
Long Push: Talking about the future of Layer 1/Layer 2 - the aggregation layer of the chain


Author: Fred Ogi

Original text: twitter

Note: This article is from @Dacongfred Twitter, and Mars Finance is organized as follows:

1. The battlefield of blockchain has never stopped from Layer 1 to Layer 2

Since the birth of Bitcoin, the development of blockchain has been from Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, various Ethereum Layer 2 (Arbitrum, OP, ZK four kings), Aptos, sui and then to Bitcoin Layer 2.

On the one hand, from the perspective of Dapp, in order to attract traffic, the general route is to bind an ecosystem first, and then deploy multi-chain, especially for EVM-compatible projects, the cost of multi-chain deployment is very low, resulting in low loyalty to the chain.

On the other hand, for retail investors, although the chain emerges in endlessly, there are only a handful of special applications in each cycle, resulting in most retail investors may leave after finishing their hair, and their loyalty to the chain itself is relatively low.

2. How to choose the chain of the application

In this context, how did Mass Option come about?

As a bilateral platform, the chain has a strong bilateral effect like e-commerce and takeaway in web2, which leads to the fact that most of the chain is easy to go to a lonely city with no infrastructure and no residents, or fall after blooming in a cycle.

Therefore, for applications that want to become Mass Adoption, how to choose a chain is very critical, and there are several different types of paths:

1) Bind existing chains: Choose some chains with narratives such as Solana, BTC ecology, Base, etc., or some chains with potential but no particularly popular applications, such as Aptos, Sui, Mantle, etc., and cooperate with the chain's team/foundation to follow the narrative/potential of the chain.

2) Make your own chain: for example, Axie Infinity later launched Ronin Network; Or work with a variety of one-click chain protocols, such as the Op stack, Cosmos SDK, or temporary chain Altlayer, etc. However, this path usually needs to already have the influence of Mass Adoption.

3) Choose the aggregation layer of the chain: Another way is to choose to cooperate with the aggregation layer of some chains, binance has just invested in Movement labs, including Lumio launched by the Pontem team, etc., all hope to be compatible with multiple chain ecosystems, forming an aggregation layer compatible with multiple ecosystems, so that the application does not need to choose a specific chain.

3. New direction: the aggregation layer of the chain

At present, Web3 is in a stage with many chains and few high-quality applications, especially in this bull market, and a consensus is that this cycle has not seen the same hot scene as Defi, NFT, and Gamefi before. Therefore, here I would like to focus on the third path, the aggregation layer of the chain, which aims to not only undertake the traffic of EVM, but also introduce the performance of other public chains, so as to achieve vertical and horizontal integration.

For applications that want to attract more users to participate (whether they are web3 users or web2 users), they can enjoy more web3 traffic by directly connecting to the aggregation layer of the entire chain, not just the traffic of a certain chain/ecosystem.

And in this direction of development, projects such as Movement labs and Lumio have emerged.

以Movement Labs为例,最近Movement Labs刚拿到了币安的融资,将支持 Sui Move、Aptos Move 和嵌入式 EVM 解释器 MEVM。 其一个核心亮点在于Movement上的Movement SDK可以通过翻译器Fractal将Solidity语言编译成Move语言,因此EVM上的项目就可以一键部署在Movement上,无需重新开发。

Lumio's vision is also relatively similar, hoping to become an aggregation layer for all ecosystems, currently supporting SVM, parallel EVM and MoveVM, and in the future, it also hopes to support Ton, Bitcoin and other ecosystems in the future, and aggregate more Layer 1s. I think the overall vision of Lumio and Movement is relatively similar, and the core differences are mainly reflected in two aspects:

1) Technical differences and ecological positioning:


Unlike Movement, Lumio L2 leverages the OP Stack and develops its own stack, which will be consistent with the OP architecture and improve compatibility in the future to connect with the OP Superchain and other OP L2 to take advantage of the liquidity of OP L2 (such as Base).

2) Behind the team and financing:

Movement Labs的联创Cooper Scanlon是从范德堡大学辍学创业的Move语言深度爱好者,是一个非常年轻的创业者,Rushi Manche是之前Aptos上Kairos Exchange的软件工程师,目前项目融资背景包括Polychain、Binance Labs、Aptos Labs等;

Pontem, the team behind Lumio, has been deeply involved in the Move language since Diem, and is the earliest batch of builders in the Move ecosystem, and has previously developed Dex Liquidswap and Wallet Pontem on Aptos, of which Liquidswap is the Dragon Dex on Aptos, with a TVL of more than $30 million, and a deep relationship with Aptos. Fraction, Pantera, Aptos Foundation, etc.

It can be seen that on the aggregation layer of the chain, Movement Labs chooses the path of MoveVM and EVM compatibility to integrate the two ecosystems, and Movement will cooperate with Cosmos in the future; Lumio currently supports SVM, EVM, and MoveVM, and will also support Ton, WASM, etc. in the future. We look forward to the future development of the aggregation layer of the chain to gather more unified integration traffic for Web3 Mass Adoption.