
The 56-year-old man was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, regretted and cried bitterly: I have these abnormalities on my face for a long time, and I didn't take it seriously

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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"Ah, really, this liver, I knew today, why bother in the first place!" Zhang Wei wiped away his tears and sat on the hospital bench, muttering in his mouth.

Zhang Wei, a 56-year-old bank clerk, was eventually diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver because of his long-term alcohol intake and irregular lifestyle.

The 56-year-old man was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, regretted and cried bitterly: I have these abnormalities on my face for a long time, and I didn't take it seriously

Looking back, he looked at himself in the mirror, his face was dull yellow, and the corners of his eyes had accumulated brown pigment, but he ignored it. This kind of silent change is not unique to Zhang Wei.

His doctor, Dr. Li, had warned him countless times to pay attention to his health, especially Zhang Wei's drunken red face, which was often mistaken for a symbol of his prime, but in fact a subtle sign of abnormal liver function. Dr Lee says cirrhosis does not happen overnight, but is the result of long-term liver damage.

The 56-year-old man was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, regretted and cried bitterly: I have these abnormalities on my face for a long time, and I didn't take it seriously

Among them, the inflammation of the liver is capricious, and the cells are constantly damaged, which eventually leads to the replacement of normal liver cells with scar tissue, affecting liver function.

Dr. Lee also mentioned that it is generally believed that only obvious jaundice is the only way to realize that there is a problem with the liver, but many early signs such as fatigue, loss of appetite, bloated stomach, weakness of hands and feet are often overlooked. Zhang Wei's case is a typical case of ignoring the early signs of cirrhosis.

The 56-year-old man was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, regretted and cried bitterly: I have these abnormalities on my face for a long time, and I didn't take it seriously

Against this backdrop, Dr. Li made another point that Zhang Wei had not heard before: the daily dietary habits of patients with cirrhosis, especially their salt intake, are much more important than most people think.

While it is well known that excessive salt intake increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, few know that in patients with cirrhosis, even a slight accumulation of sodium salt can lead to an abnormal build-up of water in the body, which in turn exacerbates the symptoms of ascites and edema.

The 56-year-old man was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, regretted and cried bitterly: I have these abnormalities on my face for a long time, and I didn't take it seriously

Dr. Lee describes several cases in which patients have seen significant improvements in ascites and edema after strict sodium intake.

After hearing this, Zhang Wei was very surprised. He recalled that he had no scruples about salt all these years, and he never imagined that there would be such serious consequences behind it. He decided to completely change his eating habits, although it was too late, but hoped to slow the progression of the disease through management.

The 56-year-old man was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, regretted and cried bitterly: I have these abnormalities on my face for a long time, and I didn't take it seriously

Dr. Li also reminded Zhang Wei that although liver cirrhosis is irreversible, reasonable life adjustments, medical monitoring and medication can greatly improve the quality of life and prolong the hope that through his own example, he can warn everyone that health really can't wait for tomorrow.

He recounts in detail the consequences of his neglect of physical changes and how it all turned into his now strictly self-managed lifestyle. He stressed that early small signals, such as changes in facial skin tone, are often the body's distress signals, and a timely response may prevent further deterioration of the condition.

The 56-year-old man was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, regretted and cried bitterly: I have these abnormalities on my face for a long time, and I didn't take it seriously

Many people are starting to review their lifestyle habits and realize that health should not be neglected. They also began to pay attention to their own and their families' physical conditions and seek help from doctors in time, rather than waiting for irreversible damage to occur.

Dr. Li believes that if more people are as brave as Zhang Wei is to face their health problems and pass this information on to others, the public's awareness and preventive measures for liver disease will be greatly improved. Although Zhang Wei's transformation was too late and his condition was still severe, his quality of life improved significantly.

The 56-year-old man was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, regretted and cried bitterly: I have these abnormalities on my face for a long time, and I didn't take it seriously

By adjusting his diet and living habits, Zhang Wei felt that his physical strength had recovered, and although he could not completely reverse his condition, at least he felt that he had achieved a certain victory in the battle against the disease.

Everyone is starting to realize that health is the result of accumulation over time, and it's never too late to start paying attention. As Zhang Wei said, early attention may avoid a lot of unnecessary suffering. In the process, Zhang Wei felt the transformation from an ordinary bank clerk to a community health educator.

The 56-year-old man was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, regretted and cried bitterly: I have these abnormalities on my face for a long time, and I didn't take it seriously

Everyone has the ability to influence others through their own experiences and improve the health perception of society. As Zhang Wei experienced, although life is limited, it can change infinitely. In each of our lives, there may be alarm bells similar to Zhang Wei's.

What do you think about cirrhosis? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 56-year-old man was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, regretted and cried bitterly: I have these abnormalities on my face for a long time, and I didn't take it seriously