
How to make geraniums "beautiful" in summer? In addition to being able to "raise", but also to be able to "cut"

author:Sister Rong Flower House

For flower friends who like geraniums, it has many advantages, such as the following, is it the reason for you to enter the pit geraniums?

How to make geraniums "beautiful" in summer? In addition to being able to "raise", but also to be able to "cut"

Geraniums repel mosquitoes

After entering the summer, with more and more mosquitoes, many people want to raise a few pots of mosquito repellent flowers, and geranium is one of them. Its leaves and flowers will exude a kind of smell, people who like it say it is very fragrant, but people who like it say it smells very smelly, but it is this smell that has a good mosquito repellent effect.

Geraniums are rich in color

Because there are many varieties of geraniums, different geraniums have different flowering colors, and its flower color varieties can reach more than 200 kinds, and the leaves are also like flowers, and some colors are also very bright, it is precisely because of these reasons that many flower friends can't stop raising geraniums.

How to make geraniums "beautiful" in summer? In addition to being able to "raise", but also to be able to "cut"

Good nourishment love blossoms

Geranium is an easy-to-raise plant, and it can also be said to be a lazy plant, because the stem is fleshy and contains a lot of water, so don't water too much, keep your hands. Then there is the fact that it loves to bloom and has geranium flowers all year round.

It is precisely because of the above reasons that many flower friends want to raise the varieties of geraniums one by one. However, raising geraniums pays attention to not much refinement, that is, as long as you raise a pot of geraniums, you must raise it with "beauty". If you want to raise it to be beautiful in summer, in addition to being able to "raise", you must also learn to "cut".

How to make geraniums "beautiful" in summer? In addition to being able to "raise", but also to be able to "cut"

To raise geraniums in summer to be "beautiful", you must first learn to "raise"

If you want to raise geraniums to be beautiful, you first need to learn to raise, that is, to raise geraniums to be fat and beautiful, otherwise you can't even raise them, so how can you become beautiful?

In summer, I am afraid of rotten roots

Many flower friends call geraniums to die in summer, which means that geraniums are difficult to survive in summer, in fact, it is mainly because of the wrong maintenance methods, which will lead to geranium rotten roots.

(1) First of all

How to make geraniums "beautiful" in summer? In addition to being able to "raise", but also to be able to "cut"

Therefore, you must not water too much in summer, but when the soil is 1/2 dry, or when the edge of the leaves below turns yellow, you can water it again. At the same time, it should also be kept in a well-ventilated place, because good ventilation can also take away the moisture in the soil.

(2) Then there is fertilization must pay attention to some geranium varieties do not bloom in summer, for such geraniums, you need to stop fertilization, because this is geranium dormant.

How to make geraniums "beautiful" in summer? In addition to being able to "raise", but also to be able to "cut"

For geranium varieties that do not lie dormant in summer,

(3) Although sunlight can promote geraniums to grow buds, but the sunlight in summer is very strong, and geraniums are not resistant to exposure to the sun, so when raising geraniums in summer, they can be kept in places where scattered light, and about 50% of the light can make geraniums continue to grow and bloom.

Summary: Raising geraniums in summer, as long as you do the above well, you can not rot the roots, but also grow fat, and can bloom in summer.

How to make geraniums "beautiful" in summer? In addition to being able to "raise", but also to be able to "cut"

To raise geraniums to be "beautiful", you must also learn to "cut"

In addition to raising geraniums well, you must also learn to "cut", which can raise geraniums to be beautiful. Because geraniums grow vigorously, if they are not pruned, they will only grow more and more messy, and it can be said that there is no beauty at all.

Post-flowering pruning: For post-flowering geraniums, it is necessary to prune the residual flowers in time to prevent nutrient loss. To determine whether geranium residual flowers need to be pruned, as long as most of the flowers are dried up, they need to be pruned in time to prevent nutrient loss and affect the aesthetics.

How to make geraniums "beautiful" in summer? In addition to being able to "raise", but also to be able to "cut"

For geraniums that do not bloom after flowering, pruning should be more and heavier, that is, pruning off dry and weak branches, as well as crossed branches. Let geraniums be better ventilated, and it is not easy to be infested by pests and diseases during the dormant period.

There are also some varieties of geraniums, which can also bloom in summer. For such geraniums, the use of Hua Duoduo No. 2 after pruning can not only promote the growth of geraniums, but also allow the geraniums to grow buds again, and then they can bloom into large flower bulbs.

How to make geraniums "beautiful" in summer? In addition to being able to "raise", but also to be able to "cut"

Pruning at the seedling stage

Geraniums that have not bloomed are still in the seedling stage, and the geraniums at this time also need to be pruned, mainly, topping to promote the growth of side branches, such as small seedlings growing to about 15 cm, and then pruning the geraniums, leaving about 8 to 10 cm, so that the geraniums can grow side branches.

The side branches grow to about eight centimeters and are topped again, so that a geranium can also raise lollipops and bloom into large flower balls.

Pruned geraniums, can also be used for cuttings, as long as the wound and stem are dried some, cuttings in nutrient soil, watered thoroughly and placed in a bright place, 15 days can take root and sprout, grow a pot of geraniums.

How to make geraniums "beautiful" in summer? In addition to being able to "raise", but also to be able to "cut"
How to make geraniums "beautiful" in summer? In addition to being able to "raise", but also to be able to "cut"

Are your geraniums still blooming? After flowering, according to this method to raise, I believe that it can also raise beauty, and the longer the better, more and more flowers, the real realization of geranium freedom. #今日立夏#

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