "bad", especially when it comes to execution.

(1) Accurate speculation, in line with the upper meaning

If you want to become an outstanding middle manager, you have to learn "mind reading" and become a "roundworm" in the belly of the leader.

This is not to make you a voyeur, but to carefully observe and deeply understand in your daily work, and to "grasp" the real thoughts and needs of leaders in every detail.

From his words, expressions, and even subtle body language, he captures deep meanings and expectations.

This isn't a simple guess, but is based on an in-depth understanding of the leader's personality, management style, and the bigger picture.

This is the only way you can ensure that you are in tune with your leaders when you carry out your tasks, without stray from the direction or with any compromise in execution.

Therefore, as a middle-level person, it is necessary to spend a certain amount of time pondering the leader and gaining insight into the leader's heart.

This kind of "badness" is more like a kind of wisdom, a deep understanding and application of human nature.

When you do that, you'll find that you've become an indispensable right-hand man for leadership.

(2) Hit the nail on the head, knocking on the details

The essence of middle management is often reflected in the ultimate pursuit of details.

This kind of pursuit is not simply to complete the task, but to "hit the nail on the head", and to require subordinates to strive for perfection in every detail.

At the same time, as a middle-level player, you should also have a pair of eyes that can find the problem, quickly and accurately find the key to the problem, and then "hit the nail on the head" to solve the problem.

The high-level is not ruthless, the middle level is not bad, and the three armies are tired!

When performing tasks, subordinates are not allowed to have any negligence and flaws, and once there is a problem, return it and redo it.

This kind of "bad" is actually your ultimate control of the quality of work, and the persistent pursuit of excellence, which is not only the respect for the work, but also the responsibility for the career development of your subordinates.

Your rigor and meticulousness will also make your team members feel professional and serious, thus stimulating their enthusiasm and creativity.

Therefore, middle-level leaders should be "bad", and in the process of doing it, they should focus on the details and hit the key points of their subordinates.

When you do that, you'll find that your team has become more efficient and cohesive in execution, and you've become the leader they want to be.

(3) Adhere to principles and means with an iron fist

Middle-level cadres must show the "iron face" image in the team in a timely manner.

This kind of "iron mask" is not an unreasonable rebuke or abuse, but a rigorous work attitude and adherence to principles.

When subordinates make a matter of principle, you must stand up in front of them, break the bottom line, and never back down.

However, in today's corporate environment, there are fewer and fewer managers who dare to be "bad guys".

Many middle-level people, in order to maintain their benevolent, kind, and gentle image, assign tasks like coaxing children, and they dare not do anything to them if they can't complete the task.

Over time, such middle-level managers will have no prestige and majesty, and the team they lead will become a plate of scattered sand, and they will become the commander of the light pole.

The high-level is not ruthless, the middle level is not bad, and the three armies are tired!

At work, you don't think that as long as you maintain the image of a good person, your subordinates will give you face and cooperate with the work.

But the reality is that it is difficult to drive the team forward by relying only on "face".

When your subordinates see that you are kind and easy to compromise, they may kick their noses in the face and ignore you.

Therefore, in the face of principles, middle-level managers should be "a little bad-tempered and hard-hearted".

Treat issues of principle rigorously and seriously, treat inappropriate people and things, cut through the mess quickly, and have zero tolerance.

✎ Write at the end

Business management is not an easy task, and "ruthless at the top and bad at the middle" does not mean that you become ruthless or insidious.

Rather, it emphasizes that in the process of leadership and management, there is a need for a certain degree of decisiveness and execution.

Only in this way can enterprises be invincible in the fierce market competition.

At the same time, we must also understand that "ruthless" and "bad" are not ends but means.

The real purpose is to lead the team to achieve results and achieve the long-term development of the enterprise.

The high-level is not ruthless, the middle level is not bad, and the three armies are tired!
The high-level is not ruthless, the middle level is not bad, and the three armies are tired!