
Cancer cells prefer 3 flavors, the most afraid of 1 taste, now know that it's not too late, I advise you to change it as soon as possible!

author:Director Xu Health said

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As soon as Dr. Li sat down, a patient walked in the doorway, with doubts and worries on his face, obviously something important to ask.

The patient's name is Zhang Ming, and he is an ordinary middle school teacher. With a hint of nervousness on his face, Zhang Ming said directly: "Doctor Li, I heard that cancer cells are particularly interested in certain things, can you explain to me in detail?" ”

Cancer cells prefer 3 flavors, the most afraid of 1 taste, now know that it's not too late, I advise you to change it as soon as possible!

Dr. Li nodded, smiled and started a paragraph: "Teacher Zhang, it is true. Cancer cells do have their preferred 'taste' and are particularly 'afraid' of certain things. Let's talk about these things, I hope it helps you. ”

Zhang Ming took out his notebook and prepared to record. Dr. Lee continued, "First of all, there are three 'tastes' that cancer cells particularly prefer, which can be said to be high in sugar, fat and salt. You know, these three things are ubiquitous in the modern diet, but excessive intake can greatly increase the risk of cancer. ”

Cancer cells prefer 3 flavors, the most afraid of 1 taste, now know that it's not too late, I advise you to change it as soon as possible!

Zhang Ming hurriedly asked, "Does that mean I have to avoid these foods altogether?" Dr. Li shook his head, "Not exactly. The key is to control the amount and choose healthy food sources. For example, choosing low- or sugar-free foods, replacing animal fats with healthy vegetable oils, and reducing the intake of processed foods are naturally beneficial. ”

Cancer cells prefer 3 flavors, the most afraid of 1 taste, now know that it's not too late, I advise you to change it as soon as possible!

Then, Dr. Lee mentioned that cancer cells are most afraid of one of the 'smells', and that is cellulose. Fiber is mainly found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, which help maintain a healthy intestinal environment and reduce the formation and absorption of carcinogens. Zhang Ming was a little surprised: "It turns out that eating vegetables and fruits still has this effect!" ”

Cancer cells prefer 3 flavors, the most afraid of 1 taste, now know that it's not too late, I advise you to change it as soon as possible!

"That's right." Dr. Lee adds, "Not only does it directly fight cancer cells, but fiber-rich foods also promote the growth of probiotics in the gut, which indirectly helps us fight off diseases. ”

Dr. Lee then spent a lot of time explaining how to reduce the risk of cancer through dietary modifications and lifestyle changes. He elaborated on various alternatives to healthy foods and bad habits, and in plain language, brought out the complex links between diet and cancer.

Cancer cells prefer 3 flavors, the most afraid of 1 taste, now know that it's not too late, I advise you to change it as soon as possible!

Zhang Ming carefully recorded every piece of advice, and he felt like he was taking a very important lesson. Dr. Lee's words are interspersed with humorous metaphors and vivid examples, making the whole process both relaxing and educational.

Towards the end of the lecture, Zhang Ming suddenly asked, "Dr. Li, is there any good way to help us avoid cancer in our daily life, besides diet?" ”

Cancer cells prefer 3 flavors, the most afraid of 1 taste, now know that it's not too late, I advise you to change it as soon as possible!

Dr. Li nodded: "Of course, for example, maintain a moderate level of physical activity. Exercise can strengthen the body, improve metabolism, and help reduce the potential environment for cancer cells to grow in the body. Committing to at least half an hour of moderate-intensity exercise every day, whether walking, swimming, or cycling, is a great option. ”

Cancer cells prefer 3 flavors, the most afraid of 1 taste, now know that it's not too late, I advise you to change it as soon as possible!

After hearing this, Zhang Ming felt suddenly enlightened, and he felt that the information he received today would have a profound impact on his life. He thanked Dr. Li for his patient answers and left the consultation room with a loaded notebook.

I secretly decided that from today onwards, I would gradually change my lifestyle, stay away from the "smell that cancer cells like" as much as possible, and attract more "smell that cancer cells are afraid of".

Cancer cells prefer 3 flavors, the most afraid of 1 taste, now know that it's not too late, I advise you to change it as soon as possible!

What do you think about cancer? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Cancer cells prefer 3 flavors, the most afraid of 1 taste, now know that it's not too late, I advise you to change it as soon as possible!