
Middle-aged and elderly people can't take a nap? Doctors have repeatedly reminded: after the age of 60, remember to take a nap "four avoidances"

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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"You say, is that little nap really that important?" Lao Zhang said.

Lao Zhang, 62 years old, recently, he feels that he is always flustered and short of breath after taking a nap, and even sometimes feels a slight chest pain.

Middle-aged and elderly people can't take a nap? Doctors have repeatedly reminded: after the age of 60, remember to take a nap "four avoidances"

Friends told him it might have something to do with his daily napping habits and advised him to see a doctor. After listening to Lao Zhang's situation, Dr. Chen said: "Actually, after the age of 60, it is true that we should pay attention to the 'four avoidances' when taking a nap, which is not a trivial matter. Dr. Chan elaborated on these four key points to avoid:

Avoid taking naps for too long. Avoid strenuous activity immediately after napping. Strenuous exercise, such as brisk walking or doing chores, immediately after napping, can suddenly increase the pressure on the heart, which can cause fluctuations in blood pressure or even an irregular heartbeat. Lao Zhang's palpitation and shortness of breath may be caused by sudden activity after a nap.

Middle-aged and elderly people can't take a nap? Doctors have repeatedly reminded: after the age of 60, remember to take a nap "four avoidances"

Avoid napping immediately after meals. Dr. Chan explained that lying down and taking a nap immediately after a meal will increase the probability of gastroesophageal reflux, which may cause chronic laryngitis or esophagitis in the long run, and is also a hidden danger to heart health. Also avoid napping in noisy environments.

Dr. Chan also made a point: "Everyone knows that smoking is bad for your health, but did you know? The quality of naps in smokers is much lower than that of non-smokers. He explains that smoking not only destroys sleep at night, but even a lunch break can become light and restless.

Middle-aged and elderly people can't take a nap? Doctors have repeatedly reminded: after the age of 60, remember to take a nap "four avoidances"

Lao Zhang had never realized the hidden health risks behind these daily habits before, nor did he think that there were so many things to pay attention to napping. Lao Zhang asked: "Then the chest pain I have felt recently, will it be related to my going up the stairs immediately after taking a nap?" ”

"Based on your description and my observations, this is true. Your blood vessels are still relatively relaxed after a nap, so it is recommended that you move lightly after taking a nap, such as walking slowly for a few minutes, before doing other activities. ”

Middle-aged and elderly people can't take a nap? Doctors have repeatedly reminded: after the age of 60, remember to take a nap "four avoidances"

Dr. Chan added, "Actually, the hardness of the bed for napping is also very important. Beds that are too soft or too hard can affect the health of the spine, especially in middle-aged and older people, where spinal problems are common. A suitable mattress should be able to support the body without being overly compressed. ”

Dr. Chan elaborates, "A good mattress keeps your spine naturally curved, helps with deep rest and reduces the burden on the heart. ”

Middle-aged and elderly people can't take a nap? Doctors have repeatedly reminded: after the age of 60, remember to take a nap "four avoidances"

He continued: "One more point, about the choice of pillow for naps. For the heart, a pillow of the right height can help maintain good blood circulation and avoid poor blood flow due to neck compression. ”

Lao Zhang began to think about whether the mattress and pillows at home were suitable, and decided to check them carefully when he returned home. "By the way, there's another question." Lao Zhang suddenly thought, "I heard that napping may also affect people's mood and mental state, is this true?" ”

Middle-aged and elderly people can't take a nap? Doctors have repeatedly reminded: after the age of 60, remember to take a nap "four avoidances"

Dr. Chan replied, "Proper napping can help enhance mood and cognitive function. But the main thing is the word 'appropriate'. If you manage your nap time and make sure you wake up during a light sleep phase, the positive emotional and mental effects of napping will be more pronounced. ”

Lao Zhang decided that after returning home, he should start adjusting his lunch break habits and try to make this simple daily activity a boost for his healthy life.

Middle-aged and elderly people can't take a nap? Doctors have repeatedly reminded: after the age of 60, remember to take a nap "four avoidances"

Lao Zhang also asked a question: "Then what kind of environment should I choose when I take a nap?" Dr. Chan replied, "Places with too much noise can easily cause your sleep quality to deteriorate, and too much light will also affect the secretion of melatonin, which is very bad for sleep." ”

"If possible, you can close the curtains in your room to help you get into a short period of deep rest."

Middle-aged and elderly people can't take a nap? Doctors have repeatedly reminded: after the age of 60, remember to take a nap "four avoidances"

Lao Zhang asked, "Dr. Chen, I sometimes feel my head is heavy after taking a nap, what's going on?" Dr. Chan replied, "It could be because you're napping too long or because the quality of your naps isn't high. ”

"If you sleep in a noisy or brightly lit environment, you can also get a poor quality of sleep and wake up feeling exhausted. It is recommended that you adjust your environment and control the amount of time you sleep, and try to wake yourself up in a light sleep to feel more refreshed. ”

Middle-aged and elderly people can't take a nap? Doctors have repeatedly reminded: after the age of 60, remember to take a nap "four avoidances"

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Middle-aged and elderly people can't take a nap? Doctors have repeatedly reminded: after the age of 60, remember to take a nap "four avoidances"

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