
12 "Strictly Prohibited", effective from now on!

author:Jintang release

Recently, the General Office of the Ministry of Education issued it

Notice and Reminder on Carrying out the Action of "Standardized Management Year" for Basic Education

The "Year of Standardized Management" for basic education will be launched

For basic education

From the bottom line of safety, daily management disorder, teacher ethics and anomie, etc

Carry out key standardization and rectification in three aspects

It also lists 12 negative lists for the standardized management of basic education

12 "Strictly Prohibited", effective from now on!
12 "Strictly Prohibited", effective from now on!

Negative list for the standardized management of basic education

1. It is strictly forbidden to have erroneous words or deeds such as opposing Party and socialism, vilifying the image of the Party and the State, slandering Party and State leaders or heroic models, splitting the country, distorting history, or beautifying aggression, or disseminating or forwarding relevant erroneous views in public or through the Internet.

2. It is strictly forbidden to investigate and rectify formalism in campus safety, to allow major campus safety hazards, to conceal and lie about major accidents, or to handle them improperly.

3. It is strictly forbidden for teachers to discriminate against students from disadvantaged groups, and to carry out corporal punishment, covert corporal punishment, verbal abuse, beatings, sexual harassment, or other conduct that insults the personal dignity of students.

4. It is strictly forbidden to have bullying behavior on campus such as bullying the few, bullying the weak, or bullying the small, or teachers ignoring or condoning student bullying.

5. It is strictly forbidden to use promotion rates or test scores to evaluate and rank schools, issue promotion targets, and rank, reward and punish teachers.

6. It is strictly forbidden for schools in the compulsory education stage to organize all kinds of examinations for the purpose of selecting students, or to use all kinds of competition certificates, social training results, examination certificates, and so forth as the basis for enrollment.

7. It is strictly forbidden for schools to violate the uniform provisions of the administrative departments for education to start school early, delay holidays, or use holidays, winter and summer vacations to organize students to make up classes collectively.

8. It is strictly forbidden to arrange students' sleep time in violation of national regulations, or to occupy students' "10 minutes between classes" in various ways.

9. It is strictly forbidden to violate the provisions of the national curriculum plan by arbitrarily adjusting, adding, or removing curricula, or crowding out class time for moral education, physical education, aesthetic education, labor education, and comprehensive practical activities.

10. It is strictly forbidden to assign homework that exceeds the total amount and duration prescribed by the administrative departments for education, or to assign repetitive or punitive assignments.

11. It is strictly forbidden to use teaching materials and teaching aids in violation of regulations, or to force or induce students to purchase books, electronic products, teaching materials, stationery, and so forth through designated channels in any form.

12. It is strictly forbidden for schools to violate the regulations on the management of fees by increasing the items of fees, raising the standards of fees, expanding the scope of fees, deducting and misappropriating all kinds of funds issued to students, and so forth.

12 "Strictly Prohibited", effective from now on!

Establish a supervision and exposure mechanism and a reputation evaluation system

The Ministry of Education requires all localities to start implementation from now on, improve and refine the negative list, comprehensively self-examine and rectify, and will further promote the implementation of standardized management requirements through cross-city and county cross-research, responsible supervision into schools, and professional force guidance. The Ministry of Education will conduct assessments in due course, provide feedback and report on existing problems.

In addition, the Ministry of Education's "Year of Standardized Management" action on basic education will also establish a supervision and exposure mechanism and a reputation evaluation system, requiring local education administrative departments to-

  • It is necessary to unblock and publicize and standardize the channels for accepting reports on running schools, such as telephones, mailboxes, and online platforms, and widely accept the supervision of students' parents, people's congress deputies, members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and all sectors of society on the conduct of running schools.
  • Establish an exposure station to publicly circulate and criticize schools that have been verified to be true in violation of laws and regulations.
  • Strengthen the daily supervision of the school's conduct through parent committees, specially invited supervisors, and other means.
  • Explore the establishment of a reputation evaluation system for basic education in running and governing schools, truthfully recording the non-standard conduct of education departments and schools in all regions, and separately displaying matters that have major safety incidents, trigger major public opinion, and cause a vile social impact.

The Ministry of Education requires administrative departments for education at all levels to increase the extent of punishment for school-running behaviors that violate the provisions of the negative list and touch the bottom line, and strictly pursue responsibility in accordance with laws and regulations. For the administrative departments of education that ignore the school's violations, perfunctory responsibility, or ineffective handling, the administrative departments for education at the higher level are to supervise and hold accountable.

(Source: Chengdu release)