
Summer is the "high incidence of myocardial infarction"! The doctor reminds: the elderly should be prepared at 4 o'clock to spend the summer safely

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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"I've been losing a lot of hair lately, is there something wrong?" Zhu Lan muttered to herself and decided to follow the advice of her family doctor and go to the hospital for a full check-up.

As a retired primary school music teacher, Julan is always used to facing every little episode of life with the most positive attitude.

But this time, her instincts told her that the unusual loss of her hair could be a harbinger of a more serious health problem.

Summer is the "high incidence of myocardial infarction"! The doctor reminds: the elderly should be prepared at 4 o'clock to spend the summer safely

At the hospital, Juran met Dr. Lim, a veteran physician with in-depth research in the field of cardiology.

After a series of examinations and questioning, Dr. Lim told Zhu Lan that there were some hidden dangers in her heart, especially during the hot summer months, and the risk of heart attack would increase significantly.

Hearing this, Zhu Lan felt a little nervous, but she quickly adjusted her mentality and listened carefully to Dr. Lin's advice.

Dr Lim explained to Zhu Lan why summer is a time of high incidence of heart attacks and reminded her that as an elderly person, she needs to be prepared for the following four things to survive the summer safely:

Summer is the "high incidence of myocardial infarction"! The doctor reminds: the elderly should be prepared at 4 o'clock to spend the summer safely

1. Try to avoid outdoor activities during high temperature periods. Dr. Lim reminds that during the hot summer months, especially from noon to afternoon, the heat can easily put extra stress on the heart, so it is recommended that Zhu Lan avoid going out and outside during this time.

To reduce her risk of heart disease, he advises her to choose to go out in the morning or evening when the temperature is relatively low during the day.

2. Maintain a suitable indoor temperature. Dr. Lim also reminded Zhu Lan to pay attention to the temperature regulation of the indoor environment.

Summer is the "high incidence of myocardial infarction"! The doctor reminds: the elderly should be prepared at 4 o'clock to spend the summer safely

It is ideal to set the temperature of the air conditioner at 26 to 28 degrees Celsius, as too low a temperature can cause the body to be suddenly exposed to a cold attack, and this drastic temperature change is a challenge to the cardiovascular system and can have adverse effects.

3. Eat a balanced diet with low-salt options. Dr Lim emphasises that a high-salt diet is a common cause of increased blood pressure, which directly increases the risk of heart attack.

He advises Juran to minimize the intake of salty snacks and heavy dishes, instead increase the proportion of fresh fruits and vegetables, and implement a low-salt diet in the daily diet, which can help maintain stable blood pressure and thus effectively prevent heart disease.

Summer is the "high incidence of myocardial infarction"! The doctor reminds: the elderly should be prepared at 4 o'clock to spend the summer safely

4. Conduct regular health check-ups. Finally, Dr Lim emphasised the importance of regular health check-ups for seniors who are at potential risk to their hearts.

This includes not only routine ECG and blood pressure monitoring, but also timely attention for any possible abnormal changes so that intervention and treatment can be carried out as early as possible. Such regular inspections can help Julan detect problems in time and take the necessary precautions.

Following these recommendations, Juran had a heart attack-free summer.

Summer is the "high incidence of myocardial infarction"! The doctor reminds: the elderly should be prepared at 4 o'clock to spend the summer safely

She began to realize that even ordinary lifestyle habits needed to be adjusted as she grew older and the seasons changed. Her experience has caused her friends and family around her to pay attention to heart disease prevention in the summer.

In a routine lecture at the hospital, Dr. Lim used the example of Zhu Lan to explain the prevention of heart disease in summer to the visiting elderly.

He pointed out that according to statistics, following simple daily preventive measures can significantly reduce the incidence of serious cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction.

So, for older people who are already at risk of heart disease, are there any other effective daily behaviors or habits that can further reduce the risk of heart attack in summer, in addition to the above four points?

Summer is the "high incidence of myocardial infarction"! The doctor reminds: the elderly should be prepared at 4 o'clock to spend the summer safely

In response to this problem, research has shown that in addition to regular preventive measures, the maintenance of mental health is also extremely important. Coping with stress and maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude can effectively reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease.

In addition, proper social activities and maintaining good interpersonal relationships also have a positive impact on the heart health of older adults.

Through these comprehensive lifestyle adjustments, seniors can not only spend their summers safely, but also enjoy healthier lives all year round.

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