
The study has found that most of the elderly who are not prone to dementia have these habits, how many do you have?

author:Lao Li Health said

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"You said Uncle Zhang also has Alzheimer's? It's really distressing. Li Jiajing and her friends chatted on a bench in the community park, talking about the latest news in the community. Li Jiajing has always been helpful and full of curiosity and enthusiasm for life.

One day, when she learned that several old friends had recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, she couldn't help but feel a little worried. In order to learn more about it, she decided to visit these friends in the hospital and consult the doctor about effective ways to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

The study has found that most of the elderly who are not prone to dementia have these habits, how many do you have?

In the hospital's waiting room, Li Jiajing met Dr. Zhang, a veteran doctor specializing in geriatrics. Dr. Zhang said to Li Jiajing: "Li Jiajing, there are actually many daily habits that can help slow down or even prevent the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease. Our latest research found that there are several habits that work particularly well. ”

"Oh? You'll have to listen to that. Li Jiajing said excitedly while taking out a small notebook and preparing to take notes.

The study has found that most of the elderly who are not prone to dementia have these habits, how many do you have?

Dr. Zhang continued, "First of all, one of the most effective habits is regular brain training. It's not about doing difficult mind games, but rather activities like puzzles, reading, or learning new skills that activate multiple areas of the brain. Older people who regularly engage in these activities will have a significantly slower rate of brain decline than those who have a monotonous and lack of stimulation in their daily lives. ”

The study has found that most of the elderly who are not prone to dementia have these habits, how many do you have?

Li Jiajing nodded and asked curiously, "What about other than mental training?" Dr. Zhang smiled and said, "We're not talking about going to any big social event, but regular get-togethers with friends, or even keeping in touch via phone or video, like yours, are great brain exercises." ”

The study has found that most of the elderly who are not prone to dementia have these habits, how many do you have?

"Also, diet is very important. Foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, such as deep-sea fish, and berries such as blueberries, which are rich in antioxidants, can be very helpful in preventing brain diseases. These ingredients reduce the inflammatory response of brain cells and protect the brain from free radical damage. ”

The study has found that most of the elderly who are not prone to dementia have these habits, how many do you have?

Dr Teo mentions the importance of regular check-ups: "Physical health has a direct impact on brain health. Therefore, it is important to have regular check-ups and timely adjustment of lifestyle habits and treatment plans. ”

After Dr. Zhang's introduction, Li Jiajing felt a lot of curiosity. She wondered if there were any less common but equally effective ways to prevent Alzheimer's than those commonly heard habits.

The study has found that most of the elderly who are not prone to dementia have these habits, how many do you have?

Dr. Zhang smiled slightly, rubbed his chin, and began to explain another lesser-known prevention method: in fact, there is another interesting way to raise flowers or do gardening activities regularly.

It may sound a bit bizarre, but research shows that gardening not only provides a way to relax the mind, but also enhances fine motor skills in the hands, while also being a gentle physical activity. What's more, it connects people to nature, which helps to reduce stress.

The study has found that most of the elderly who are not prone to dementia have these habits, how many do you have?

Interestingly, a long-term study conducted in the Netherlands found that older adults who were regularly involved in gardening performed better on cognitive tests and had significantly lower rates of dementia than those who had little exposure to nature.

This may be because gardening not only exercises the body, but also the brain, especially in color, design, and planning, which requires creative thinking and long-term memory.

The study has found that most of the elderly who are not prone to dementia have these habits, how many do you have?

Li Jiajing was deeply surprised when she heard this, she had never thought that gardening activities would have so many benefits. She asked, "Dr. Zhang, is gardening really so beneficial?" This information is really amazing. ”

The study has found that most of the elderly who are not prone to dementia have these habits, how many do you have?

Dr. Zhang nodded and went on to add, "And, not only the psychological and cognitive benefits, but also the benefits of gardening can improve physical health. For example, it can help lower blood pressure, increase stamina, and promote sleep. This is achieved through direct contact with the soil and plants, as well as activities outdoors in natural light. ”

The study has found that most of the elderly who are not prone to dementia have these habits, how many do you have?

Li Jiajing was so satisfied with this that she decided to go home and start decorating her small garden to try to improve her physical and mental state in this way.

The study has found that most of the elderly who are not prone to dementia have these habits, how many do you have?

Li Jiajing believes that this will not only enrich her retirement life, but also help her maintain a healthy brain away from the threat of Alzheimer's.

What do you think about Alzheimer's? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The study has found that most of the elderly who are not prone to dementia have these habits, how many do you have?