
The doctor repeatedly emphasized: after the age of 60, you should take less walks and do more of these 4 things, and many old people don't care

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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"Why have you been losing your hair lately!" Lin Huimin stood in front of the mirror, pulling her hair from the ground, her face full of confusion and anxiety.

This retired middle school history teacher has always been physically tough and has never taken hair problems seriously. But as the days went by, she decided to see her family doctor.

On the advice of her family doctor, Lin Huimin went to the local hospital, hoping to find out why.

The doctor repeatedly emphasized: after the age of 60, you should take less walks and do more of these 4 things, and many old people don't care

After a comprehensive physical examination, the doctor found that in addition to hair loss, Lin Huimin also had several health problems that could not be ignored. The doctor said with a calm face, "Mr. Lin, we need to talk about your healthy lifestyle. ”

Lim has slightly high blood pressure and unsatisfactory blood sugar, which doctors suspect is related to her daily activity habits.

The experienced doctor continued: "You are now in your 60s, and at this age, walking may not be enough, there are other things to do. Lin Huimin picked up the pen and prepared to record carefully.

The doctor repeatedly emphasized: after the age of 60, you should take less walks and do more of these 4 things, and many old people don't care

Doctors first point out that while walking is good, it has limited effect on some underlying health problems.

"Walking can help maintain basic physical and cardiorespiratory fitness, but it's not enough to provide all the necessary physical activity," he explains. You need more varied activities to address the health challenges of old age. ”

1. Have some strength exercises. The doctor advised Lin Huimin to try light dumbbells or elastic bands, "This thing can help you build muscles, improve metabolism, and is good for bones."

The doctor repeatedly emphasized: after the age of 60, you should take less walks and do more of these 4 things, and many old people don't care

As we get older, we can stabilize a lot of muscles with more muscles, not easy to wrestle, and our days can be more moisturized. ”

Second, balance exercises have to keep up. The doctor went on to say, "When you're old, you're prone to staggering.

Practicing balance, such as yoga, tai chi, or simply standing balance, can help you stay on top, don't underestimate this, it works. ”

The doctor repeatedly emphasized: after the age of 60, you should take less walks and do more of these 4 things, and many old people don't care

3. Don't forget to move more. "In addition to walking, you have to try swimming or cycling, which is especially good for your heart and lungs, and it can also make you feel better. Swimming is especially suitable for our age, and it is gentle on the joints. ”

Fourth, the brain has to be turned. "It's important to move your muscles and bones, but you can't be idle. Playing chess and cards, reading more books, these can help keep your brain alive and prevent Alzheimer's disease. ”

The doctor also showed Lin a bunch of research data that proved how good these activities were for her peers.

The doctor repeatedly emphasized: after the age of 60, you should take less walks and do more of these 4 things, and many old people don't care

In addition, he also told a lot of stories about other old people, such as an old lady who has been practicing yoga all year round, and she can still walk around freely in her 80s and take care of herself, which is really exciting.

Lin Huimin listened to these suggestions and felt that it made sense, so she decided to add some ingredients to her daily routine and do more different exercises. After a few months, she felt much better and her hair was not falling out as much as before.

The doctor repeatedly emphasized: after the age of 60, you should take less walks and do more of these 4 things, and many old people don't care

However, there are still many elderly friends who only know about walking, and don't pay much attention to these diverse exercises, and don't realize that these comprehensive exercises are actually more important.

This begs the question: how can more older people understand the importance of multiple types of exercise and inspire them to participate through policy and community activities?

In response to this problem, we can do the following: First, institutions can carry out more health education activities for the elderly in the community, such as providing various suitable fitness courses, and popularizing the benefits of different exercises through hospitals and clinics.

The doctor repeatedly emphasized: after the age of 60, you should take less walks and do more of these 4 things, and many old people don't care

In addition, use TV and the Internet, which are also popular platforms for the elderly, to vividly show the benefits of exercise in the form of stories and short dramas.

Finally, provide subsidies for fitness classes and build more public fitness facilities to make it easier for the elderly to participate.

Through these measures, it is possible to effectively increase the participation of the elderly and make them healthier physically and mentally.

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