
Overview·Night talk on the 13th floor|Pets on the high-speed rail? Netizens quarreled again

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Overview·Night talk on the 13th floor|Pets on the high-speed rail? Netizens quarreled again

[Moderator: Zhang Lixiao]

Recently, 12306 launched a high-speed rail pet transportation questionnaire, involving 15 questions such as the type of pet, whether you are willing to try high-speed rail pet transportation, and pricing standards. In the context of high-speed rail becoming the mainstream mode of travel, it is indeed worth looking forward to conducting surveys and discussions on pets on high-speed rail to provide more convenient and diversified choices for pet owners. Many pet owners welcome: "It will be much more convenient to travel without looking for foster care services" and "You can take the high-speed rail with your 'hairy child' to go to a distant place". But the questionnaire also caused non-pet owners to worry: "The high-speed rail itself is a closed space, if you bring pets, how to ensure hygiene?" What if it disturbs people or even bites people? "The topic of bringing pets on the high-speed rail has sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

Pets on high-speed rail are worth exploring and trying

Overview·Night talk on the 13th floor|Pets on the high-speed rail? Netizens quarreled again

Pet cats and dogs are expected to board the high-speed rail. Although I don't have pets, when I see this news, I can feel the anticipation and joy of the shovelers across the screen.

Nowadays, more and more people have pets, and pets have become an important member of many families. But every holiday, pet owners will always face a common problem: when traveling or returning to their hometown, what to do with the "furry child" at home? If you encounter a long-distance trip, you can often only keep your pet in a pet store or ask someone to feed it, which is not worrying about spending money. If you can really take your pet on the high-speed rail, then you don't have to give up the convenient way to travel because you have to worry about the care of your pet. It also means that it is easier to embark on a journey with your beloved pet, and the "furry child" no longer has to be a "left-behind child".

Of course, considering "passengers who don't like pets", it is recommended to set up a special pet compartment so that passengers with pets can sit in one carriage and have common topics because of the same hobbies, without disturbing other passengers.

For pet owners, we should also put forward some basic requirements, such as preparing a suitable cage for the pet, providing the necessary food and water, etc., to ensure that the pet's basic needs are met during the trip, and it is also respectful of others and the public environment.

Overall, I think pets on high-speed rail is a move worth exploring and trying. As long as everyone looks at this with an open mind and mutual respect, it can make travel more fun and welcoming.

- Han Jing

Can pets get on the high-speed rail? Don't rush to applaud just yet

Overview·Night talk on the 13th floor|Pets on the high-speed rail? Netizens quarreled again

Can pets also get on the high-speed rail? Many pet lovers on the Internet are full of expectations for this and have applauded this service, hoping to land as soon as possible. However, I have also seen voices that disapprove of pets getting on the high-speed rail, such as constructive opinions and suggestions from the perspective of safety and public health, and these reasons for not supporting them are also valid.

The topic of "pets on high-speed rail" is controversial at the moment. Those who support and those who oppose each other are not small. As a non-pet owner, I think pets should be cautious when getting on the high-speed rail. From the perspective of the service attributes of high-speed rail, its main function is to carry passengers, especially during peak travel periods such as holidays, and some popular high-speed rail lines are often difficult to find. Therefore, before launching a diversified service such as "pets on the high-speed rail", you may wish to give priority to meeting the travel needs of most tourists.

Secondly, when the high-speed rail is in operation, the carriage is a confined space, and if pets produce excrement on the train, this will inevitably affect the environment of the carriage, reduce the comfort of high-speed rail travel, and reduce the riding experience of high-speed rail. As a mode of public travel, the interests and demands of all aspects should be respected and taken into account, pet owners have the need to travel with pets, and non-pet owners also have the right to be free from being "interfered with". Before getting on the high-speed rail, come up with a meticulous and thorough rule, balance the concerns of all parties, clarify the boundaries, define rights and responsibilities, and let the pets get on the high-speed rail to achieve both, want, and more.

- Ren Kai

Pets on the high-speed rail provided that the rights and interests of passengers cannot be infringed

Overview·Night talk on the 13th floor|Pets on the high-speed rail? Netizens quarreled again

If I had to answer, "Can pets take the high-speed train?" My answer to this question is: Yes. But there is a very important premise for this answer - the "right" of pets to ride the high-speed rail cannot infringe on the rights and interests of other passengers.

Some people say that allowing pets to ride the high-speed rail not only directly reflects our friendliness towards pets, but also takes a step towards a deeper level of civilization. I think so. For pet owners, it is natural to be happy to see this kind of "friendliness", because it saves the trouble of pet boarding and the fun of pet companionship. But is it also "friendly" enough for other passengers? After all, every passenger on the high-speed rail has the need for personal safety, the need to ensure health, the need for a relatively quiet environment, and the need for fresh air......

If pets are allowed on the high-speed rail, then the relevant departments of the high-speed rail need to check the pet epidemic prevention and quarantine certificates, and equip the "hardware" and "software" in many aspects such as the safe entry and exit of pets in and out of the station, the safe isolation of pets and passengers in the carriage, the sudden illness of pets, and the short-term feeding of pets.

In this way, the questionnaire is still some distance away from the scene of "taking pets on high-speed rail". We are all looking forward to shortening this distance.

- and Xiaojia

Presenter :

So the crux of the question is not whether pets can get on the high-speed rail, but what to do after getting on the high-speed rail? On the one hand, it is necessary to understand the deep affection of pet owners for their pets; On the other hand, it is important to take into account the feelings and rights of other passengers and ensure that they are not disturbed by pets. It is hoped that the railway authorities will comprehensively consider the opinions of all parties, conduct in-depth discussions on various problems, and propose reasonable solutions. The safety issues that the public is most concerned about have been solved, and I believe that it will not be too far away to take the "hairy child" to travel on the high-speed rail.


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