
Why do women eat spicy food more than men?

author:The beginning of health science

In the eyes of many people

chili pepper

It's like it's a part of life

Foods without chili peppers

It's incomplete!

Why do women eat spicy food more than men?


For people who don't eat spicy food

Foods with chili peppers

But it is full of taboos

In fact, the mysterious skill of being able to eat spicy or not is that our body will feel "capsaicin" through something called "TRPV receptor" and send a "spicy" signal to the brain! It will bring people a feeling of burning and pain~ The effect of this thing is to make everyone have a different sensitivity to "spicy"! Therefore, people who can't eat spicy food are too sensitive to spicy in your "genes", which is why the slight spicy in other people's mouths is unbearable spicy in your own mouth.

Isn't everyone an impression. Eating with girls, the male compatriots are sweating profusely, and the girls basically have no reaction? Spicy hot pot restaurants, Hunan restaurants, and Sichuan restaurants are often as beautiful as clouds? I always feel that the girls around me are generally more spicy than the boys. It turns out that girls are indeed more spicy.

People who like to eat spicy food are because their body produces endorphins, which are hormones that increase nerve pleasure and suppress pain. Because of their physiological structure and hormone levels, women are born with more endorphins than men, so women are more fond of spicy food, and spicy brings more pleasure to women.

When you eat the chili pepper and the initial hot pain subsides, you should start to feel high. When you're feeling a little depressed, eat a chili meal.

Why do women eat spicy food more than men?

Whether you can eat spicy food or not is also related to these

It has to do with the climate

People in Sichuan, Hunan and Guizhou are very spicy because these areas are mostly mountainous and have a humid environment with little sunshine.

It has to do with history

The areas that love to eat spicy food are mostly mountainous areas, the mountains in the past are high and the roads are dangerous, the roads are rugged, the traffic is extremely inconvenient, the lack of oil and salt is very difficult, the working people live extremely hard, the meals lack oil and less salt, it is difficult to swallow, in order to solve this problem, we have to use sour and spicy to season, in order to solve the problem of insufficient oil and salt.

It is related to lifestyle habits

Many people have this experience, when they were young, they were not very spicy, and when they change to an environment that loves spicy food, they will gradually become spicy. This is the influence of lifestyle habits, and the life formed in areas that love spicy food can play a subtle role. A 2014 study abroad found that there is growing evidence that most of our predispositions to different tastes are not innate, but learned.

Why do women eat spicy food more than men?

Is eating too much spicy food harmful to the body?

Eating too much spicy food will lead to a gradual loss of taste! The intense burning sensation can easily burn the taste and touch nerves! It can also cause cardiovascular disease, fire, liver damage..... and other symptoms. In addition, extreme spiciness, it may also increase the risk of cancer.