
Jia Zhangmin: Poetry Notes of a Legal Reporter (35) (5 poems)

author:Sichuan culture of rule of law

Festive Eye

Jia Zhangmin: Poetry Notes of a Legal Reporter (35) (5 poems)

Colored lanterns and wind chimes look at each other, reflecting the pulse of people's hearts

Their limitation lies in the haze of joy

The traces of the years, a trace of the past

It will not be the neon of the city or the wind of the fields that will be lost

Guarded in olive-colored ice

The jackdaw shakes its wings, and the snowflakes melt

The more joyful, but alert

The more alert, but relaxed

At the time of each wave chasing

The people who make the tide hold the red flag in their hands and do not get wet

Don't come, but watch in a dream of peace

Festive eyes, there are new shoots in the flickering of flowers and plants

The vigorous branches will enlighten this year's New Year

An ingenious layout with a new meaning

The lit heart lamp casts a clear lantern

The footsteps of the guards measure the measure of peace and tranquility

The song of the police has the grandeur of wind, frost, snow and rain

(It's always the busiest time for the police.) If you go out with the police, you will have an unexpected gain)

Dark Night

Jia Zhangmin: Poetry Notes of a Legal Reporter (35) (5 poems)

The darkness of the night obscures the dazzling colors of the day

A lot of transactions kicked off their joy

The fragrance is overflowing, but there is the grinning of an owl

Turning his smile, the skin shrank and became so dry

Writhing body, striking primal pleasure

Dark night, like the circle of a record, records its sound quality

The frustration of the night, there are waves chasing after it

Wheezing, creaking and creaking

Under the cover of the dark night, the pink lampshade melted

The stars and the moon have no light, and the accumulated power is more complicated

The flow of the dark night, the more leaky dripping wind and rain on the pillow

When there is no wind, the road is smooth and unobstructed

The weight of the dark night swells up to the movement of white clouds

can't hide it, evoking the heaviness and frivolity of laughter

The darkness is the thickest, and it seems to forget the mist outside the window

Morning star, stained with the dawn of fish belly

The sun will always dry all the cover of the dark night

When it falls in broad daylight, it is the best antiseptic

(Interviewing corruption cases, I found a phenomenon: a lot of gray transactions are carried out at night)

Lotus-like posture

Jia Zhangmin: Poetry Notes of a Legal Reporter (35) (5 poems)

As I stood there, there was a fragrance wafting in

After the storm, you don't have to see Hauni every time

The restless frogs of the pond are still shaking their wit

Each petal is a bright lotus leaf, rolling crystal droplets

The wind and rain are scattered according to the grass and trees, and the mourning has not disturbed the verdant

The tray is steady, and the hearty mood is still straight through the outside

Fluttering and scattered, it is not the character of Hibiscus with the wind

Elves poking out of the mire. Forge ahead

I will always read the sludge and the dark secrets

Clean and clean. Soothing with every ray of sunshine

Withstanding the temptation, the fish under the stem are whispering

When the wind passes, it swings in its direction a few times

But he turned the budding lotus root into his own concentration

There is always hope in my heart, waiting for autumn with clear bones

The flowers are gone, and there are still green leaves standing in the pool

At that time, the rain was beating on the brittle leaves

It makes people feel the ripe autumn mood

Moreover, the lotus root is connected to a different kind of poetry

The verdict was pronounced. Every judge stood like this

May your demeanor be like a lotus

(Attend the trial.) With this experience: the heartstrings are tightly pressed by the "all stand up and read the verdict" link)


Jia Zhangmin: Poetry Notes of a Legal Reporter (35) (5 poems)

Just to adapt to this world of plants

Drunk yourself and become a bookmark humbly folded

Look at the green tree, it's a little yellow

It is not difficult to tell that it is a dead leaf that has endured autumn and winter

Wrong. It's an animal, and life is fanning slightly

Yes, it's a quiet butterfly

How many years of evolution have taken me to develop this ability

The colorful wings are taken off, revealing sincere timidity

But courage is needed, and courage is the fullness of transformation

Withered yellow is just its commitment and discernment to the forest

Its dream is to stand in the forest surrounded by natural predators

Weak life, parasitic in the interval between life and death

Useless training, the transformation technique that finally leads to positive results

Unexpectedly, it turned into an invitation floating into the distance

Your dreams are the smiles of other people's dreams

The inconspicuous butterfly dance is the light he chases

The same dream, the dice roll different sounds

The trajectories of each other's lives are twisted and slanted like this

Your body becomes a cold specimen and you can't go home again

The poacher's confession, true and false, dripping with tears and blood

(At the foot of Mount Emei, there are many rare animals and plants.) That year, a Japanese man came here with a mysterious whereabouts. It turned out that he had come to poach a butterfly called "Dead Leaf Butterfly", make a taxidermy, and try to hide it from customs and bring it back to Japan. This is a violation of Chinese law and should be sanctioned. This reporter interviewed the case and wrote the reportage "Butterfly Dream at the Foot of Emei Mountain". Later, the article was included in the monograph "The False Report of this Case" "Sword and Shield Fengyun" album)

Seven mile incense

Jia Zhangmin: Poetry Notes of a Legal Reporter (35) (5 poems)

In front of my desk, the trellis green vine suddenly restlessed

Filled with spring rain, the branches hang down like a waterfall

The buds have not yet had time to give birth to climbing

It's all of a sudden, and it's a song of early summer

Countless white flowers, accompanied by the report of each pencil word

Even the wind and rain will not make it flutter

Bushes, such as laurel, incense its continuity

And those little grasses that are dreaming and bearing seeds

There is no such vigorous, ostentatious as the sea

Stir up the waves that connect with the distance

Walking under such a trellis, the aroma floats

The mind is clear, and it will be a storm again in a while

Each word blooms a clean fine flower

It is not broken or mixed, and it serves as a open embrace in summer

The cool green light, every gaze of the pure pen

Every time I look at it, I smile knowingly

(In the eastern suburbs of Chengdu, there is a small garden.) Every early summer, the seven miles of incense sprinkle the green shade like a waterfall. This was once the place where Sichuan Legal News started a business and forged ahead)

Author: Jia Zhangmin

Participated in the establishment of Sichuan Legal Newspaper, and served as a reporter, department director, deputy editor-in-chief and editor-in-chief of the newspaper.