
The pension adjustment notice is about to be announced, how will the increase in the retired personnel change? Can it be 3% higher than last year?

author:Ding Ding said Finance

The annual pension adjustment always affects the hearts of thousands of retired seniors.

An encouraging news is quietly circulating among the elderly: a new round of pension adjustment notice is about to be announced!

The most concerned question for corporate retirees is: How much can my pension rise this time? Some are optimistically predicting an increase of 3% or even higher.

However, in addition to joy, we should think calmly: what is the basis for pension adjustment? How much is reasonable?

The pension adjustment notice is about to be announced, how will the increase in the retired personnel change? Can it be 3% higher than last year?

1. What is the pension adjustment mechanism for enterprise retirees?

Pension adjustment, seemingly a simple number game, is actually very knowledgeable. For corporate retirees, the adjustment of pensions is not arbitrary, but evidence-based and rule-based.

The state and local governments will comprehensively consider various factors every year to formulate pension adjustment plans.

The most important basis for this is the growth level of the average pension of enterprise retirees and the average salary of on-the-job employees in the previous year.

This "average pension" and "average salary" sound a bit abstract.

But they are directly related to the wallet of every retiree.

The pension adjustment notice is about to be announced, how will the increase in the retired personnel change? Can it be 3% higher than last year?

In general, the greater the increase in the wages of active employees, the higher the increase in pensions for retirees.

There is an important principle behind this: to let retirees share in the fruits of economic development, and ensure that their living standards improve in tandem with society.

However, pension adjustments cannot fully follow wage increases. After all, the balance of income and expenditure of the pension insurance fund is related to the sustainable development of the system.

Therefore, when the state formulates the adjustment plan, it should not only consider the increase in pensions, but also balance the income and expenditure of the fund, take into account the overall consideration, and carefully calculate to achieve the scientificity and rationality of the adjustment.

Once the adjustment plan is promulgated, all provinces and municipalities will strictly implement it. Countless pension payment details will be rewritten because of a piece of paper. Hundreds of millions of elderly people will also feel the warmth of the old-age security system.

The pension adjustment notice is about to be announced, how will the increase in the retired personnel change? Can it be 3% higher than last year?

2. What will be the increase in the pension of retired personnel this year?

This year's pension adjustment has attracted much attention. After all, in the past few years, pensions have maintained a steady growth trend. Taking 2023 as an example, the average monthly per capita pension of enterprise retirees across the country will reach 3,442 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4%.

Although this increase is not amazing, it is not easy in the context of the impact of the epidemic and the increasing downward pressure on the economy.

So in 2023, can the pension increase of retired personnel continue to rise steadily, or even higher than last year?

The answer is mixed. The good news is that the mainland's economy bottomed out in the second half of last year and showed a trend of accelerated recovery.

The pension adjustment notice is about to be announced, how will the increase in the retired personnel change? Can it be 3% higher than last year?

The wage guidance line adjustment target has also risen slightly, which is expected to provide room for pension increases.

What is worrying is that the contradiction between local fiscal revenue and expenditure is prominent, and the pressure on the pension insurance fund to be unable to offset the expenditure is still increasing.

This will undoubtedly have an impact on the strength and rhythm of pension adjustment.

This year, there may not be much room for adjustment of corporate retirees' pensions. Whether the increase can reach 3% depends on the final adjustment plan.

Even if the increase is less than expected, we should be more understanding and tolerant.

Because it is not easy to ensure that pensions are paid on time and in full.

At present, the mainland is speeding up the construction of a multi-level and multi-pillar pension insurance system.

This is crucial to enhance the sustainability of old-age security and improve the adequacy of pensions.

The pension adjustment notice is about to be announced, how will the increase in the retired personnel change? Can it be 3% higher than last year?

In the future, with the gradual improvement of this system, the pension level of corporate retirees will also usher in a sustained and stable increase.


Pension adjustment is not only a matter of increase, but also related to people's livelihood and well-being and the sustainability of the system.

Only by guaranteeing and developing in the process of development can hundreds of millions of elderly people share the fruits of reform and development and enjoy a happy old age. Let us work together to build a solid foundation for the elderly with wisdom and sweat, and warm the sunset year with care and action.