
I want my husband to be favored by other women


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I want my husband to be favored by other women

I am an ordinary woman, my name is Yang Yuqi. I am a housewife with a tall husband of 1.8 meters named Wang Jian. We've been married for five years, and married life is pretty uneventful. Wang Jian and I love each other, but there is an unknown secret hidden in my heart, that is, I want my husband to be favored by other women.

Wang Jian is a white-collar worker in a foreign company, and he always wears a crisp suit on weekdays, giving people a capable feeling. He is a hard-working worker, has a strong sense of family responsibility, and often works overtime and never complains. I, on the other hand, am an ordinary housewife, taking care of the housework and taking care of the family at home day after day. The rhythm of our lives seemed to be harmonious, but there was an indescribable uneasiness in my heart.

My marriage to Wang Jian is not without problems, and there are some subtle contradictions between us. The biggest problem is that I am dissatisfied with the state of my life and feel that my life is lacking some passion and excitement. I'm not a utilitarian, but I crave some outside recognition and attention. Although Wang Jian is a good husband, his focus is always on work and family, and he rarely has time to pay attention to my personal feelings and needs.

In this contradictory state, I gradually began to realize a strange expectation of Wang Jian - hoping that he would be favored by other women. This thought started out as a fantasy in my heart, but as time went on, it grew stronger and stronger, and even became uncontrollable. I began to secretly hope that a woman would appear in our lives, so that Wang Jian would notice her and make him have a special affection for her.

This thought made me feel very remorseful, and I felt sorry for Wang Jian and sorry for our marriage. But I can't get rid of this thought, and whenever I see Wang Jian going out to work, I will secretly pray to myself, hoping that he will meet a woman outside that makes his heart move. I even began to deliberately indulge my imagination, fantasizing about the various scenes between Wang Jian and another woman, which made my heart flutter.

This inner conflict made me feel very distressed, and I didn't know how to deal with my emotions. I didn't dare to tell anyone, because I knew that if I told someone about this idea, it would cause great misunderstanding and trouble. I even began to wonder if something was wrong with me, if I had unrealistic expectations for marriage and life. But no matter how hard I tried to tell myself to accept reality and cherish the happiness in front of me, I couldn't suppress the desire in my heart.

Perhaps, this is the contradiction of love. I love Wang Jian, but I hope that he can be favored by other women. This contradiction made me feel helpless, and I didn't know how to deal with such complex emotions. I can only silently endure the inner torment, hoping that I can find a way out of this emotional whirlpool.

The marital conflict between me and Wang Jian became more and more prominent in my heart. Despite our apparent harmony, I always had an indescribable desire in my heart for him to be favored by other women. This paradoxical emotion churned in my heart and made me feel extremely anxious.

One day, while I was tidying up my room at home, my phone suddenly rang and showed an unfamiliar number. I hesitated and answered the phone.

"Hey, hello, I'm Xiao Liu, Wang Jian's colleague." A slightly tired male voice came from the other end of the line.

"Oh, hello." I was a little surprised that Wang Jian rarely had too much contact with his colleagues.

"Sorry to bother you." Xiao Liu was a little apologetic in his voice, "I'm going to work overtime with Wang Jian tonight, and by the way, I invite you and the couple to have a meal together, which is a celebration of work." ”

My heart moved, this is an opportunity to get to know Wang Jian. Perhaps, through contact with his colleagues, I can learn more about his work and maybe find a solution to the conflict in our marriage.

"It's okay, I'd love to eat with you." I replied with a smile.

I want my husband to be favored by other women

In the evening, Wang Jian and I went to a high-end restaurant, where Xiao Liu was already waiting. He is a slightly quiet young man who gives people a very reliable feeling.

"You're welcome!" Xiao Liu greeted us with a smile, "We have booked a private room, please come in." ”

We followed Xiao Liu into the private room, and as we entered the door, I paid attention to Wang Jian's expression. He didn't seem to have much interest in the dinner, and looked a little impatient.

"Xiao Liu, thank you for arranging this dinner." I thank him.

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Xiao Liu smiled and waved his hand, "This overtime can be regarded as an excuse to get together with everyone." ”

Dinner went on very well, and the three of us talked and laughed heartily from time to time. I took the opportunity to chat with Xiao Liu and asked some about Wang Jian's work, hoping to better understand his inner world.

"Wang Jian is a very good employee in the company." Xiao Liu praised, "He works conscientiously and responsibly, and is also very popular with leaders and colleagues." ”

I felt a sigh in my heart, it turned out that Wang Jian was also respected at work. Perhaps, I have never really understood him, and I have not given him enough recognition and support.

"Is he under a lot of pressure at work?" I asked curiously.

"Well, it's quite big." Xiao Liu nodded, "The competition in the company is fierce, and everyone is working hard to rise." ”

I sighed in my heart, it turned out that his work was so stressful, I had never really understood him. Perhaps, I should care more about him and give him more support and encouragement.

After dinner, the three of us left the restaurant together. On the way home, I walked quietly by Wang Jianjian, full of thoughts.

"Thank you for accompanying me to dinner today." Wang Jian suddenly said, "Actually, I didn't want to go at first, but I thought that it was Xiao Liu's treat, so I should go and have a good time." ”

I want my husband to be favored by other women

"It's okay, I'm happy too." I smiled and replied, "I heard that you are very popular at the company." ”

Wang Jian smiled slightly and did not speak. I know he's not very good at expressing his emotions, but I can feel the satisfaction in his heart.

Back at home, I lay in bed and thought about the day carefully. Through the communication with Xiao Liu, I seem to have a deeper understanding of Wang Jian, and I have strengthened my belief that I want to care more about and support him to make our marriage more happy and happy.

As time passed, my thoughts and feelings about Wang Jian became clearer. I began to realize that the reason why I wanted him to be liked by other women was not because I didn't love him, but because I wanted him to get more recognition and attention, and I also wanted our marriage to be more colorful.

After I made up my mind to change my thinking and attitude, I began to take the initiative to communicate with Wang Jian to express my support and understanding for him. We began to communicate more often, sharing each other's thoughts and feelings, and gradually, we became closer and closer.

"Yuqi, what's wrong with you lately?" One day, Wang Jian suddenly asked, "I feel like you've become more concerned about me." ”

"Well, I want to change myself." I replied frankly, "I realize that I may have been a little cold towards you before, and I want to communicate with you more and get to know you better." ”

Wang Jian listened to my words, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then a warm smile appeared.

"Thank you, Yuqi." He gently shook my hand, "I also hope that we can be closer to each other and get to know each other better." ”

Since that day, the relationship between me and Wang Jian has become better and better. We often go for walks, watch movies, and even participate in activities together. I've found that as long as we are honest with each other, life can be simple and beautiful.

With our joint efforts, the conflicts in marriage gradually disappear and are replaced by deeper feelings and a more fulfilling life. I began to truly appreciate the meaning of marriage and the responsibilities and responsibilities of each other.

One day, I was watching a movie at home with Wang Jian, and suddenly he whispered, "Yuqi, I love you." ”

I looked up and looked at the sincerity and warmth in his eyes, and a warm current welled up in my heart.

I want my husband to be favored by other women

"I love you too." I smiled and replied, "I will always love you for the rest of my life." ”

We hugged each other and felt each other's warmth and happiness. Perhaps, love is not always smooth sailing, but as long as we treat it with our hearts, it will be like a towering tree, endless, never withering.

With the passage of time, my marriage with Wang Jian became more and more happy and happy. We have learned to tolerate and understand each other, and we have also learned how to face the challenges and difficulties of life together. However, just when we thought everything would always go so smoothly, fate gave us an uninvited guest.

One day, Wang Jian suddenly felt unwell, and I immediately sent him to the hospital for examination. After a series of examinations, the doctor gave us the shocking news - Wang Jian suffered from leukemia.

When I heard the news, my heart was like a knife. Wang Jian is the pillar of our family, and his sudden illness made me feel extremely frightened and hopeless. I didn't know how to face this sudden challenge, and I didn't know how to tell Wang Jian the news.

"Yuqi, don't worry." Wang Jian looked at my anxious expression and comforted me softly, "The doctor said that as long as I receive treatment, there is still hope." ”

I tried to hide my tears and tried to keep my face calm. I knew that at this moment I had to be strong and be his strongest back.

"Yes, we'll get through this." I smiled reluctantly, "You have to believe in yourself, and you have to believe in our love." ”

Wang Jian nodded, his eyes full of trust and firmness. I know that the battle against this disease will be difficult, but as long as we support each other and support each other, we will be able to overcome all difficulties.

In the days that followed, we began the arduous road of healing. Wang Jian has to receive various treatments and medications every day, and I do my best to take care of his daily life. Although this time has been difficult, our love for each other has become stronger and deeper.

"Yuqi, thank you for your continued companionship." Wang Jian lay on the hospital bed and said softly, "With you by my side, I feel like the happiest person in the world." ”

I squeezed his hand tightly, tears blurring my eyes. During this difficult time, I felt the power of love and understood the true meaning of marriage. We are no longer two people, but rely on and support each other to face the ups and downs of life together.

"Wang Jian, if you have to be strong, you will definitely recover." I whispered, "We still have a future, and we must come through together." ”

I want my husband to be favored by other women

Wang Jian smiled slightly, his eyes full of hope and determination. During this difficult time, our love for each other has grown stronger and deeper. I know that as long as we support each other and work together, we will be able to overcome the disease and welcome a better tomorrow.

As the days passed, Wang Jian and I have been working hard to fight the disease. Despite the hardships of the treatment, our love for each other grew stronger. Whenever I see Wang Jian bravely facing his illness, my heart is full of admiration and gratitude.

"Yuqi, I want to be discharged from the hospital for a walk." Wang Jian gradually recovered, and his desire for the outside world became stronger.

"Okay, let's go out to the yard and bask in the sun together." I readily agreed, and I was secretly glad for his recovery.

We walked out of the ward, the sun was shining and the breeze was blowing. Wang Jian walked slowly while helping me, a bright smile on his face.

"Yuqi, thank you for your continued support and companionship." Wang Jian's voice was filled with gratitude.

"You're welcome, this is what I'm supposed to do." I replied with a smile, "We are one, and we can go further by supporting each other." ”

In the sun, we hugged each other and felt each other's warmth and happiness. At this moment, our hearts are like water, and everything seems so beautiful and precious.

Gradually, Wang Jian's condition was brought under control, and his body gradually recovered. After this tempering, our feelings are deeper and firmer.

"Yuqi, thank you for your continued companionship and support." Wang Jian looked at me affectionately, "With you by my side, I feel like the happiest person in the world." ”

I gently shook his hand, my eyes filled with love and warmth.

"We are one, no matter what difficulties we encounter, we must face them together and get through them together." I said affectionately, "Our love will always sustain us and let us go further." ”

Wang Jian nodded, his eyes flashing with hope and confidence. On this journey of life full of challenges and trials, we support each other and write our own chapter of happiness together.

I want my husband to be favored by other women

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