
A 61-year-old aunt insists on dancing every day, and she has a heart attack 2 years later? Doctor: 4 mistakes, take warning

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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"This hair is falling out, and it feels like it's going to be bald!" Shen Lili half-jokingly complained to the mirror, her fingers running between her increasingly thinning hair.

At the age of 62, her retirement should be easy and happy, but the recent hair loss problem has really made her panic.

A 61-year-old aunt insists on dancing every day, and she has a heart attack 2 years later? Doctor: 4 mistakes, take warning

On the advice of her family doctor, she went to the hospital to find out, and not only found the cause of her hair loss, but also unexpectedly discovered that she had a heart attack.

Shen Lili was a middle school art teacher before she retired, and after she retired, she decided to move more, so she began to dance every day, and she has been insisting on it for 2 years.

A 61-year-old aunt insists on dancing every day, and she has a heart attack 2 years later? Doctor: 4 mistakes, take warning

After some examination and discussion in the hospital, the doctor gave her several health neglect lists, all of which Shen Lili hadn't noticed much before.

The first is that life stress is not well managed. Shen Lili looks comfortable on the surface, but in fact, the pressure in her heart is huge!

The doctor said that whether your heart is good or not depends not only on your physical activity, but also on your mental health. When the pressure is high, the burden on the heart is heavy, and the function is naturally affected.

A 61-year-old aunt insists on dancing every day, and she has a heart attack 2 years later? Doctor: 4 mistakes, take warning

Again, the choice of dance and the state of personal health are not right. Shen Lili especially likes to dance that kind of fast-paced dance, but for middle-aged and elderly people, this fast-paced dance is easy to block the heart, compared to it, it may be more suitable to choose some soft dances.

The third problem is that the professional physical examination has not kept up. Although Shen Lili checks her body every year, she does not have an in-depth examination of the cardiovascular system.

Especially for people with a family history of heart disease, they should do electrocardiogram and echocardiography to find the problem early and deal with it early.

A 61-year-old aunt insists on dancing every day, and she has a heart attack 2 years later? Doctor: 4 mistakes, take warning

Finally, the problem of personal constitution is ignored. Shen Lili did not adjust the amount and method of exercise according to her physique.

Doctors recommend that it is especially important to set a suitable exercise plan according to the individual's physique and health condition, especially for patients with heart disease, and avoid excessive and unsuitable exercise.

The doctor also gave the example of a patient who also loved to dance, but because he didn't pay attention to this, he ended up having a heart attack.

A 61-year-old aunt insists on dancing every day, and she has a heart attack 2 years later? Doctor: 4 mistakes, take warning

This time, the doctor's advice made Shen Lili completely reflect on her lifestyle.

She learned how to de-stress and relax through yoga and meditation. The dance curriculum has also been adjusted, and I have chosen a dance that is more suitable for my age and physique.

In addition, she also started to have regular heart check-ups to take her heart health seriously.

A 61-year-old aunt insists on dancing every day, and she has a heart attack 2 years later? Doctor: 4 mistakes, take warning

The adjusted life made Shen Lili feel much more comfortable, but she suddenly thought of a question: "Speaking of which, those professional dancers dance at high intensity every day, why are their hearts fine?" ”

This question leads to an in-depth look at heart health management for dancers.

Studies have shown that professional dancers have adapted their hearts to the demands of high-intensity exercise through long-term training.

A 61-year-old aunt insists on dancing every day, and she has a heart attack 2 years later? Doctor: 4 mistakes, take warning

Their training is gradual, and their diet and lifestyle are strictly managed. For ordinary enthusiasts, directly imitating high-intensity dance, if you are not prepared, your heart will naturally be unbearable.

Therefore, when ordinary people choose the type and intensity of dance, they have to look at their physical condition, and they can't generalize.

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