
How can I not get sick and get sick less? 3 ways to significantly improve immunity must be learned

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

Xiao Ming walked into the hospital as usual, and frequent colds made him come here again to ask for help. He looked around and realized that he wasn't the only one who was constantly sick.

This got him thinking, why do some people seem to get sick all the time, while others get through the seasons in good health. The secret behind this is actually closely related to everyone's immunity.

How can I not get sick and get sick less? 3 ways to significantly improve immunity must be learned

1. The relationship between immunity and health

Immunity, a word that is often mentioned in our daily lives, acts as a mysterious shield that protects us from viruses and bacteria. The immune system is made up of a variety of immune cells and organs that work together to recognize and destroy invading pathogens.

When we talk about someone being "immune", we are actually saying that their body can quickly and effectively fight off external threats. However, those who get sick frequently, such as Xiao Ming, are usually because their immune system is not working adequately, which is usually related to low immunity. Does getting sick often really mean strong immunity? In fact, this is a widespread misconception.

Scientific studies have shown that getting sick often is more of a sign that the immune system is less alert or less responsive. People with strong immunity are actually less likely to get sick because their immune system is effective in preventing pathogens from invading and infecting.

How can I not get sick and get sick less? 3 ways to significantly improve immunity must be learned

2. Studies have shown that frequent illness is not necessarily a sign of strong immunity

It is often said that people who often have colds are actually very immune, because it shows that their immune system can detect and respond to the invasion of the virus in time. However, this statement is not entirely accurate.

Scientific studies have shown that frequent illness may actually be a sign of a weakened immune system. For example, the immune system should be able to silently remove viruses and bacteria without causing significant illness.

Therefore, if a person is experiencing frequent cold symptoms, it could mean that their immune system has not been able to fight the infection effectively in the initial stages.

In addition, there are studies that show that people with strong immunity have a lower risk of certain types of cancer. This is because a healthy immune system can recognize and destroy potentially cancer-causing cells or viruses.

For example, a well-functioning immune system can effectively fight the HPV virus, a known cause of cervical cancer. Therefore, a strong immunity does not mean that you will get sick more often, but it shows that your body is better able to prevent illness and maintain overall health.

How can I not get sick and get sick less? 3 ways to significantly improve immunity must be learned

3. How to recognize the signs of weakened immunity

Recognising the early signs of weakened immunity is crucial as it can help individuals take action before their health deteriorates. A common sign of weakened immunity is frequent feeling of exhaustion, which is different from ordinary exertion and is difficult to recover from even after a long rest.

This condition is often associated with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which has been shown to be strongly associated with immunodeficiency.

Immune cells such as T cells and B cells function less, which can lead to the body's inability to effectively fight pathogens. In addition, frequent infections (e.g., respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, etc.) are also a warning of weakened immunity, indicating that the immune system is not effective against pathogens that are often controlled.

As another example, a slower rate of wound healing can also be a sign of insufficient immunity, as adequate immune cells and factors are necessary for rapid wound healing. Understanding these signs and responding to them in a timely manner is the first step to maintaining immune health.

How can I not get sick and get sick less? 3 ways to significantly improve immunity must be learned

4. Immunity Enhancement Strategy 1: Dietary Adjustment

Diet plays a vital role in maintaining and boosting immunity. Adequate high-quality protein in the diet is the building block for the proper functioning of the immune system, as protein is the building block of antibodies and immune cells. Meat, fish, legumes, and dairy products are good sources of high-quality protein.

In addition to protein, vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, and iron all directly affect the function and production of immune cells.

For example, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that promotes the function of white blood cells, which are the first line of defense against infection.

Studies have shown that moderate intake of vitamin C can reduce the duration and severity of colds. Adequate intake of vitamin D is also associated with low infection rates, especially during the winter months, when sun exposure is insufficient.

Ensuring the intake of these key nutrients through a balanced diet not only strengthens the immune system, but also improves overall health.

These methods are not only supported by scientific research, but are also easy to implement in everyday life. Understanding and applying these strategies can help us to make effective interventions in the early stages of weakened immunity, improve quality of life, and reduce the chance of getting sick.

How can I not get sick and get sick less? 3 ways to significantly improve immunity must be learned

5. Immunity Enhancement Strategy 2: Ensure adequate sleep

Sleep is essential for the health of the immune system. During deep sleep, the body undergoes cell repair and regeneration, while also releasing immune-boosting cytokines such as cytokines and cytotoxins, which are key weapons in the fight against infection and inflammation.

Lack of sleep not only weakens the immune system, but also increases the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Studies have shown that adults should get 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep per night to support the normal function of the immune system.

In fact, chronic sleep deprivation can significantly affect the function of T cells, which are one of the key components of the immune system.

The study found that sleep-deprived people had a reduced ability to produce protective antibodies after receiving the vaccine, further confirming the direct relationship between sleep and immunity.

Therefore, improving sleep habits and quality, such as by timed sleep, reducing light at night, and the use of electronic devices, is a very effective way to boost immunity.

How can I not get sick and get sick less? 3 ways to significantly improve immunity must be learned

6. Immunity Enhancement Strategy 3: Regular Physical Activity

Regular physical activity can significantly enhance the function of the immune system. Exercise boosts blood circulation and helps immune cells and substances circulate more efficiently in the body, thereby improving the defense against disease.

Moderate exercise, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling, has been shown to increase the number and efficiency of white blood cells, which are the body's first line of defense against infection. Studies have shown that consistent moderate-intensity exercise can reduce the frequency of colds.

In addition, exercise can also reduce stress and anxiety and improve sleep quality, which are all ways to indirectly boost immunity through different mechanisms.

However, excessive exercise can backfire, causing the immune system to be temporarily suppressed. Therefore, it is recommended to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week for optimal health results.

How can I not get sick and get sick less? 3 ways to significantly improve immunity must be learned


Immunity maintenance and boosting is not something that happens overnight, but needs to be achieved through consistent healthy habits in daily life. By eating right, getting enough sleep, and getting regular physical activity, we can effectively boost our immune system, reduce disease infestations, and enjoy a healthier, more active life.

In addition, it is equally important to recognize the early signs of weakened immunity and take appropriate measures to prevent health problems. Through these practical methods, everyone can become a guardian of their own health, reduce the chance of getting sick, and improve the quality of life.