
Wuhua Huacheng Huangpu Village: Zhuangyuan's former residence "digging treasure" and the construction of a typical village in Hemei Village

author:South + client

A "treasure digging" operation has made a big change in Huangpu Village.

"Huangpu Village has a deep history and culture and rich cultural and tourism resources, but in the past, for various reasons, it covered up the gold and shined." Li Xianyong, secretary of the general party branch of Huangpu Village, said that Huacheng Town began the "digging treasure" action, repairing the former residence of Li Weiguang, excavating the cultural connotation of the champion, and creating relevant supporting facilities through the radiation of the former residence, so as to promote the rapid development of the cultural tourism industry with the revitalization of the champion culture.

Wuhua Huacheng Huangpu Village: Zhuangyuan's former residence "digging treasure" and the construction of a typical village in Hemei Village

It is worth mentioning that Huangpu Village has greatly improved the surrounding living environment by renovating Li Weiguang's former residence, which not only allows the villagers to enjoy the "poetry and distance" at their doorstep, but also allows Huangpu Village to derive a "beautiful economy". The villagers bluntly said that the former residence has been repaired, the environment is also beautiful, and the popularity is even more prosperous.

At present, Huangpu Village is taking advantage of the east wind of the "Millions of Projects", adhering to the principle of "revitalizing rural development and building a new look of the countryside", focusing on party building to promote revitalization, working together to seek development, vigorously and orderly promoting the demonstration construction of typical villages, and showing the new look of the current Yuanfudi. At the same time, with the opportunity of the opening of the Meilong high-speed railway in the second half of the year, we will accelerate the completion of the shortcomings and weaknesses of the development of the cultural tourism industry, so that the villagers can really eat "tourist meals" at their doorsteps.

The environment is beautiful

Celebrity Homes "Come to Life"

"Come in and have a cup of tea." Zhang Damiang, a villager who lives next door to Li Weiguang's former residence, has an open door and a neat and clean house. "After the former residence was renovated, the surrounding environment was much better, especially the asphalt road at the door, and the whole village was opened."

Walking on the Zhuangyuan Road in Huangpu Village in the face of good weather, the road trees on both sides extend into the distance, and the well-repaired former residence of Li Weiguang is particularly beautiful in the field and has become a landscape in the village. Gone are the days of dirt and mess, replaced by pedestrian greenways and recreational parks and squares.

Wuhua Huacheng Huangpu Village: Zhuangyuan's former residence "digging treasure" and the construction of a typical village in Hemei Village

"By renovating the former residence, we have greatly improved the surrounding living environment, including repairing about 15 kilometers of roads, and improving the environmental area of nearly 3,000 square meters." Li Xianyong said that the environment has become beautiful and popular, which is the biggest change in Huangpu Village.

Li Weiguang Wenzai Wudou and Wuguan Huaxia were the champions of martial arts in the 37th year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty and the only champions in Meizhou. He fought for half his life, from the imperial front with a sword to the general army of South Australia, made great contributions to the coastal defense of southern Xinjiang, and was awarded the title of "Fourth Martial Arts General".

The ancestors traveled far away, and the civil engineering was here. Li Weiguang's outstanding merits and noble character can be glimpsed from the objects, scenes, bricks and tiles of his former residence, he is a resounding local business card, and has a great representative in the Hakka culture of Meizhou, which advocates literature and martial arts.

The former residence of Li Weiguang is one of the well-preserved former residences of celebrities in Wuhua County, covering an area of 4,140 square meters and a grand scale. The former residence still retains the Tieguan knife and Lianwu stone used by Li Weiguang, and stores the holy decree of the year and the plaque given by the emperor, which has high protection value.

Wuhua Huacheng Huangpu Village: Zhuangyuan's former residence "digging treasure" and the construction of a typical village in Hemei Village

Huangpu Village promotes the development of the local cultural tourism industry by excavating the connotation of champion culture. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

Take a small tour in the former residence, the atmosphere of martial arts is still strong, and plaques are everywhere. Plaques such as "Champion and First", "Imperial Guard", "Huiyuan", "Jinshi", "Shishou Guo's Grace" and "Shishou Enlun" are the testimonies of Li Weiguang's glorious life. These words use a strong pen grid to show Li Weiguang's outstanding achievements, adding a bit of charm to this former residence and highlighting the power of Wu Zhuangyuan culture.

The locals are deeply aware that preserving the former residence is not the goal, so that the cultural connotation of the champion in the former residence can be passed on from generation to generation, so that more people can feel it, so that the former residence of the celebrity can be regarded as "alive". The local government set up an exhibition in Li Weiguang's former residence, displaying a large number of precious historical pictures and cultural relics, which truly and vividly reflected Li Weiguang's life of aspiring as a young child, writing five buckets, Wuguan Huaxia, and serving the country with loyalty.

"Li Weiguang is a role model and pride for our younger generations, and the display and activation of the former residence are the best way for the new life of the former residence and the greatest significance of the renovation of the former residence." Li Chunjiao, the successor of Li Weiguang's martial arts, said that the "champion and first" plaque in the former residence is a good story that they can't finish.

When night fell, the lights were bright, the villagers started the after-dinner walk, wave after wave of villagers walked together, stepped on the asphalt road, passed by Li Weiguang's former residence, and the Zhuangyuan Park not far away was lively, and the villagers danced the square dance.

The industry is booming

Tea tree mushroom holds up the "umbrella of happiness"

Walking along the Zhuangyuan Road greenway to the village, I saw the tea tree mushroom greenhouse of Zhang Yuanling's grower from a distance.

Zhang Yuanling pushed open the wooden door of the greenhouse, a unique fragrance of mushrooms rushed to his face, only to see rows of iron shelves, staggered arrangement of dense mushroom bags, one by one tea tree mushrooms broke out of the stick, the growth is gratifying, and the local villagers are skillfully picking fresh mushrooms.

Wuhua Huacheng Huangpu Village: Zhuangyuan's former residence "digging treasure" and the construction of a typical village in Hemei Village

"Eight mountains, one water and one field" is a portrayal of many villages, and the same is true of Huangpu Village. Guarding the "slap field", how to develop the industry? "Restricted by land resources, the development space of traditional planting industry in our village is limited." Li Xianyong recalled that in the early years, some villagers raised cattle and pigs, and also ran an electronic clock factory, a bracelet factory and a rice wine factory.

Six years ago, Guangdong launched the establishment of a modern agricultural industrial park to expand and strengthen competitive local characteristic agricultural products and accelerate the high-quality development of the agricultural industry.

Li Shourui, a 73-year-old villager, found a business opportunity and took the initiative to find the village, proposing to make a big industry with small mushrooms. Four months later, a tea tree mushroom planting base of more than 1,000 square meters rose from the ground.

A small mushroom carries the "umbrella of getting rich" of the village collective economy and the "umbrella of happiness" of the villagers.

Today, Huangpu Village has adopted the agglomeration development model of "company + base + cooperative + farmer", with a daily output of about 1,000 catties of tea tree mushrooms, and the market response is good, and it has obtained 300,000 yuan of county-level "one town, one industry, one village, one product" support funds, and the village collective dividend income of 75,000 yuan, and the principal of 100,000 yuan per year will be returned to the village from 2025, increasing the village collective income by 175,000 yuan.

Last year, Wuhua took the opportunity of in-depth implementation of the "Millions of Projects" to take the lead in implementing the "Industrial Village Chief" system in Meizhou to stimulate the "head goose effect" of wealthy leaders, among which Li Huanrong, a "post-80s" villager in Huangpu Village, was hired as an "industrial village chief".

"At present, dried mushrooms have entered the agricultural wholesale markets in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Huizhou, and can be sold for 40 to 50 yuan a pound when the market is good, and we are also ready to use the e-commerce operation model to expand sales channels." Li Huanrong, who was busy organizing the delivery, said.

The tea tree mushroom industry not only brings stable rental income to the village collective, but also brings dozens of labor opportunities, so as to realize that "the village has a leading industry, every household has a way to get rich, and people have a skill".

Mushroom cultivation has activated the "pool of spring water" for industrial revitalization, but in order to achieve long-term development, it is imperative to extend the industrial chain.

Huangpu Village encourages large growers to build cold storage, and opens up the whole industrial chain from mushroom cultivation, mushroom production to storage, finishing and sales. At the same time, a tea tree mushroom planting technical service team was set up to provide technical guidance and training to the villagers to improve the quality of tea tree mushrooms.

"At present, the mushroom industry in the market has an optimistic prospect, and in view of the simplification of the tea tree mushroom industry, we are ready to join other mushrooms to grow together to expand the scale and increase the output." Li Xianyong said.

The villagers are rich

Eat a "tourist meal" at your doorstep

"I can learn about the characteristics of Li Weiguang's former residence and other attractions in advance through Hwaseong Smart VR, and I can also check whether there are many local tourists and inconvenient parking through online videos, which are quite convenient." Mr. Liu, a tourist from other places, praised Huacheng Town's digital rural information platform.

In his free time, Li Xianyong recommended the "Digital Huacheng" applet to the villagers and friends, and asked everyone to send out an invitation: Huangpu Village is the hometown of Li Weiguang, the martial champion of the Qing Dynasty, and now with the opportunity of digital village construction, relying on the "champion culture" to create a large number of tourist attractions, everyone is welcome to come and visit.

Li Xianyong's confidence in the warm invitation comes from the development prospect of the integration of culture and tourism in Huangpu Village.

Wuhua Huacheng Huangpu Village: Zhuangyuan's former residence "digging treasure" and the construction of a typical village in Hemei Village

Huangpu Village has a deep history and culture and rich tourism resources, but in the past, for various reasons, it "hidden" the gold and shined. Therefore, Huacheng Town began the "treasure digging" action, that is, through the radiation of Li Weiguang's former residence, in-depth excavation of the cultural connotation of the champion, and created a visitor center, a champion cultural corridor, a village history museum, a rural cultural stage, a rural e-commerce center, etc., to promote the rapid development of the cultural tourism industry with the revitalization of the champion culture.

"Many people are attracted by Li Weiguang's deeds, especially some stories of his martial arts training, almost every day people come to visit, on holidays, there are also tourists from Heyuan, Shantou and other surrounding cities, and the flow of people during the peak period reaches more than 2,000 people a day." Li Xianyong said.

Although there are many tourists, there are also problems such as short stay time and small consumption space, which is the shortcoming of Huangpu Village.

How to really let the villagers eat "tourist rice" at the door of their homes is an important topic in Huangpu Village.

Inside, all the villagers moved to make Huangpu Village more and more beautiful.

Not long ago, at the Huangpu Village Party and Mass Service Center, villagers lined up in an orderly manner to receive fruit tree seedlings for free according to their personal preferences and needs. "Combined with the ecological construction of Lumei Guangdong, we distributed olives, longan and other fruit seedlings to the villagers, a total of more than 3,000 plants, so that the villagers can plant them in front of the house and behind the house, which is both beautiful and harvesting." Li Xianyong said.

Huangpu Village has carried out in-depth actions to improve the living environment, promoted the work of "three clearances, three demolitions and three rectifications", further comprehensively investigated and demolished the dilapidated houses in the village, cleaned up weeds, sundries and sludge in the village area, created a clean, tidy and orderly, civilized and beautiful rural living environment, and improved the level of ecological livability.

Outside, high-quality enterprises have been introduced, so that the development of rural industries is impressive.

Industrial development, transportation first. With the construction of Wuhua Station of Meilong High-speed Railway, the distance with the cities of the Pearl River Delta has been shortened, and "weekend tours" and "one-day tours" have been realized, effectively empowering the cultural tourism of Huangpu Village to take the fast track.

"With the east wind of the high-speed railway, the 'treasure digging' action of Huangpu Village will be carried out to the end, and the resources of the village will be fully excavated, and high-quality enterprises will be actively introduced, including cultural tourism projects, rural industry projects, etc., to develop the development of Huangpu Village's characteristic industries." Li Xianyong said: At the same time, it is necessary to stimulate endogenous motivation, bring in leaders in agricultural modernization and rural industry development, and drive the villagers to get rich together.

Source: Nanfang Daily, Nanfang+

Reporter Wang Siting

Correspondents: Zeng Xiaobin, Xie Shini

【Author】 Wang Siting

[Source] Southern Press Media Group Southern + client