
Napping may affect longevity! Doctor reminds: After the age of 55, keep in mind the "three don'ts" at noon

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

With the acceleration of the pace of society, napping has gradually become a way for many people to adjust their body and mind. However, many people have some misconceptions about the benefits and disadvantages of napping, especially for older people, the correct way to nap is especially important.

Mr. Ma is a typical example, he thought that a long nap would make him healthier, but it turned out to be the opposite.

Napping may affect longevity! Doctor reminds: After the age of 55, keep in mind the "three don'ts" at noon

1. Napping and Health: Get a look at the influencing factors of napping

Mr. Ma is 55 years old, retired at home, and his daily routine makes him feel a little bored, and napping has become an indispensable part of his daily life.

However, he found that his health was not getting better because of the long nap, but felt that his health was getting worse and worse. Recently, Mr. Ma saw some research on the Internet showing that the length of nap time is closely related to life expectancy.

A study published in the journal Obesity showed that people who took a nap for half an hour or more had higher body mass index, waist circumference, fasting blood sugar, blood pressure and other indicators, and were more likely to develop metabolic syndrome.

This made Mr. Ma wonder if his napping habit was quietly harming his health.

The study also found that people who took naps for more than an hour had a 90% increased risk of atrial fibrillation, a 1.88-fold higher risk of stroke, and a 40% increased risk of dementia.

Mr. Ma was shocked by these data, and he realized that he had to change his napping habits.

Napping may affect longevity! Doctor reminds: After the age of 55, keep in mind the "three don'ts" at noon

2. Health benefits of napping: Be moderate, not excessive

Although studies have shown that napping too long can have a negative impact on health, napping in moderation can actually be beneficial to the body. A proper nap can not only eliminate fatigue, but also improve the work efficiency in the afternoon, and also have certain benefits for cardiovascular health.

According to a study in the journal Heart, people who occasionally nap have a 48% lower risk of stroke than those who never nap. In addition, a study by Mednick et al., a psychologist at Harvard University in the United States, found that daytime naps can promote memory since sleep, and napping can strengthen fragmented memories into memories with a network structure, which helps to enhance memory.

Therefore, a proper nap can regulate mood, and the amount of relaxation and happiness of the human body will increase significantly after waking up from a nap.

However, it is important to control the duration of the nap, preferably no more than half an hour, and choose a flat lying position so that the body can stretch out and rest well. This kind of nap is a healthy nap that can help us better recover our physical and mental state.

Napping may affect longevity! Doctor reminds: After the age of 55, keep in mind the "three don'ts" at noon

3. The negative effects and prevention of napping: avoid misunderstandings and keep in mind the "three don'ts"

Although napping is beneficial, it is not suitable for everyone, especially for middle-aged and elderly people over 55 years old, improper napping habits may bring a series of health problems.

For example, improper napping posture can lead to physical discomfort, such as sleeping on your stomach that can cause numbness in your arms and affect the blood supply to your head and face. In addition, napping immediately after a full meal may lead to indigestion, which in turn can affect gastrointestinal health.

According to research in the journal Sleep Medicine, taking too long naps, especially more than 1 hour, significantly increases the risk of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease.

This is because prolonged naps may disrupt the body's biological clock and affect the quality of night's sleep, which can put pressure on the cardiovascular system.

Therefore, a healthy nap should follow two standards: first, the time should not be too long, preferably 20-30 minutes; The second is to choose a lying position to facilitate the relaxation of the body and blood circulation.

Napping may affect longevity! Doctor reminds: After the age of 55, keep in mind the "three don'ts" at noon

4. Napping suggestions for specific groups: choose carefully, according to individual circumstances

For people over 55 years of age, napping recommendations should be more personalized and specific. People with low blood pressure may feel dizzy after a nap, so it is recommended not to take too long a nap and wake up slowly to prevent a sudden drop in blood pressure.

For people with insomnia symptoms, too long naps can affect the quality of sleep at night, and naps should be avoided or shortened as much as possible.

In addition, due to the slower metabolic rate of obese people, napping may exacerbate obesity symptoms, so it is recommended to properly control the nap time and combine it with an appropriate amount of afternoon activities.

According to the Geriatrics Journal, people over the age of 65 who nap too long can increase the risk of dementia. Therefore, napping in older people should focus more on quality than quantity, and short periods of closed eyes are often more beneficial than long periods of deep sleep.

At the same time, the elderly can do some light activities before and after napping, such as walking or doing simple stretching exercises, to promote blood circulation and help the body rejuvenate.

Middle-aged and elderly people should adjust the time and way of napping according to their own health conditions and living habits. Doctors and sleep experts often suggest that if you feel more energetic after a nap, then this napping habit may be appropriate.

Conversely, if you feel more tired or have other discomforts after taking a nap, you should adjust or consult a professional in time. Through scientific and reasonable napping, middle-aged and elderly people can not only improve their quality of life, but also effectively maintain their own health and prolong their life.

Napping may affect longevity! Doctor reminds: After the age of 55, keep in mind the "three don'ts" at noon

5. Optimize the nap environment: create an ideal rest space

In order to ensure the quality of napping, it is very important to optimize the sleeping environment. An ideal nap environment should be quiet, comfortable, and softly lit.

Noise is a key factor in the quality of napping, so choose a place away from the source of the noise whenever possible. If noise can't be avoided, consider using earbuds.

A comfortable sleeping environment also includes a comfortable room temperature and good ventilation. Studies have shown that lower room temperatures help the body fall asleep quickly.

According to the recommendations of the American Sleep Association, the ideal indoor temperature should be between 16-18°C. In addition, proper humidity can also increase the comfort of sleeping, and the general recommended indoor humidity is 40%-60%.

Light has an important impact on a person's sleep cycle. When napping, avoid strong direct light and use curtains or sleep masks to reduce light interference.

A warm and comfortable sleeping environment can not only help people enter a state of deep rest faster, but also improve the efficiency of napping.

Napping may affect longevity! Doctor reminds: After the age of 55, keep in mind the "three don'ts" at noon

6. Nutrition and napping: Reasonable diet promotes high-quality napping

The influence of eating habits on napping cannot be ignored. Nutritionists suggest that lunch should be mainly light, and avoid excessive intake of high-fat and high-sugar foods, because these foods will increase the burden on the body and affect the quality of rest in the afternoon.

At the same time, a moderate amount of protein can help boost your mental state in the afternoon, such as chicken breast, fish or tofu.

Appropriate activities after lunch, such as walking, can help digest food and avoid satiety affecting naps. Additionally, avoid caffeinated beverages such as coffee or tea immediately after lunch, as caffeine has a refreshing effect and may prolong the time it takes to fall asleep.

Maintaining adequate water intake is also important to ensure the quality of napping. Dehydration can lead to increased fatigue and affect mental recovery after a nap. Therefore, it is advisable to drink a moderate amount of water between lunch and nap, but you should also avoid drinking too much water so as not to affect your sleep.

Napping may affect longevity! Doctor reminds: After the age of 55, keep in mind the "three don'ts" at noon


For middle-aged and elderly people over the age of 55, a reasonable nap is an important aspect of maintaining physical and mental health. By following the "three don'ts" principle – don't go to bed immediately after eating, don't sleep on your stomach, and don't stand up immediately after waking up, you can avoid the negative effects of napping. At the same time, optimizing the nap environment and paying attention to diet are also the keys to ensuring the quality of napping.

Scientific napping habits can not only improve the quality of life, but also effectively prevent a variety of diseases and prolong life. Therefore, middle-aged and elderly people should reasonably arrange the time and way of napping according to their own health conditions and living habits, so as to promote physical and mental health and enjoy a high-quality life.

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