
The 39-year-old man was diagnosed with kidney failure, went back to drink and play cards, no injections and no treatment: he just wanted to live freely

author:Möngke talks about health

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"Lao Li, you can't go on like this!" When Li Qiang took his old father Li Father to the hospital for treatment of a herniated lumbar disc, he suddenly heard a quarrel in the consultation room next to him. Curious, he leaned over and asked what was going on with the busy doctor.

The doctor explained while busy: "The person just now is Wu Gang, 39 years old, we found out that his kidney failure has reached the middle stage, but he refused to be treated, and he had to go back to continue his life of drinking and playing cards, and his family was so anxious that they quarreled." ”

The 39-year-old man was diagnosed with kidney failure, went back to drink and play cards, no injections and no treatment: he just wanted to live freely

Wu Gang is an ordinary bus driver, and his daily job is to pick up and drop off thousands of passengers, which seems ordinary but has a great responsibility. His attitude towards life has always been free and easy, and he never cares about his health. After learning of the diagnosis of kidney failure, his first reaction was not how to treat it, but how to continue to enjoy life.

In the corridor of the hospital, Wu Gang's family is arguing. They persuaded him to be hospitalized, but Wu Gang stuck to his lifestyle. "I just want to live free, I don't want to be bound by illness," he said. This made the family very anxious, but Wu Gang seemed to have made a decision.

The 39-year-old man was diagnosed with kidney failure, went back to drink and play cards, no injections and no treatment: he just wanted to live freely

This is not uncommon. According to the latest data survey, a large number of patients with chronic diseases refuse to receive standard treatment every year because of quality of life considerations, especially when suffering from diseases that require long-term treatment and life adjustments, such as kidney failure. The data shows that these patients often choose to ignore their doctor's advice because they are concerned that treatment will limit their lifestyle.

Wu Gang's younger brother Wu Xiao asked a question: "Doctor, if my brother doesn't treat him, how long will he live?" The doctor pondered for a moment, then replied, "Without any treatment, your brother's kidney function will continue to deteriorate, and it may be in the terminal stage within a few months to a year, and at that point, it will be too late to even think of treatment." ”

The 39-year-old man was diagnosed with kidney failure, went back to drink and play cards, no injections and no treatment: he just wanted to live freely

Although Wu Gang's attitude seems fearless on the surface, there is actually a deep helplessness and evasion behind it. His lifestyle and choices not only affect his own health, but also cause significant emotional stress and financial burden on his family in the future. This is not uncommon in today's society, and many patients often choose to avoid rather than face it when faced with chronic or severe diseases.

According to one study, psychological factors and social support have a decisive impact on the health outcomes of people with chronic diseases. Studies have shown that patients who receive good psychological support and social help tend to have much better outcomes than those who go it alone.

The 39-year-old man was diagnosed with kidney failure, went back to drink and play cards, no injections and no treatment: he just wanted to live freely

Improvement in psychological status can significantly improve the acceptance and effectiveness of treatment, while social support provides patients with the necessary resources and assistance to relieve the mental and financial stress caused by the pain.

In Wu's case, his escape may have stemmed in part from fear of the consequences of the illness and fear of the possible loss of freedom during treatment.

The 39-year-old man was diagnosed with kidney failure, went back to drink and play cards, no injections and no treatment: he just wanted to live freely

If this state of mind is not properly guided and supported, it can easily lead to patients refusing treatment or not following medical advice, which can accelerate the deterioration of the condition. Therefore, providing psychological counseling and emotional support is very important for patients like Wu Gang.

When dealing with chronic diseases such as kidney failure, doctors and family members should pay more attention to the psychological needs of patients, and help them view the treatment process positively and understand the necessity of treatment by building a relationship of trust.

The 39-year-old man was diagnosed with kidney failure, went back to drink and play cards, no injections and no treatment: he just wanted to live freely

Doctors can provide detailed information about the disease, help patients and families clear up misunderstandings, and create a comprehensive treatment plan that includes not only medical and surgical treatment, but also psychological and social support.

In Wu Gang's case, if he could learn through effective communication that receiving treatment does not mean a complete loss of freedom, but rather that he can gain more healthy years and quality of life through scientific management of the disease, he may reconsider his decision.

The 39-year-old man was diagnosed with kidney failure, went back to drink and play cards, no injections and no treatment: he just wanted to live freely

In addition, doctors and family members can also explore more personalized treatment options suitable for Wu Gang, such as choosing the time and method of dialysis to make it more in line with his lifestyle habits and minimize the impact on his daily life.

Wu Gang's wife asked the doctor, "If he starts treatment now, will his quality of life deteriorate?" The doctor patiently explained: "There may be some discomfort at the beginning of the treatment, but through gradual adjustment, we can find the most suitable treatment plan." Timely treatment will not only help him manage his condition, but also improve his overall health, giving him more energy and energy to enjoy life. ”

The 39-year-old man was diagnosed with kidney failure, went back to drink and play cards, no injections and no treatment: he just wanted to live freely

Such an answer is not only based on medical knowledge, but also carries a deep understanding and concern for the patient's individual situation, helping patients and their families to see the hope that treatment brings, not just the burden. This kind of comprehensive and detailed answer is the professional attitude that doctors should have when facing similar situations.

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The 39-year-old man was diagnosed with kidney failure, went back to drink and play cards, no injections and no treatment: he just wanted to live freely