
The 43-year-old eldest sister passed away from cervical cancer, and she was clean and self-conscious on weekdays, what did she do wrong? Listen to what the doctor has to say

author:The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology served as the former director
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative medical data combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have not been marked in the article, please be aware.

Sister Jiang is 43 this year, and she is an out-and-out strong woman, who takes a group of people to "fight" in the mall every day, but with such a high load of work, her body seems to be unable to support it; Since half a month ago, Sister Jiang found that her private parts were dripping with continuous bleeding and some edema.

At first, she asked her older sisters, and learned that there would be irregular vaginal bleeding before menopause, and she thought that she was also about to go through menopause, so she didn't pay much attention to it; But it lasted for half a month, and the blood in Sister Jiang's private parts still didn't stop, which made her panic.

Taking advantage of the weekend, Sister Jiang came to the hospital for an examination, and she was shocked when she was only 43 years old, she was actually in the advanced stage of cervical cancer!

The 43-year-old eldest sister passed away from cervical cancer, and she was clean and self-conscious on weekdays, what did she do wrong? Listen to what the doctor has to say

After a short period of grief, she accepted the treatment plan formulated by the doctor, but due to the severity of her condition and the poor treatment effect, Sister Jiang passed away after two months of chemotherapy...... Sister Jiang's departure has made her husband unbelievable, "She has always been clean and self-conscious, and the treatment is also very active, why did she die of cervical cancer!" Sister Jiang's husband said sadly.

The doctor sighed and said, "You can't do much about this!" ”

Cleansing yourself can also get cervical cancer, stop doing this!

As a malignant tumor of female reproductive organs, cervical cancer patients may not have obvious abnormal symptoms in the early stage of the disease, and abnormal vaginal bleeding will occur in the later stage, so most patients are in the middle and advanced stages when they seek medical treatment, resulting in a relatively low survival rate of cervical cancer, and the 5-year survival rate of advanced patients is only 9%-22%.

The 43-year-old eldest sister passed away from cervical cancer, and she was clean and self-conscious on weekdays, what did she do wrong? Listen to what the doctor has to say

This cancer that affects women is mostly related to human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, and HPV 16, 18, 6 and other high-risk HPV infections are more likely to cause lesions. There are many ways to infect these high-risk types of HPV, which are divided into direct sexual contact infection, indirect sexual contact infection, birth canal infection of female infants and pathogen infection. Sexual transmission is the main route of infection.

So Sister Jiang is clean and self-conscious, and her partner does not carry the virus, why does she still suffer from cervical cancer? The doctor explained: "This is because she stayed up late for a long time, her immunity was destroyed, and once she was indirectly exposed to the HPV virus (such as contact with infected personal clothes, toiletries, etc.), she could easily be infected, which caused cervical cancer." ”

With the development of society, staying up late has become a habit for many people, this was the case when Sister Jiang was alive, as a strong woman, she had to deal with work every night, staying up late was commonplace, and sometimes she even worked all night.

During the doctor's treatment, Sister Jiang's hormone secretion was found to be unbalanced through blood routine. Endocrine disruption and compromised immune system inhibit immune surveillance, resulting in a slow response to cancer infections and increasing the risk of cancer.

The 43-year-old eldest sister passed away from cervical cancer, and she was clean and self-conscious on weekdays, what did she do wrong? Listen to what the doctor has to say

How much impact can staying up late and sleeping have on cervical cancer?

In fact, everyone often knows that staying up late is not good, but still active/passive staying up late, in the final analysis, or do not understand the impact of staying up late on the body, today with the case of Sister Jiang, we will talk in detail about the impact of staying up late and sleeping on cervical cancer!

The first point, as we have mentioned above, staying up late can easily damage our immune system, because long-term late sleep may put the body in a state of stress, affect neuroendocrine, and cause it to overrelease glucocorticoids and catecholamines, these two hormones have certain harm to cells, will weaken the body's immunity, cause immunity to be impaired, and thus increase the rate of cervical cancer infection.

The 43-year-old eldest sister passed away from cervical cancer, and she was clean and self-conscious on weekdays, what did she do wrong? Listen to what the doctor has to say

Second, people who stay up late for a long time may have a faster lesion process when they are infected by HPV; When the HPV virus enters the human body, the immune system fights against the virus, and staying up late will lead to a decrease in immunity and a disorder of the biological clock, making it easier for the virus to replicate in the body, doubling the number, which may aggravate the condition and lead to deterioration.

Thirdly, the patient's negative conversion time may also be prolonged; During the treatment process, if the patient still does not have a good schedule and continues to stay up late, it will also reduce the body's resistance, reduce the resistance to the viral vector in the body, and even if there is surgery or drug intervention, the time to turn negative will be longer.

So from these points alone, we should be able to better understand how much damage staying up late brings us, for our health, doctors recommend that we must try to ensure sleep!

The 43-year-old eldest sister passed away from cervical cancer, and she was clean and self-conscious on weekdays, what did she do wrong? Listen to what the doctor has to say

Cervical cancer has such a big impact, can we test ourselves?

Cervical cancer may be more harmful to women than you think, so how do we know if we have cervical cancer? Or can you know how high the risk of cervical cancer is?

Let's first take a look at how to know your risk of cervical cancer. Doctors recommend starting with the following factors:

1. Look at age: The National Comprehensive Cancer Network pointed out that the starting age of cervical cancer is 21 years old, and the incidence of cervical cancer is mostly concentrated in women over 35 years old, and the risk of cervical cancer is the greatest after menopause, with 90% of patients occurring over 50 years old.

2. Look at the risk of direct or indirect contact with the HPV virus, such as being too young in the same room, poor self or partner hygiene, living in hotels and other residences with poor hygiene many times, etc.;

The 43-year-old eldest sister passed away from cervical cancer, and she was clean and self-conscious on weekdays, what did she do wrong? Listen to what the doctor has to say

3. Improper contraception, some people may not like to use condoms for contraception, but rely on contraceptives; However, it seems to be a more convenient move, but it brings more risks to girls, including the possible increase in the risk of cervical cancer, some scholars have found that women with oral contraceptives for five years or more have a higher risk of cervical cancer than women who do not use oral contraceptives.

4. Bad living habits, including but not limited to smoking, malnutrition, etc.;

5. People with immunosuppressive conditions, such as kidney transplant patients, AIDS patients, patients receiving chemotherapy, etc., should be vigilant!

The 43-year-old eldest sister passed away from cervical cancer, and she was clean and self-conscious on weekdays, what did she do wrong? Listen to what the doctor has to say

After knowing the level of risk, for high-risk groups, can we first test ourselves for disease? In fact, in view of this, the doctor recommends that you carefully observe the body for the following abnormalities:

1. Vaginal bleeding: some patients will have contact bleeding, that is, bleeding immediately after intercourse or gynecological examination, and the blood is mostly watery; Late vaginal bleeding is irregular, the amount of bleeding varies from person to person, mainly related to the size of the lesion, invasion of intrastitial blood vessels, bleeding time is not related to menstruation, may occur during menstruation, or before and after menstruation, and there are also elderly patients with postmenopausal bleeding.

2. Vaginal discharge: After cervical cancer, the discharge will increase, and the vagina will appear white or bloody, thin like watery or rice swill, fishy discharge, and the taste is very heavy and fishy.

The 43-year-old eldest sister passed away from cervical cancer, and she was clean and self-conscious on weekdays, what did she do wrong? Listen to what the doctor has to say

3. Edema of the lower limbs: This is due to the invasion of the pelvic wall or ureter by the cervical mass during the cervical lesion, causing edema of the lower limbs. Patients may have swelling or pain in their ankles, calves, and thighs, and may also have abnormal temperature perception.

Of course, if there is an abnormality in the body, it is best to go to the doctor for examination. In addition, HPV testing is also an option, and it is necessary for women to be screened every 3-5 years!


1.Cell: New study reveals why women are at greater risk of autoimmune diseases.2024-02-25

2. Don't stay up late! Don't stay up late! DNA damage can only be repaired by sleeping.2023-01-03
