
The 54-year-old eldest sister loves to eat bitter melon, and after half a year, she went to the hospital for an examination, and the doctor: what do you usually eat

author:Lao Xu's medical science
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"What have you eaten in the past six months?" The doctor's brows were tightly locked, and facing Li Hongmei in front of him, his tone revealed a trace of disbelief.

The 54-year-old eldest sister loves to eat bitter melon, and after half a year, she went to the hospital for an examination, and the doctor: what do you usually eat

Li Hongmei, 54 years old, is a senior librarian with a regular life and a wide range of hobbies.

Just six months ago, a new recuperation center called "Green Rehabilitation" opened downstairs.

That day, Li Hongmei's curiosity after work drove her inside.

The elegant environment and attentive service made her think deeply about her own health issues.

The 54-year-old eldest sister loves to eat bitter melon, and after half a year, she went to the hospital for an examination, and the doctor: what do you usually eat

The consultant at the healing center recommended some dietary regimens, especially bitter melon, which he called "a cooling agent on a hot summer day".

Although the bitter gourd is bitter, it is Li Hongmei's favorite.

Growing up, her love for bitter melon was almost paranoid to the point of paranoia.

Recalling my childhood, my mother often said, "People who endure hardships and stand hard work are even sweet bitter gourds." These words were deeply imprinted in her heart.

The 54-year-old eldest sister loves to eat bitter melon, and after half a year, she went to the hospital for an examination, and the doctor: what do you usually eat

So, from that day on, Li Hongmei began to eat bitter gourd at almost every meal, and she tried various methods: fried, fried, stewed, and even eaten raw.

One day, half a year later, she suddenly felt physically exhausted and dizzy.

Worried about her health, she went to the hospital for a full check-up.

The results were shocking – the doctor told her that her blood sugar was shockingly low.

The 54-year-old eldest sister loves to eat bitter melon, and after half a year, she went to the hospital for an examination, and the doctor: what do you usually eat

All of this stems from her fanatical love for bitter gourd.

The doctor explained that bitter melon contains a compound called "prunella glycoside", which lowers blood sugar.

Normally, moderate consumption of bitter gourd is beneficial for diabetics, but eating a large amount and long-term consumption like Li Hongmei may lead to low blood sugar and even symptoms of hypoglycemia.

The 54-year-old eldest sister loves to eat bitter melon, and after half a year, she went to the hospital for an examination, and the doctor: what do you usually eat

Li Hongmei was surprised by this result, and she never thought that "healthy food" could also pose health risks.

The doctor further pointed out that everything should be done in moderation, and that balanced nutrition is the key.

This medical examination was not only a wake-up call, but also made Li Hongmei rethink her eating habits.

Through this incident, doctors also mentioned other similar cases.

The 54-year-old eldest sister loves to eat bitter melon, and after half a year, she went to the hospital for an examination, and the doctor: what do you usually eat

For example, there was a patient who suffered from potassium imbalance due to excessive consumption of grapes, and another patient whose skin turned yellow due to a long period of high intake of carotene.

These examples illustrate that even healthy foods can cause health problems if not done in moderation.

In this regard, the doctor advised Li Hongmei to adjust her diet, reduce the intake of bitter gourd, and increase the proportion of other vegetables and meat to achieve a diverse and balanced diet.

The 54-year-old eldest sister loves to eat bitter melon, and after half a year, she went to the hospital for an examination, and the doctor: what do you usually eat

He also advised her to have regular physical check-ups so that she could detect and adjust her diet in time.

In addition, doctors have emphasized the importance of maintaining blood sugar stability through a large amount of data.

Studies have shown that fluctuations in blood sugar levels not only affect daily vitality and mood, but can also lead to serious health problems such as heart disease and retinopathy in the long term.

The 54-year-old eldest sister loves to eat bitter melon, and after half a year, she went to the hospital for an examination, and the doctor: what do you usually eat

This story shows us that even foods that are good for health need to be consumed scientifically and reasonably.

Excessive consumption or a single habit can have adverse effects on the body.

This also reflects that modern people should pay more attention to the balance and science of food when pursuing a healthy lifestyle.

Combined with Li Hongmei's experience, we ask a question:

The 54-year-old eldest sister loves to eat bitter melon, and after half a year, she went to the hospital for an examination, and the doctor: what do you usually eat

If a person consumes a single food for a long time, how can we scientifically guide and correct his eating habits to avoid possible health risks?

In order to answer this question, it is first necessary to understand the nutrient content of the food and the recommended daily intake.

Public health authorities and nutrition experts generally recommend that an adult's diet should include five main food groups: grains, proteins, vegetables, fruits, and dairy products.

The 54-year-old eldest sister loves to eat bitter melon, and after half a year, she went to the hospital for an examination, and the doctor: what do you usually eat

For specific foods, such as bitter gourd, it should be controlled no more than 3-4 times a week, and the amount should not exceed one bowl each time.

At the same time, increase the popularization of nutrition education, through workshops, cooking classes and media campaigns, to help the public understand the importance of food diversity, so as to improve eating habits and improve quality of life.

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