
Micro novel: Don't go! Look at this guy again


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Micro novel: Don't go! Look at this guy again

My name is Li Lin and I am an ordinary housewife. My husband's name is Wang Qiang, and he is an employee of a small company. We have a sixteen-year-old daughter named Xiaoxue. She is the pearl of our palms and the flesh of our hearts.

It was an ordinary weekend afternoon, and I was sitting in my living room watching TV, enjoying a rare moment of peace. Suddenly, I heard a slight doorbell. I put down the remote control in my hand, walked to the door and opened the door, only to see a young and handsome boy standing outside the door. His eyes were full of anxiety and unease, and he looked a little flustered.

"Hello, Auntie, I'm Wang Chen." He said with some hesitation.

"Oh, you're Chenchen, Xiaoxue's classmate." I remember Xiaoxue once mentioned him as a classmate in her high school class. I smiled and beckoned him in, "Do you have anything to do with Xiaoxue?" ”

Wang Chen stood a little cramped in the living room after he came in, his eyes kept wandering, as if he was looking for something. I looked at him with a little bewilderment, a little uneasy in my heart. Why does this usually quiet and well-behaved boy look so anxious?

"Auntie, I'...... I'm looking for Xiaoxue. His voice trembled a little, revealing an inner uneasiness.

"Looking for Xiaoxue?" I was a little confused, "She's upstairs, you wait a minute, I'll call her." ”

I turned and walked up the stairs, a little doubt surging in my mind. Xiaoxue and Wang Chen usually have a good relationship, but his expression today made me feel that something was wrong. I quickened my pace, hurried to the door of Xiaoxue's room, and knocked lightly.

"Xiaoxue, a classmate named Wang Chen is looking for you." I whispered.

The door slowly opened, and Xiaoxue looked at me with a surprised expression, "What? Wang Chen is here? ”

"Yes, he's waiting for you in the living room." I replied with a smile.

Xiaoxue seemed to be a little flustered and tidied up her clothes, and then ran out in a hurry. I looked at her back, and a feeling of unease welled up in my heart. What the hell is going on here? Why did Wang Chen suddenly come to Xiaoxue? I couldn't resist chasing after him, trying to find out what was really going on.

Wang Chen waited anxiously in the living room, and when he saw Xiaoxue appear, a trace of relief and joy flashed on his face. He quickly walked towards Xiaoxue and said with a somewhat flustered expression, "Xiaoxue, can you go out with me for a while?" I have something to tell you. ”

Micro novel: Don't go! Look at this guy again

Xiaoxue looked at him suspiciously, and a feeling of uneasiness welled up in her heart. "What's the matter?" She asked.

"This ......" Wang Chen stammered a little, "Can we go out and talk?" ”

Xiaoxue nodded and walked out of the door with Wang Chen. I couldn't help but follow, following them from a distance, trying to hear their conversation.

Wang Chen was silent until he walked to a quiet corner outside the community before stopping. His face was a little pale, and there was a hint of uneasiness and determination in his eyes.

"Xiaoxue, I'...... I like you. He finally spoke, his voice trembling slightly.

Xiao Xue was stunned, she didn't expect Wang Chen to say such a thing. Her mood suddenly became complicated, and she felt both surprised and a little embarrassed. "Wang Chen, this ......"

"I know I said that maybe a little suddenly." Wang Chen interrupted her, "But I really can't help it, I've always liked you, and I've liked you for a long, long time." ”

Xiaoxue was silent for a moment, she felt Wang Chen's affectionate eyes, and some complicated emotions surged in her heart. "Wang Chen, we are good friends, I really appreciate your concern for me, but ......"

"But you don't like me, do you?" Wang Chen said with some frustration, "I know I'm not the best, but I'll work hard, and I'll make you happy." ”

Xiaoxue shook her head slightly, "Wang Chen, you are really a good person, but I haven't thought about these things yet, I think it's better for us to maintain our current friendship." ”

When Wang Chen heard this, his heart ached. He knew that Xiaoxue was rejecting him, but he was not willing to give up. "Xiaoxue, I can wait for you, I will wait forever."

Xiao Xue looked at Wang Chen's eyes, and a trace of emotion surged in her heart. "Thank you, Wang Chen, but I hope you understand me." She whispered, "We're still good friends, and we'll be the same in the future." ”

Micro novel: Don't go! Look at this guy again

Wang Chen nodded, although he was a little disappointed in his heart, he knew that he couldn't force it. "Okay, Xiaoxue, I'll respect your choice." He struggled to squeeze out a smile, "Let's go back." ”

They slowly walked back home, and the atmosphere was a little awkward. I sighed to myself, admiring Wang Chen's courage and persistence. This youthful relationship may leave a deep memory on them.

Back home, Wang Chen and Xiaoxue's moods were a little heavy. They sat down in the living room, and for a moment fell silent again.

"Xiaoxue, I'...... I'm sorry, I may have been a little impulsive. Wang Chen broke the silence and tried to ease the atmosphere.

Xiaoxue shook her head, "Wang Chen, you don't have to apologize, I know you're sincere." ”

"But I still hope we can continue to be good friends." Wang Chen said, "I don't want to affect our relationship because of this. ”

Xiaoxue smiled slightly, "Of course, we will always be good friends." ”

At this point, I walked over and tried to lighten the mood. "Wang Chen, you can have a cup of tea." I handed him a cup of hot tea, "Drink some hot tea, it will feel better." ”

Wang Chen took the teacup and smiled slightly, "Thank you, Auntie." He took a sip of tea and felt a hint of warmth.

"Mom, I'll pour Wang Chen a glass of water." Xiaoxue took the initiative to stand up, picked up the kettle and prepared to go to the kitchen.

"No, I'll do it myself." I smiled and waved my hand, "Let's talk in the living room." ”

Wang Chen looked at Xiaoxue's back, and a trace of gratitude swelled in his heart. Although he knew that Xiaoxue's feelings for him were not so deep, he still hoped to continue to maintain such a friendship with her.

Micro novel: Don't go! Look at this guy again

"Xiaoxue, I'm really sorry." He said softly, "I don't want to embarrass you. ”

Xiaoxue shook her head, "It's okay, Wang Chen, I understand you." ”

They sat quietly in the living room, exchanging a few words once in a while, and the atmosphere gradually relaxed. I looked at them and secretly rejoiced in my heart that although this friendship had gone through some twists and turns, the sincerity and goodwill between them had never changed.

Time passed slowly, and the friendship between Wang Chen and Xiaoxue gradually returned to the previous track. Their interactions became more relaxed and natural, as if they had never experienced that awkward conversation.

One weekend afternoon, Xiaoxue invited Wang Chen to go for a walk in the park. The sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, and the park is full of spring breath.

"Wang Chen, look, that flower is so beautiful!" Xiaoxue excitedly ran to a flower-filled bush and pointed to a blooming peony and said.

Wang Chen walked over with a smile and looked at the flower carefully. "It's beautiful indeed, just like you."

When Xiaoxue heard this, a flush welled up on her face, and she hung her head a little shyly. She felt Wang Chen's sincerity and care, and she couldn't help but feel a trace of warmth in her heart.

They walked in the park, chatting, laughing, laughing, laugh Wang Chen introduced some books and music to Xiaoxue, and Xiaoxue also shared some of her hobbies and dreams.

"Wang Chen, do you know, I want to become a painter in the future." Xiaoxue looked into the distance and said dreamily.

"Really? That's great! Wang Chen said excitedly, "I will definitely support you." ”

"Thank you, Wang Chen." Xiaoxue turned her head and looked at him with a smile, "It's good to have a friend like you." ”

Micro novel: Don't go! Look at this guy again

Wang Chen's heart swelled with a warm current, he knew that the friendship between him and Xiaoxue was already very deep, no matter what happened in the future, they would support each other and accompany each other through every stage of life.

Time passed quietly, the sun set, Wang Chen and Xiaoxue reluctantly left the park, but the sincere friendship in their hearts will last forever.

Time flew by, and I found that the friendship between Xiaoxue and Wang Chen was deepening day by day, and they often went out for walks, watched movies, and even went to the library to study together. I secretly rejoiced in my heart, and felt how precious this sincere friendship was.

One day, I saw Xiaoxue and Wang Chen sitting in the living room discussing something seriously, their expressions full of excitement and anticipation.

"Mom, Wang Chen and I have a plan, we want to participate in the school art competition together." Xiaoxue said excitedly, "We are going to work together to create a painting. ”

"Yes, Auntie, we have a lot of ideas and hope to be able to make a difference in the competition." Wang Chen added.

I listened, and my heart was filled with joy. "It's fantastic, and I support your decision. If there's anything you need help with, just let me know. ”

They nodded happily and began to discuss the game in detail. I looked at them with a sense of relief. This is not only a challenge for Xiaoxue and Wang Chen, but also an opportunity to grow and exercise.

As the competition approached, the two of them began to get busy, discussing the ideas and details of the paintings together every day. I watched them work together, and I felt very relieved.

The day of the competition soon came, and Xiaoxue and Wang Chen walked into the school's exhibition hall together, displaying their carefully created works. I stood in the audience, looking at them nervously, praying that they would get good results.

Finally, the judges announced the results of the competition, and Xiaoxue and Wang Chen's works won the first prize! I looked at their joyful smiles, and my heart was filled with pride and joy.

"Wang Chen, Xiaoxue, you guys are amazing!" I excitedly stepped forward and took their hands, "I'm so proud of you. ”

Micro novel: Don't go! Look at this guy again

They smiled and hugged each other, sharing this indescribable joy. This competition not only exercised their creative ability, but also deepened their friendship.

I looked at them with emotion in my heart. Xiaoxue and Wang Chen, your friendship is not only an emotion, but also a kind of strength, which will accompany you throughout your life and achieve your future.

【Disclaimer】The pictures in the article are all from the Internet, if it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and the infringement must be deleted!

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