
From the perspective of human nature, it is impossible to understand why Luo Ji changed from a savior to a tyrant in "The Three-Body Problem".

author:Jingshi Xiao Rain Pack

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From the perspective of human nature, it is impossible to understand why Luo Ji changed from a savior to a tyrant in "The Three-Body Problem".

Today's topic:

In "The Three-Body Problem", Luo Ji gradually changed from a savior to a tyrant, which I can't understand from the perspective of human nature, but this is a fact in the novel. Why is that?

Luo Ji, I want to eat apples, and I want the Three Gorges to release water to wash me.

From the perspective of human nature, it is impossible to understand why Luo Ji changed from a savior to a tyrant in "The Three-Body Problem".

If you want a girl of your dreams, I'll directly bring a party of 100,000 people [wit]

If you want to /text, I will /martial, if you want to oppose/right/lean, I will expand/expand/transform, anyway, this pot/you are determined

I just want to ask, what kind of tyrant is logic? Is he tyrannical, or arrogant and lascivious, or is he relying on deterrence to let the three-body naked immigrate? He just forged himself into a wall at the bottom of a few thousand meters, blocking the wind and rain and cruelty for most of the century, so that the people behind him would have the time and environment to judge whether he was with tyrants and executioners. Man is always pathetic to live in his own cognition, so man does not appreciate logic.

From the perspective of human nature, it is impossible to understand why Luo Ji changed from a savior to a tyrant in "The Three-Body Problem".

Yes, he just relied on deterrence to make the Trisolaran First Fleet turn. The Trimaran First Fleet is likely to be destroyed as a result. When the three-body image became better in the eyes of the earth's humans, this incident made the earthlings feel that Luo Ji was cruel. [smiles]

So, if Luo Ji wants to press the button all day long because he is in a bad mood, people around the world will probably love him [Think]

Humanity is

One word, cheap

Two words, forgetfulness

At the beginning, when the flower was under the moon, it was called Xiao Tiantian, and now the new person is better than the old person, so it is called Mrs. Niu.

From the perspective of human nature, it is impossible to understand why Luo Ji changed from a savior to a tyrant in "The Three-Body Problem".

I wondered what was going on with the wind now, wasn't it Da Liu who beat a lot of Nobel Prizes? [Cool]

The saints are unkind, and they use the people as dogs

However, Luo Ji's spiritual thoughts can already be compared to saints

From the perspective of human nature, it is impossible to understand why Luo Ji changed from a savior to a tyrant in "The Three-Body Problem".

Wrong, the button is related to the survival of two planets, it is an unimaginable responsibility, and a person who has no sense of the world will not bear this responsibility.

Great love without love

I care, but the way to protect what I care about is not to care, and to care doesn't make the things I care about, and not to care is okay.

I have a different opinion, the third part is called "The Eternal Life of the Four Gods", my understanding is that it doesn't matter who is right and who is wrong, the universe will eventually perish, and so will mankind.

If you talk about Luo Ji and Cheng Xin in the background that the universe will eventually end, it belongs to talking about toxicity aside from measurement. It is equivalent to saying that modern society is very developed, and the feudal dynasty is gone, so what Wen Tianxiang, Yue Fei and other people who defend the people of the country do, and even those who sell the country to seek glory, it doesn't matter who is right and who is wrong, because the feudal system has perished. [Blackface]
From the perspective of human nature, it is impossible to understand why Luo Ji changed from a savior to a tyrant in "The Three-Body Problem".

Cheng Xin has been doing the right thing except for the sword bearer, without Cheng Xin, there would be no lightspeed spaceship, if Cheng Xin handed over his property to Luo Ji at the beginning, the human race would have survived

But pull it down, she's not doing the right thing, she's doing nothing to avoid making mistakes [smiles]

Yes, I don't quite understand, you can scold Cheng Xin no matter what, but you can't scold Luo Ji. It's outrageous [cool drag]

From the perspective of human nature, it is impossible to understand why Luo Ji changed from a savior to a tyrant in "The Three-Body Problem".

Well, even if the fourth part comes out, Luo Ji has already been two-dimensional.

From the perspective of human nature, it is impossible to understand why Luo Ji changed from a savior to a tyrant in "The Three-Body Problem".
About the things I did when I turned into a two-dimensional world and became a tyrant [wit]

I am not at all surprised that the general public had such ignorant ideas, but I don't think it is very reasonable that the high-level laws at that time also had such ideas and decisions

From the perspective of human nature, it is impossible to understand why Luo Ji changed from a savior to a tyrant in "The Three-Body Problem".

And I personally feel that it's really unfair. Luo Ji because they suffered like this. How chic you are when you are not an executor, and then look at what kind of life you live after becoming an executor, you are still restricted and monitored everywhere, and the pressure and responsibility are still great. Normal people are easy to be driven crazy, but Luo Ji is not crazy and has been working hard to resist, guarding his beliefs, and tolerating betrayal and blame again and again, so he was still said to be a tyrant, and he lost his wife and children.

If I wanted to press it a long time ago, I don't care what a tyrant is, I just need me to be comfortable, and if I'm uncomfortable, I'll go on the road together, who is afraid of who [stupid and innocent]
From the perspective of human nature, it is impossible to understand why Luo Ji changed from a savior to a tyrant in "The Three-Body Problem".

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