
A 30-year-old man was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and never smoked or drunk

author:Mr. Liu talks about health

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"I really didn't expect that I would get this disease if I paid so much attention to my health." Chen Hao sighed deeply, sat on the small wooden chair in the hospital, looked at the leaves fluttering outside the window, and had mixed feelings in his heart.

Chen Hao, 30 years old, is a computer programmer by profession. He has always been self-disciplined, neither smoking nor drinking, and his life and rest can be described as orderly.

But since last month, Chen Hao suddenly felt a panic in his chest, and he could hear a slight wheezing sound when he breathed, which made him feel a little wrong. He thought it was just a common cold, but he didn't expect the hospital to find that it was advanced lung cancer.

A 30-year-old man was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and never smoked or drunk

After a detailed conversation with Chen Hao, Dr. Li found that Chen Hao had two habits at night that may be related to his condition: prolonged use of the computer and poor indoor air circulation.

In low light, the eyes are staring at the computer for a long time, which will put a burden on the eyes and may even affect the health of the respiratory system.

A 30-year-old man was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and never smoked or drunk

Electromagnetic radiation from the constant operation of computers, although there is no direct evidence that it causes lung cancer, prolonged exposure to any type of radiation may increase the risk of disease.

In addition, the heat emitted by the computer and the dust particles that may be absorbed can also be breathed into the lungs, causing minor damage to the lungs.

A 30-year-old man was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and never smoked or drunk

Chen Hao's studio has poor air circulation, and the prolonged lack of oxygen and the accumulation of indoor pollutants, such as formaldehyde, benzene and other chemicals, can slowly damage the health of the lungs.

This environment has a particular impact on the respiratory system, and people who spend a lot of time in this environment are at higher risk of developing respiratory diseases.

A 30-year-old man was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and never smoked or drunk

"Our lungs are very sensitive and need fresh and clean air to maintain function. Being in a bad environment for a long time is like slowly accumulating toxins, which may not cause immediate problems, but can lead to serious health problems over time. ”

After hearing this, Chen Hao realized that although he avoided some of the recognized unhealthy habits, such as smoking and alcoholism, he had neglected the importance of the daily living environment. He decided to install an air purifier in his home and adjust the lights next to his computer to avoid working in too dark environments.

A 30-year-old man was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and never smoked or drunk

A few months later, although Chen Hao's condition did not improve significantly, his quality of life improved. He began to check the indoor air quality regularly and minimize the amount of time he spent working at night to ensure adequate rest and fresh air.

Chen Hao's wife asked Dr. Li, "Doctor, we have heard that lung cancer is also related to genetics, is this true?" He also paid a lot of attention to his life, why did he still suffer from such a disease? ”

A 30-year-old man was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and never smoked or drunk

Dr. Lee explained in detail some of the things you need to know about lung cancer and genetics. He pointed out that while some genetic mutations do increase the risk of lung cancer, most cases of lung cancer are not directly caused by genetic factors.

Carcinogens in the environment, as well as poor lifestyle habits, can lead to.

A 30-year-old man was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and never smoked or drunk

"So, while we can't completely control the genetic factors, improving the living and working environment, as well as adopting a healthy lifestyle, are very important preventive measures." Dr Lee emphasised the importance of prevention and advised Chen Hao and his family to have regular lung health check-ups, especially if there are any uncomfortable symptoms, they should consult a doctor immediately.

A 30-year-old man was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and never smoked or drunk

He realized that although he could not change the genetic factors, he could improve his quality of life and health by improving the small details of his daily life.

Just as they were about to leave the consultation room, Chen Hao's wife suddenly asked, "Doctor, we heard that electromagnetic radiation may also cause lung cancer, is this true?" How can we avoid this risk? ”

A 30-year-old man was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and never smoked or drunk

Dr. Lee nodded and explained, "Electromagnetic radiation is indeed an unavoidable part of modern life. However, the best way to reduce this risk is to minimize prolonged exposure to electronic devices, ensure good air circulation indoors, and use radiation-resistant screen protectors.

In addition, simple habits such as keeping the proper distance between the device and the body and using headphones instead of holding the phone directly close to the head for calls can also go a long way in reducing the effects of radiation. ”

A 30-year-old man was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and never smoked or drunk

In addition, do not put your phone next to your pillow while sleeping, it is better to keep your phone far away from the bed, or use airplane mode, which can ensure that you are not disturbed while also reducing the effects of radiation. ”

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A 30-year-old man was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and never smoked or drunk