
Is it true that 2 eating habits may increase the risk of dementia? The doctor advises you to change it sooner

author:Rehabilitation physician An Hengyuan
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative medical data combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have not been marked in the article, please be aware.

Uncle Zhang, 70 years old this year, recently found that his memory began to gradually decline. In addition to often forgetting where to put the keys, and even forgetting the purpose of going out. Sometimes without warning, I look at home and the West; The same question is asked repeatedly; Sometimes, even the names of family members are not remembered clearly, and this kind of obvious memory problem makes family members very worried.

They realized that Uncle Zhang's actions were likely to be a precursor to Alzheimer's disease, which made the family feel anxious and helpless. Uncle Zhang used to be the pillar of the family, but now he is becoming more and more unable to take care of himself, which undoubtedly brings heavy psychological pressure to the family.

Is it true that 2 eating habits may increase the risk of dementia? The doctor advises you to change it sooner

They don't understand, why does Uncle Zhang, who is healthy and cheerful, have Alzheimer's? In this article, we will introduce you to Alzheimer's disease from a medical point of view, and how to prevent its appearance.

1. Attention! Alzheimer's disease is not the same as Alzheimer's disease, and the correct understanding of Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer's disease is a serious neurodegenerative disease that not only affects the patient himself, but also poses a huge challenge to his family, society and society as a whole.

However, everyone's understanding of Alzheimer's disease is still on the surface, and it is simply believed that it is just the cognitive decline of the elderly and the stupidity. Some people even confuse Alzheimer's disease with Alzheimer's disease; Actually, this is a misconception.

Is it true that 2 eating habits may increase the risk of dementia? The doctor advises you to change it sooner

First of all, Alzheimer's disease is not different from Alzheimer's disease, but is a general term for a combination of symptoms and diseases. Alzheimer's disease is just one of the common types.

Secondly, the causes of Alzheimer's disease are multifaceted.

In addition to the common Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimer's disease includes various types such as vascular dementia, Parkinson's disease, frontotemporal dementia, etc. These different types of Alzheimer's disease have differences in pathogenic mechanisms and clinical manifestations.

For example, Parkinson's disease-related dementia is often accompanied by symptoms such as movement disorders and muscle stiffness. These patients may need help with basic life activities such as personal hygiene, eating, and dressing.

Is it true that 2 eating habits may increase the risk of dementia? The doctor advises you to change it sooner

Vascular dementia is usually caused by an inadequate blood supply to the brain. The pathogenesis of this disease involves the blockage or rupture of blood vessels, which leads to an insufficient blood supply to certain areas of the brain. Or it can also be related to brain diseases such as head injury and stroke. The main symptoms include memory impairment, emotional instability, and confusion.

For older people with vascular dementia, they may suddenly forget their names, family members, and familiar people in their daily lives, or be unable to remember recent or past events.

Still others may suddenly become angry, depressed, anxious, or even feel confused, lost, or forget how to complete daily tasks. Some people with Alzheimer's disease may have slurred speech, difficulty understanding, and difficulty communicating with others.

Is it true that 2 eating habits may increase the risk of dementia? The doctor advises you to change it sooner

Alzheimer's disease, on the other hand, is a neurodegenerative disease whose main symptoms include a gradual loss of memory and cognitive function.

Unlike Alzheimer's disease, the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease involves disorders of protein metabolism and neuronal damage; It is mainly involved in the deposition of β amyloid (Aβ) and the aberrant phosphorylation of Tau protein, which leads to neuronal damage and death in different areas of the brain.

In summary, although the clinical symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and Alzheimer's disease are similar, they are not considered a disease. We need to understand and pay attention to Alzheimer's disease.

Second, the "bane" of Alzheimer's disease has been found out, and we must first get rid of these two eating habits!

With the intensification of the global aging trend, Alzheimer's disease has become the focus of attention of the international community. According to the latest data from the World Health Organization, the number of people living with Alzheimer's disease worldwide is expected to soar to more than 152 million by 2050, which is a deeply alarming number.

Is it true that 2 eating habits may increase the risk of dementia? The doctor advises you to change it sooner

In this context, China, as a country with a large elderly population, is also facing the increasing problem of Alzheimer's disease.

According to data released by the Chinese Society of Gerontology, about 5% to 7% of the elderly over 60 years old in China currently suffer from Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease not only causes great suffering to the sufferer, but also places a heavy burden on the family and society. Therefore, in order to better cope with the challenge of Alzheimer's disease, it is important to start at the source.

Diet is an important part of human life, however, poor eating habits may be the "bane" of Alzheimer's disease. In daily life, two specific dietary habits have been found to be closely linked to Alzheimer's disease, and this finding has attracted great attention.

Is it true that 2 eating habits may increase the risk of dementia? The doctor advises you to change it sooner

First, there is a strong link between a high-sugar diet and Alzheimer's disease.

In today's society, high-sugar diets have become a common and concerning issue. When we consume too much simple sugars and refined carbohydrates, such as candies, cakes, sweet drinks, etc., we are burying potential health risks for our body.

A high-sugar diet causes blood sugar levels to fluctuate dramatically, which is a critical link. We know that insulin plays a vital role in regulating blood sugar levels. However, when the body receives too much sugar, insulin secretion is overstimulated, causing blood sugar levels to rise sharply and then drop rapidly. This extreme fluctuation in blood sugar can cause damage to the normal functioning of the nervous system and increase the risk of cognitive deterioration in older adults.

Is it true that 2 eating habits may increase the risk of dementia? The doctor advises you to change it sooner

In addition to this, a diet high in sugar may also induce the body to produce a large number of free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that can damage cell membranes, DNA, and other important molecules when they wreak havoc inside cells. Brain cells are particularly sensitive to free radicals, and a diet high in sugar may accelerate the aging process of brain cells and even trigger neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease.

Therefore, it is crucial for the elderly to control the intake of a high-sugar diet, which can also help prevent the occurrence of cognitive impairment and maintain the health of the body and brain.

Is it true that 2 eating habits may increase the risk of dementia? The doctor advises you to change it sooner

Second, a study published in Neurology noted that a high-cholesterol diet may adversely affect cognitive function and memory in older adults.

Experiments have shown that mice that consume a high-cholesterol diet develop symptoms such as cognitive dysfunction and memory loss.

In addition, the study, published in the Journal of Nutrition, also found that the incidence of Alzheimer's disease was significantly higher in people who consumed a high-cholesterol diet than in those who consumed a low-cholesterol diet.

These studies suggest that a high-cholesterol diet not only has a negative impact on the body, but also leads to an increase in blood cholesterol levels and increases the risk of atherosclerosis. Narrowing or blockage of blood vessels. If these changes occur in the blood vessels of the brain, they will directly affect the blood supply to the brain, which may induce the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease.

Is it true that 2 eating habits may increase the risk of dementia? The doctor advises you to change it sooner

If too many high-cholesterol foods are consumed in the long-term diet, it can pose a serious threat to vascular health.

Therefore, early adjustment of dietary structure and reduction of the intake of high-cholesterol foods, such as animal offal and fatty meat, is of positive significance for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. At the same time, we should also consume more foods rich in fiber and vitamins, such as vegetables and fruits, which can help maintain the health of blood vessels and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

However, remind everyone more, don't think that after changing the above two eating habits, people will not suffer from Alzheimer's disease, changing the two eating habits, to a certain extent, can indeed reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease, but everyone should know: the cause of Alzheimer's disease is not clear, and there are many known risk factors, such as genetics, cerebrovascular disease, traumatic brain injury, etc., which may increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

3. To prevent Alzheimer's disease, there are three other things to pay attention to!

As people's life expectancy continues to increase, senile dementia has become a growing social problem. How to prevent Alzheimer's disease has become the focus of many medical experts and scholars. In addition to the usual recommendations such as avoiding head trauma, actively treating chronic conditions, there are some important things that we must be aware of, which will be discussed one by one in the following articles.

Is it true that 2 eating habits may increase the risk of dementia? The doctor advises you to change it sooner

First of all, to prevent Alzheimer's disease, diet is crucial. Rich in B vitamins and antioxidants play an important role in the protection of brain function. In addition, moderate intake of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish and nuts, can improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Overall, a balanced and nutritious diet is essential for brain health in old age.

To promote brain health, older adults are encouraged to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, which are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Dark-colored vegetables and fruits, such as spinach, broccoli, blueberries, etc., are rich in antioxidants that help protect neurons from damage.

Omega-3 fatty acids, on the other hand, are beneficial for brain function and promote cognitive function and mood stability. Elderly people can consume foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, flaxseed, walnuts, etc., in moderation.

Also, protein is an important part of promoting brain function and maintaining muscle health, while adequate fiber intake can help maintain digestive health and help the body absorb nutrients better.

Is it true that 2 eating habits may increase the risk of dementia? The doctor advises you to change it sooner

Secondly, physical exercise plays an important role in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

Whether you're doing aerobic exercise or strength training, it's a positive way to maintain brain function and cognition. Regular participation in activities such as running, swimming, and yoga can not only maintain good health, but also enhance the connection between neurons, improve brain flexibility, and reduce the risk of senile dementia.

Studies have shown that moderate exercise can promote blood circulation, improve blood supply to the brain, help maintain the health of brain tissue, and help prevent the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease.

Therefore, it is absolutely essential to get the right amount of exercise on a regular basis.

Is it true that 2 eating habits may increase the risk of dementia? The doctor advises you to change it sooner

Finally, active socialization is also essential to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

A rich social life can help older adults maintain a positive mindset, relieve stress, and reduce depression, which is essential for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. Maintaining good communication with family and friends, participating in group activities, and participating in community volunteer services can help the elderly maintain a good psychological state and improve their ability to resist Alzheimer's disease.

Therefore, in the process of preventing Alzheimer's disease, we need to pay attention to aspects such as diet, physical activity and active social interaction. Pay attention to the health of the elderly in an all-round way, better prevent senile dementia, and escort the health of the elderly.

Is it true that 2 eating habits may increase the risk of dementia? The doctor advises you to change it sooner

Write at the end:

Through the understanding of this article, Alzheimer's disease is a disease that seriously affects patients, their families and society, and we must correctly understand and attach great importance to it. Prevention is a crucial first step, and we need to focus on our diet, change our high-sugar and high-cholesterol diets, and reduce our risk of disease by being physically active and participating in social activities.

In addition to this, family and social support and regular health check-ups should not be overlooked. Only when we are always vigilant and take the right measures can we effectively prevent the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease and allow more elderly people to have a healthy and happy life in their old age.


1. Yu Kang. Dietary Science,2022(09):25.)

2. Xin Yu. Scientists discover potential causes of Alzheimer's disease[N]. China Science Daily,2021-12-03(002).
