
She is good-looking, has good acting skills, and the happiest thing is to marry a good husband and give birth to a lovely son

author:Magical Workshop

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She is good-looking, has good acting skills, and the happiest thing is to marry a good husband and give birth to a lovely son

Looking back on the past time, Cui Yi was full of emotion. Born in the beautiful Hefei, Anhui Province, she exudes a sweet atmosphere since she was a child, and her lively and cheerful personality makes her loved by her family.

Cui Yi has loved singing and dancing since she was a child, so her parents sent her to a professional music school and dance school for further study.

After finishing his studies, Cui Yi was successfully admitted to the Beijing Film Academy, and was fortunate to worship under the famous director Huang Lei and became an outstanding member of the class of 1997.

In 1998, Cui Yi played the role of Qiao Xiaoxue in the youth campus series "The Story of the Performance Department" starring He Lin, thus officially stepping into the showbiz and starting her dazzling acting career.

She is good-looking, has good acting skills, and the happiest thing is to marry a good husband and give birth to a lovely son

In the palace of performing arts, Cui Yi is undoubtedly an artist with strict requirements for details and the pursuit of excellence. She knows that if she wants to go further on the road of acting, she must rely on her profound acting skills and touch the hearts of the audience through delicate details.

Today, she is a woman with a successful career and a happy family, with beautiful appearance, excellent acting skills, a smart and clever son and a gentle and considerate husband.

However, all the good things come from the person she met when she was young - Li Ye.

Recalling the clever, brave and fearless Xiaoxi character in the classic "The Wrong Sedan to Marry the Right Lang", Cui Yi at that time had just set foot in the entertainment industry, and with his superb acting skills and deep-rooted image, he instantly became popular and became the heroine of many TV series.

She is good-looking, has good acting skills, and the happiest thing is to marry a good husband and give birth to a lovely son

She had thought that her future was full of hope and that she was destined to become a dazzling star.

However, life is always full of unknown variables. The heavy responsibility of raising children and taking care of her mother after marriage forced her to cut back on the filming time. When she devotes herself to her work again, she finds that she has been positioned in the role of "mother".

Although playing the role of a mother born in the 80s is a little exaggerated, the majority of netizens have praised her positive attitude. As an actor, Cui Yi knows how important it is to be able to create various types of roles, no matter how big or small the role is, no matter how old or young, as long as it can show the unique charm of the character, it is a success.

It was a hot summer in 2000, Cui Yi was in her third year of college, she met Li Ye, and the two fell in love at first sight and quickly established a relationship.

She is good-looking, has good acting skills, and the happiest thing is to marry a good husband and give birth to a lovely son

Li Ye hails from Qingdao, China's beautiful coastal city, while Cui Yi is only 19 years old. However, after graduating from the world-renowned Shanghai Theatre Academy, Li Ye has become a first-class actor in a well-known national theater and a visiting professor of acting at Tsinghua University.

It's amazing that at that time, Cui Yi didn't know anything about this man who was three years older than herself, but she didn't know that this seemingly ordinary man would become her husband in the future, and with his endless love and care, he guarded her body and mind, as well as supported her in any difficulties.

In just three months, Li Ye took the initiative to express to Cui Yi that she was willing to take her mother over to spend time with them.

Cui Yi's mother suffered from rheumatoid arthritis from the day she was born, which was considered an extremely serious and disabling condition at the time, so it was called "immortal cancer".

She is good-looking, has good acting skills, and the happiest thing is to marry a good husband and give birth to a lovely son

Over the years, the mother has been suffering from severe illness, and as her daughter leaves her hometown to study, the longing between mother and daughter has deepened.

In the face of all this, Cui Yi felt extremely helpless. However, as her boyfriend, Li Ye saw her pain, so he thoughtfully suggested to her to live together.

Cui Yi didn't expect that she would encounter such a major thing when she had just entered love, but Li Ye accepted it without hesitation.

First of all, Li Ye unreservedly accepted Cui's mother, who was seriously ill, and when Cui's mother's health deteriorated, he took care of her even harder. Since then, Cui's mother's almost desperate life has rekindled hope, and Li Ye has become the "true son" in her heart.

She is good-looking, has good acting skills, and the happiest thing is to marry a good husband and give birth to a lovely son

When Cui's mother first came to Beijing, her finger joints were severely deformed, her movement was extremely difficult, and she even needed help to go up and down the stairs.

When Li Ye greeted Cui's mother at the station, he did not hesitate to take his new family out of the taxi and came to their cozy nest - the fifth floor of an apartment without an elevator, in the face of such a difficult environment, he did not hesitate or be dissatisfied, but directly expressed his deep love to Cui's mother.

Since then, at least twice a day, Li Ye has effortlessly carried Cui's mother up and down the stairs, even on the way to the park, Cui's mother sits on the back seat of the bicycle he pushes.

Arriving in Beijing, Cui's mother, who lives under the careful care of her daughter and future son-in-law, has gotten rid of that troublesome depression! Unfortunately, even in such a warm environment, there is still no ideal solution for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

She is good-looking, has good acting skills, and the happiest thing is to marry a good husband and give birth to a lovely son

However, Li Ye did not choose to give up. He resolutely decided to accompany Cui's mother for a walk every day, guarding her side every night, and using exquisite massage skills to relieve her pain. After a long period of hard work, Cui's mother's condition finally improved, and even the doctor sighed that this was simply a medical miracle!

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, in 2006, Cui's mother accidentally fell at home, resulting in a comminuted fracture of the hip. Due to the long-term use of hormone drugs, her bones became extremely fragile and could not bear the risk of plate implant surgery, so she had to take conservative treatment and patiently wait for the bone to heal naturally.

During those long and difficult three months, Li Ye consistently waited by Cui's mother's side, turning over, bathing, and cleaning up for her, and never felt any discomfort or embarrassment.

In contrast, Cui Yi, who is a daughter, has only served a urinal for her mother, and she already feels extremely uncomfortable, and even vomits more than seeing this scene, Cui's mother is full of emotion and can't help but sigh: "People are right, Li Ye is my real son."

She is good-looking, has good acting skills, and the happiest thing is to marry a good husband and give birth to a lovely son

A few years later, Cui Yi and Li Ye tied the knot amid warm congratulations from relatives and friends. On September 20, 2009, they made a joint vow on the beautiful Qingdao seaside, willing to share weal and woe, and be together through thick and thin, and accompany each other for a lifetime.

Soon after, they met the crystallization of love - a handsome and cute boy named "Dragon Fruit". Since this little life came into the world, Li Ye has shown the side of a "gold medal nanny", taking care of his wife and children wholeheartedly, and taking care of Cui Yi's mother and son meticulously.

During Cui Yi's pregnancy, Li Ye had already taken good care of her and the baby in her belly. After giving birth, he became a "top confinement lady", who could do everything from breastfeeding, changing diapers to cleaning and hygiene.

Cui Yi often jokes that she seems to have become the baby who needs to be taken care of, and Li Ye is the real mother, because he cares for the child far more than she imagined.

She is good-looking, has good acting skills, and the happiest thing is to marry a good husband and give birth to a lovely son

Every time she sees her husband gently touching the child, Cui Yi's heart will be filled with endless happiness.

However, Li Ye's warm-heartedness is not limited to this, he also actively cares about his father-in-law's life. After Cui Yi's father retired, Li Ye took the initiative to take him to Beijing, and the family shared the joy of family.

On the occasion of the festive season, Li Ye always dutifully cooks delicious and nourishing delicacies for the elders to enjoy, ensuring that her in-laws are satisfied, happy, carefree, and have no worries.

Cui Yi often lamented that Li Ye is really an "all-round" son-in-law, and people can rest assured that they can properly handle the affairs of the family.

She is good-looking, has good acting skills, and the happiest thing is to marry a good husband and give birth to a lovely son

In daily life, Li Ye always pays attention to the various needs of his family with a delicate and nuanced attitude. Cui Yi doesn't need to worry about housework, because every time he comes home, he can always see a neat and orderly residence, clean and tidy clothes are ironed and neatly hung in the wardrobe, and three meals a day are also presented on time on the dining table.

Sometimes, when she returns home from her busy filming work, she is even more pleasantly surprised to find that her son has been carefully cared for and fed by Li Ye, and the baby is sleeping peacefully on the bed.

Cui Yi once said emotionally that it was a blessing to be able to meet Li Ye, a "100% perfect husband".

Even Cui Yi's father deeply felt the thoughtful care of this "son-in-law". The family of four is harmonious and harmonious, and Li Ye interprets the true meaning of "family" with practical actions.

She is good-looking, has good acting skills, and the happiest thing is to marry a good husband and give birth to a lovely son

In the hit TV series "A Little Forest for Two", Cui Yi and Li Ye played the heroine's parents - Yu's father and Yu's mother. Their sweet and warm interaction in the play is a true portrayal of their real life.

The only difference is that they have a pair of children in the play, while in real life they only have a smart, handsome and dashing son.

Mr. Lin Yutang once said: "Happiness is actually very simple, but it is just four things: one is to lie in the comfort of your own bed; the second is to taste the food cooked by the parents; the third is to listen to the affectionate confession of the lover; Fourth, play with the children.

For Cui Yi, she is immersed in such happiness every day, all because of Li Ye's company.

She is good-looking, has good acting skills, and the happiest thing is to marry a good husband and give birth to a lovely son

Cui Yi knows that this happiness is not easy to come by, and it all stems from Li Ye's sincere and deep love for his family. Since he was young, he actively accepted her mother to live together, and then took care of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, until now, he still cares for his wife and children, Li Ye has used practical actions for more than 20 years to interpret what true love is.

His heart is pure and kind, empathetic, and generous, and this kindness warms the hearts of Cui Yi's whole family, making them regard Li Ye as the closest person in the family.

In fact, Li Ye has a high reputation among his friends and has left a deep and good impression on people. Many people praised him for his thoughtfulness and high sense of responsibility, saying that it is rare to find a husband like Li Ye, which can be described as one of the few.

Cui Yi once expressed her luck unabashedly, and even her mother was amazed, thinking that Li Ye treated her more filial than her own children.

She is good-looking, has good acting skills, and the happiest thing is to marry a good husband and give birth to a lovely son

Cui Yi has publicly declared her deep feelings for her husband many times, and she said frankly that life may be full of hardships, but as long as Li Ye is by her side, all difficulties will turn into sweetness.

From the first acquaintance to the mutual affection, Li Ye used practical actions to interpret what true love is. Not only does he have a handsome appearance and elegant temperament, but more importantly, he has a pure, kind, empathetic and generous heart.

It is this kind of quality that deeply touches the hearts of Cui Yi and his family, making them regard Li Ye as the closest relative in the family.

On the drama stage, Cui Yi has experienced the pain of not being able to love, and has also played the role of a third party who destroys the feelings of others, but these are limited to the fictional world of drama.

She is good-looking, has good acting skills, and the happiest thing is to marry a good husband and give birth to a lovely son

In real life, she is a person who cherishes feelings very much, and what she pursues is that pure, simple love. And Li Ye is the ideal partner who can give her sincere love, care for her and her family, and bring her endless sense of security.

In the face of Li Ye's deep affection for his mother, Cui Yi knows that it not only contains family affection that blood is thicker than water, but also stems from his sincere love for his mother. Therefore, although her career was booming at that time, her income far exceeded that of Li Ye, and she had many suitors and a noble status, she still unswervingly chose Li Ye and became his wife.

Now, they have spent 23 springs, summers, autumns and winters together, and their son is an adult. Cui Yi is looking forward to spending every twenty years and beyond with her husband until the last moment of her life.

For her, having a partner like Li Ye is the greatest happiness and glory in her life.