
I heard that the salespeople in the sixties and seventies of the last century were super awesome, is it true?

author:Puppy Uji

Although nowadays shop and supermarket salesmen are considered by some to be a low-level profession, in the sixties and seventies of the last century, salesmen in state and collective units were highly respected. However, some people pointed out that salespeople at that time often behaved arrogantly and did not take others seriously because of their high status.

I heard that the salespeople in the sixties and seventies of the last century were super awesome, is it true?

I heard that the salespeople in the sixties and seventies of the last century were super awesome, is it true?

People who have experienced the sixties and seventies of the last century know that the salesmen at that time were really awesome, because people had the capital of cattle.

In the 60s of the last century, when the mainland was still in the era of planned economy, coupled with the shortage of domestic materials, many items were planned to be supplied, and you may not be able to buy some scarce materials if you have money.

At that time, some salesmen in the grain station and supply and marketing cooperatives were very popular, and many people had to go inside, and after entering the inside, they had a feeling of superiority.

I heard that the salespeople in the sixties and seventies of the last century were super awesome, is it true?

Due to the interference of the Great Leap Forward, the people's commune, and the Cultural Revolution, the mainland's economic development has been sluggish and it has been in a seller's market for a long time. Being a salesperson not only has a decent job, but also can buy in-demand goods. I remember that in the 70s, the clothes I wore were really good, and the card fabrics were quite in demand, and even the black cloth shoes made in Xuchang were difficult to buy. Whenever I see the salesperson who works in the store buy these goods, I envy them.

I heard that the salespeople in the sixties and seventies of the last century were super awesome, is it true?

By 1996, the mainland had seen an oversupply of commodities and began to shift from a seller's market to a buyer's market. After the goods were marketed, the position of the salesperson was replaced by the purchaser. Within the enterprise, it is very face-saving to be able to enter the supply department, and the people in the supply department walk out on the street, and the suppliers greet each other with smiling faces. On the contrary, if the people in the sales department want to sell the products, in addition to relying on their connections, they also have to pay for dinner out of their own pockets. It's really thirty years in the east of the river and thirty years in the west of the river.

I heard that the salespeople in the sixties and seventies of the last century were super awesome, is it true?

There is a Western proverb that "the customer is God". In the sixties and seventies, the salesman was God. At that time, the material department often carried out "smile service" activities, which was difficult to achieve. Because he is annoyed by the number of customers, and he is even more annoyed by asking questions, how can he laugh. Today's store clerks are eager for customers to squeeze their scalps, because there are more customers and more money is earned. At that time, the salesman wished that there was not a single customer, and he was idle and still received a fixed monthly salary.