
Will men who have not drunk alcohol for a long time experience some noticeable changes? Don't believe it, 5 phenomena are obvious

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

On weekends, Mr. Zhang sits on a park bench and looks out at the ripples on the lake. This middle-aged man of 50 years old was the "god of wine" who drank an astonishing amount of alcohol at the party. However, after his doctor warned him about high blood pressure and abnormal liver function caused by long-term alcohol consumption two years ago, Mr. Zhang decided to quit drinking altogether.

This decision turned his life upside down. Not only did he feel much more relaxed, but his family and his family were happier and more at ease. Mr. Zhang's story may be a microcosm of the changes that men have experienced after a long period of abstinence.

Will men who have not drunk alcohol for a long time experience some noticeable changes? Don't believe it, 5 phenomena are obvious

1. The positive effects of long-term alcohol-free life on cardiovascular disease

The benefits of not drinking alcohol for a long time are not trivial. Ah, you say our heart, it's a hard-working little guy who has to jump dozens of times a minute.

Alcohol, it's like putting an unnecessary burden on the heart. If you drink too much, your heart will beat hard, and as soon as your blood pressure goes up, your cardiovascular pressure will increase. In the long run, diseases such as high blood pressure and myocardial infarction will come uninvited.

But, buddy, if you can quit drinking, these risks can be greatly reduced. Studies have shown that men who don't drink alcohol have a much lower incidence of heart disease than those who drink every day.

Not only that, but the blood pressure will gradually return to normal levels, and the heartbeat will not be so fast. Look, isn't that good? My body is relaxed, and my mood is better. No, Mr. Zhang is the best example, now he walks every day, and he feels like he has a new heart.

Will men who have not drunk alcohol for a long time experience some noticeable changes? Don't believe it, 5 phenomena are obvious

2. Significant effects of liver resuscitation

Let's talk about our liver, this is an important little friend. The liver is mainly responsible for detoxification, but alcohol is a big poison. If you pour wine on it every day, how can it stand it?

If you drink alcohol for a long time, your liver will be overloaded, and after a long time, diseases such as cirrhosis and hepatitis will come to your door. If you have liver failure, it's a big problem.

But, friends, if you decide not to drink anymore, your liver can get a chance to rest and recover. In men who do not drink alcohol, the speed and quality of liver function recovery is very impressive.

The liver enzyme index will gradually normalize, the inflammation of the liver will also be reduced, and the mental state and physical strength of the whole person will be improved. It's not, it's backed by science. Look at Mr. Zhang, now his liver function test, the doctor said that it seems to be a different person.

These changes may not be so noticeable at first, but as long as you stick to them, the effect is obvious. Mr. Zhang is a living example of this, his quality of life has improved significantly, and his care for his family has become more meticulous.

Therefore, although it is uncomfortable for a while to quit drinking, for the sake of the body and family, this precept is really worth it.

Will men who have not drunk alcohol for a long time experience some noticeable changes? Don't believe it, 5 phenomena are obvious

3. Significant improvement in bone health

Alcohol is not only bad for the liver, but also bad for our bones. Listen to me, you know that bones are hard bones, and they need enough nutrients to support our bodies.

However, alcohol can affect the absorption of calcium in our body, and in the long run, bones will become fragile and prone to osteoporosis. This is not a joke, if you fall and you break a bone, then you have to be treated, and the treatment costs money and hurts.

But, listen, the benefits after quitting alcohol don't stop there. Studies have shown that improvements in bone health in men who don't drink alcohol are significant.

Because after quitting alcohol, our body will absorb calcium more efficiently, which is very beneficial for bone health. Just like Mr. Zhang, after he quit drinking, he insisted on exercising every day, and he said that he felt that his bones had become stronger, and he was not as tired as easily as in the past.

Will men who have not drunk alcohol for a long time experience some noticeable changes? Don't believe it, 5 phenomena are obvious

Fourth, the improvement of memory and cognitive function

Also, our brains are an important part, right? Think of the old men and women who have great memories, they don't drink all the time.

Alcohol is poison to the brain, damaging our nerve cells and affecting our thinking and memory. You think, that's a big problem, and who doesn't want to have a flash of brain and a super good memory?

But don't worry, I'll tell you slowly. Men who don't drink alcohol have improved memory and cognitive function. Studies have shown that after quitting alcohol, the nerve cells in the brain will gradually recover, and memory will gradually improve.

Just like Mr. Zhang, he used to be unable to remember where to put things at home, but since he quit drinking, he has found that his mind has become clearer, not only his memory has improved, but also his thinking has become more agile.

These changes may not be obvious at first, but as long as you stick to them, the effect is obvious. Mr. Zhang is a living example of this, his quality of life has improved significantly, and his care for his family has become more meticulous.

Will men who have not drunk alcohol for a long time experience some noticeable changes? Don't believe it, 5 phenomena are obvious

5. Positive changes in sleep quality

Do you toss and turn a lot late at night and have trouble falling asleep? Perhaps, it has something to do with your drinking habits.

Although alcohol may initially have a hypnotic effect and make people feel easy to fall asleep, in fact, it can seriously disrupt the structure of sleep, especially REM sleep (REM sleep stage), which is essential for memory integration and emotional regulation.

People who drink alcohol for a long time tend to wake up the next day feeling exhausted because they don't get a good night's sleep.

However, once you put down the glass, the quality of your sleep will gradually improve. After abstaining from alcohol, the body's biological clock will begin to readjust and return to a more natural sleep rhythm.

This isn't just talk, there are studies that show that abstinents who go through an initial period of adaptation often report that they sleep deeper and more continuously, wake up less often during the night, and wake up in the morning feeling more refreshed and energized.

For example, since Mr. Zhang quit drinking, he was pleasantly surprised to find that he no longer needed to rely on an alarm clock, and waking up naturally at dawn became the new normal. This change has a direct positive impact on improving energy levels and productivity in daily life.

Will men who have not drunk alcohol for a long time experience some noticeable changes? Don't believe it, 5 phenomena are obvious

6. Healthy changes in weight and body shape

Many people may not realize that alcohol is a high-calorie substance. People who drink beer or spirits regularly consume a lot of extra calories, which directly leads to weight gain, and in the long run, may form the so-called "beer belly", which not only affects the appearance, but also is a hidden health hazard. Obesity increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and many other diseases.

After quitting alcohol, this is all expected to improve. First of all, it eliminates the large number of calories that come with alcohol, which naturally helps with weight loss and weight control.

Second, people tend to be more willing to engage in physical activity after quitting alcohol, which not only further promotes weight loss, but also builds muscle strength and overall body shape.

Mr. Zhang is a typical example of a person who not only lost 15 kilograms, but also became more fit, which greatly boosted his self-confidence.

Will men who have not drunk alcohol for a long time experience some noticeable changes? Don't believe it, 5 phenomena are obvious


Long-term abstinence from alcohol has brought many positive changes to men's health. from cardiovascular stabilization to liver resuscitation; From the strengthening of bones to the improvement of memory; From improved sleep quality to healthy weight and body shape, every change is not just a physical improvement, but also an improvement in quality of life.

Behind these changes is a test of self-control and perseverance, as well as a reflection of the importance of quality of life. Quitting alcohol is not an easy task, but the benefits are long-term and profound.