
Not blanching is the same as "taking poison"? Don't forget to blanch these dishes before eating!

author:Decoration design helper

Blanching is a common pre-cooking treatment in the daily diet, especially for some vegetables, blanching can not only remove harmful substances such as oxalic acid and pesticide residues, but also improve the taste and color.

Not blanching is the same as "taking poison"? Don't forget to blanch these dishes before eating!

However, some vegetables may cause adverse health effects if cooked without blanching. Here are some of the types of vegetables that need to be blanched and why they need to be blanched.

Not blanching is the same as "taking poison"? Don't forget to blanch these dishes before eating!

1. Spinach

Spinach is a nutritious vegetable, but it contains more oxalic acid. Oxalic acid will combine with calcium in the human body to form calcium oxalate, which affects the body's absorption of calcium, and long-term intake of too much oxalic acid may also lead to problems such as stones. Therefore, it is very necessary to blanch the spinach before cooking it. By blanching, most of the oxalic acid can be removed, making spinach healthier and tastier.

Not blanching is the same as "taking poison"? Don't forget to blanch these dishes before eating!

2. Fragrant camellia

Toon is a spring delicacy, but it contains a certain amount of nitrite. Nitrite is a potential carcinogen and excessive intake is not good for human health. Blanching can effectively reduce the nitrite content in the toon, and it can also reduce the bitterness, making the toon taste more tender. So, when enjoying the delicious taste of toon, don't forget to blanch it first.

Not blanching is the same as "taking poison"? Don't forget to blanch these dishes before eating!

3. Broccoli and cauliflower

Broccoli and cauliflower are very popular light vegetables, which are rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. However, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower contain glucosinolates, which are natural compounds. During cooking, glucosinolates may be converted to thiocyanate, a substance that may affect thyroid function. And the structure of this kind of vegetable is relatively complex, and it is easy to hide dirt and dirt. Blanching removes impurities and pesticide residues from its surface, reducing glucosinolates while also making broccoli easier to cook, preserving its nutrients and taste.

Not blanching is the same as "taking poison"? Don't forget to blanch these dishes before eating!

4. Legumes and vegetables

Legumes such as green beans and lentils contain phytohemagglutinin and saponin. These substances can cause food poisoning when undercooked, causing symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc. Blanching can destroy these substances, reduce the risk of food poisoning, and ensure food safety.

Not blanching is the same as "taking poison"? Don't forget to blanch these dishes before eating!

5. Fresh daylily

Fresh daylily contains colchicine, which will be oxidized to dicolchicine after entering the human body, which has strong toxicity. By blanching, a portion of colchicine can be removed, reducing its toxicity. However, even after blanching, do not overeat fresh daylily to avoid harm to the body.

Not blanching is the same as "taking poison"? Don't forget to blanch these dishes before eating!

6. Purslane

Purslane is a wild vegetable that has certain medicinal properties. However, purslane also contains oxalic acid and other substances, and blanching can improve its taste and reduce adverse effects on the human body. Blanching purslane before eating it can make us eat more at ease.

Not blanching is the same as "taking poison"? Don't forget to blanch these dishes before eating!

7. Bamboo flute

Blanching bamboo shoots and other bamboo shoot vegetables can remove some of the oxalic acid and slightly astringent taste, and at the same time reduce the substances that may be harmful to health.

Not blanching is the same as "taking poison"? Don't forget to blanch these dishes before eating!

8. Lotus root

Lotus root contains a lot of starch, blanching can remove the starch on the surface, prevent the pot from sticking during cooking, and also remove a part of oxalic acid.

Not blanching is the same as "taking poison"? Don't forget to blanch these dishes before eating!

The steps to properly blanch are as follows:

● Prepare a pot of water: Bring the water to a boil with enough water to submerge the vegetables.

● Add vegetables: Put vegetables in boiling water and blanch them for anywhere from tens of seconds to a few minutes, depending on the type and size of the vegetables.

Not blanching is the same as "taking poison"? Don't forget to blanch these dishes before eating!

● Remove vegetables: Use a colander to remove the blanched vegetables and immediately put them in cold water to cool to stop the cooking process and maintain the color and texture of the vegetables.

● Drain the water: Drain the vegetables and use them for subsequent cooking.

Not blanching is the same as "taking poison"? Don't forget to blanch these dishes before eating!


● Don't over-blanch: Over-blanching can lead to the loss of nutrients in vegetables, such as vitamin C and B vitamins.

● Pay attention to the water temperature: the water temperature should not be too low, otherwise it will not be able to effectively remove harmful substances.

● Keep vegetables fresh: Make sure vegetables are fresh before blanching and avoid using vegetables that have gone bad.

Not blanching is the same as "taking poison"? Don't forget to blanch these dishes before eating!

In short, the statement that "not blanching is equivalent to 'taking poison'" is an exaggeration, but it also reminds us to pay attention to the handling and cooking methods of food. With the right blanching operation, we can better ensure that we can eat safely and enjoy healthy and delicious food. Let's enjoy the food while not forgetting to pay attention to health, and use scientific methods to cook and enjoy every dish.