
Thirty-six Plans for Education and Training: "Attracting Bees and Attracting Butterflies"

author:Jessie teaches The Ghost Valley
Thirty-six Plans for Education and Training: "Attracting Bees and Attracting Butterflies"

Use a good move six styles,

Realize the annual income of 1 million yuan in the private domain of education and training!

Bees and butterflies, honey pickers, can be enjoyed by the world; recruits, leads, and captives, then enjoys honey alone!

There are many bosses of education and training institutions have asked me, I heard that live broadcast + community is very hot, private domain monetization is very fast, can we do education and training? If you can, don't know what to do? How can it be done well?

The answer, of course, is yes!

I have a lot of successful transformation of education and training partners around me, 4 live broadcasts per month, each of which can be traded tens of thousands, and very stable, so that the annual income of 1 million is easy and pleasant.

Summarizing their experience, there are 6 aspects of the content for everyone to learn from.

First of all, there must be products that break through the radius of customer sources.

Only staring at the few courses sold to surrounding parents in their hands, it is difficult to achieve a lot of money, besides, now there are very few children, you spend so much effort, get around or those babies, next to the institutions are also staring, too tired!

If you don't focus on a wider range of channels and markets, it is difficult to achieve fast and large profits, and if you don't understand this, read my other articles.

Thirty-six Plans for Education and Training: "Attracting Bees and Attracting Butterflies"

Second, community operations should be in place.

The community is one of the cores of private domain operation, class groups, service groups... As long as it is your group, repeated notifications before the start of the broadcast, change the pattern of notification, there are their own people in the group to say hello in advance, chat about various topics about the upcoming live broadcast in the group, believe me, as long as there is a point to catch the customer's heart, he will willingly set an alarm for you!

Then, all those who place orders in the live broadcast room must solitaire in the community, create a transaction atmosphere, and stimulate the purchase of private domains.

Thirty-six Plans for Education and Training: "Attracting Bees and Attracting Butterflies"

Third, the circle of friends publicity should keep up.

Circle of friends on the live broadcast of the notice, content forecast what must have, and then, 30 minutes in advance, 10 minutes, 5 minutes must be sent countdown, once the start, if the use of video number live broadcast, the live link must be sent circle, and, the text to support the content of the live broadcast, let everyone notice that you are live broadcasting, to ensure that at any time someone comes to the live broadcast room.

Community and circle of friends are an important part of ensuring that people can come in the live broadcast room, you know, people come, the field is hot, it is good to bring atmosphere, with lottery benefits to attract everyone round after round of spread, this does not let their iron fans help bring new traffic?

Thirty-six Plans for Education and Training: "Attracting Bees and Attracting Butterflies"

Fourth, the theme planning should be novel.

People are willing to come to your live broadcast room because they are interested in the topics and content you share, and you find the topics that your parents care about most, the most popular at the moment, and the topics they care about most recently, which are far stronger than the topics you want to tell parents.

The difference between good themes and bad themes is more than 10 times more attractive to customers.

Thirty-six Plans for Education and Training: "Attracting Bees and Attracting Butterflies"

Fifth, welfare gifts should be abundant.

Partners who have played the community know how to "activate customers", a variety of red envelope play, game play, in the live broadcast room can be universal. In addition, the most active and active participants can send some valuable things, in addition to physical objects, as well as e-books and so on. Here to emphasize one thing, send welfare must pay attention to, send things to think about functionality, but also to carry out a certain packaging, the sense of value to shape out.

Thirty-six Plans for Education and Training: "Attracting Bees and Attracting Butterflies"

Sixth, product preferential design should be clever.

For example, you are selling a 49 yuan Bao Mama training camp in the live broadcast room, in fact, the training camp does not make money, relying on the training camp to attract people, and then recommend everyone to consider the 4980 yuan Bao Ma Business School membership annual card, but many customers will hesitate in the face of high prices, so we can set up a hundred yuan expansion gold, 100 yuan set 300 yuan, 500 yuan, or even more, the result is that many people are willing to order for benefits, and the turnover will come up at once.

I have always been very optimistic about the prospect of live broadcast + community monetization, after all, it is definitely a very happy thing for the public domain and the private domain to make money together.

Thirty-six Plans for Education and Training: "Attracting Bees and Attracting Butterflies"

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