
The 57-year-old aunt died of kidney failure, and she ate regularly and loved exercise before her death, and the doctor regretted that ignorance hurt her

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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"Did you know that sometimes, excessive health care can actually be harmful?"

The doctor explained to a group of medical students who had surrounded him that they had just passed by a ward where a patient had just died. The deceased aunt was named Zhang Juhua, who was only 57 years old, and her life was abruptly ended by kidney failure.

The 57-year-old aunt died of kidney failure, and she ate regularly and loved exercise before her death, and the doctor regretted that ignorance hurt her

Before her death, Aunt Zhang was a very health-conscious person, insisting on exercising every day and eating very regularly, but she was unfortunate and ill-fated, and the illness still couldn't let her go.

The doctor continued: "Aunt Zhang, she believes that a healthy lifestyle can protect against all diseases, but she neglects the correct understanding and application of health information. ”

The 57-year-old aunt died of kidney failure, and she ate regularly and loved exercise before her death, and the doctor regretted that ignorance hurt her

Aunt Zhang has to walk a lot every day, and she thinks that her body has become very healthy because of it. She is also very careful about her diet, insisting on low salt and fat, and likes to cook by herself and rarely eats out.

However, it is these "healthy" habits that slowly sow the seeds of disease. Aunt Zhang is particularly keen on online health forums and often finds some so-called health foods and nutritional supplements to eat from the Internet.

The 57-year-old aunt died of kidney failure, and she ate regularly and loved exercise before her death, and the doctor regretted that ignorance hurt her

In Aunt Zhang's case, she overdosed on some supplements that were high in calcium and vitamin D, which increased the burden on her kidneys without her knowledge.

The doctor explained: "Aunt Zhang originally had a slight problem with her kidneys, but due to her long-term overdose of these supplements, the burden on her kidneys was too heavy, and she gradually developed kidney failure. ”

The 57-year-old aunt died of kidney failure, and she ate regularly and loved exercise before her death, and the doctor regretted that ignorance hurt her

Moreover, she did not pay enough attention to some of the body's warning signs, such as fatigue and muscle pain, as overexercise.

Many middle-aged and elderly people are very dependent on health supplements and lack awareness of their side effects. Aunt Zhang's life is full of exercise and healthy food, and she looks very healthy on the surface, but in fact, she doesn't really know about her physical condition. Her overconfidence and misunderstanding of health knowledge eventually led to tragedy.

The 57-year-old aunt died of kidney failure, and she ate regularly and loved exercise before her death, and the doctor regretted that ignorance hurt her

In the hospital, Aunt Zhang's medical record is a reminder and a warning. The doctor hopes that through this case, more people will realize that health care is not only about eating the right food and doing enough exercise, but also about having the right knowledge and appropriate measures.

Shortly after Aunt Zhang's death, a patient asked the doctor, "I am also taking some health supplements, should I stop and re-evaluate when I hear you say this?" ”

The 57-year-old aunt died of kidney failure, and she ate regularly and loved exercise before her death, and the doctor regretted that ignorance hurt her

The doctor replied: "I recommend that you go for a comprehensive health check-up, preferably in communication with a professional dietitian or doctor, to develop a suitable diet and supplement plan according to your physical condition. ”

"Excessive use of supplements can also lead to some rare but very serious side effects," the doctor said. In the case of Aunt Zhang, for example, some of the so-called 'immune-boosting' products she uses contain ingredients that are actually toxic to the kidneys. ”

The 57-year-old aunt died of kidney failure, and she ate regularly and loved exercise before her death, and the doctor regretted that ignorance hurt her

"In fact, more than 15% of middle-aged and elderly people in mainland China have health problems due to improper use of health care products, and a considerable part of them are due to chronic injuries caused by overdose or long-term use." The doctor said.

The doctor continued: "Everyone thinks that the more expensive and comprehensive the health products they buy, the better they can ensure their health, which is actually a very big misunderstanding. Health is not bought, but the accumulation of a bit by bit lifestyle. ”

The 57-year-old aunt died of kidney failure, and she ate regularly and loved exercise before her death, and the doctor regretted that ignorance hurt her

"Aunt Zhang's example is very illustrative, her lifestyle habits seem to be impeccable, but because of the wrong use of health products and the neglect of her own body signals, it has led to misfortune."

"What's more, this over-reliance on health supplements is often based on recommendations that lack scientific evidence." The doctor said.

The 57-year-old aunt died of kidney failure, and she ate regularly and loved exercise before her death, and the doctor regretted that ignorance hurt her

"We should be vigilant about any health supplements," the doctor said. Don't try it without the professional guidance of a doctor or dietitian. When it comes to diet and exercise, it's important to tailor the program to the individual's health condition. ”

The doctor made another point: "Moreover, we need to redefine health from a psychological level. Health is not only a numerical value on the physical examination report, but also a mental and emotional state. We must learn to listen to our body and feel every small change in our body, which is the most intimate health care. ”

The 57-year-old aunt died of kidney failure, and she ate regularly and loved exercise before her death, and the doctor regretted that ignorance hurt her

A young patient asked, "Doctor, I am also taking some vitamin and mineral supplements, should I stop using them?" ”

The doctor replied, "Not all supplements are unnecessary, the key is whether they are suitable for your actual needs." I recommend that you first do a detailed physical examination to see if there is really a deficiency of certain nutrients. ”

The 57-year-old aunt died of kidney failure, and she ate regularly and loved exercise before her death, and the doctor regretted that ignorance hurt her

What do you think about passing away from kidney failure? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 57-year-old aunt died of kidney failure, and she ate regularly and loved exercise before her death, and the doctor regretted that ignorance hurt her

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