
Two cards that can extend the period of Daqin

author:Kodama Historical Institute
Two cards that can extend the period of Daqin

Sentence / Kodama

The demise of Great Qin is inevitable, but from a technical point of view, the First Emperor can still artificially prolong the cycle of Great Qin, that is, adhere to the Guanzhong standard and build a second political center.

First of all, Qin's ability to annex the Six Kingdoms was the blessing of Guanzhong's resource advantages, including economic advantages and high-quality military resources, which was the basis for the Qin army to continue to develop, and it was also the confidence that the First Emperor could ensure that the base camp and imperial power of Guanzhong would not be impacted by the remnants of the Six Kingdoms after unification.

As long as Daqin can always maintain its own resource advantage, then the situation will not deteriorate, even if there is a change in the Kanto, Daqin can maintain the stability of Guanzhong and then go east to Hangu to deal with the crisis.

In other words, as long as the Guanzhong standard is adhered to and the pattern of most of the Qin army guarding the Guanzhong is maintained, then the Qin State can ensure the security of the local territory and have the surplus strength to solve the Kanto issue.

But after the unification, the first emperor then used troops against Baiyue and vigorously developed Lingnan, resulting in the gradual evacuation of Guanzhong's resources, why Chen Shengbu could easily break Zhou Wen into Guanzhong, it was because of the emptiness of Guanzhong, this was the first time since Xiaogong that the Qin State was invaded by the forces of the Six Kingdoms.

If it weren't for Zhang Han standing up in time to organize the prisoners who built the Lishan Mausoleum to temporarily form an army, temporarily solve the existential crisis and go east to Hangu to cut off Wei Qi, Xiang Liang and other heroes, Great Qin might have died faster.

This shows that the Qin State could not even guarantee the security of its homeland at that time, let alone the luxury of navigating the world, because the first emperor gave up the Guanzhong standard and evacuated Guanzhong in the process of opening up Lingnan and Jingluo's northern border. Once the First Emperor is gone, his personal power can no longer maintain a fragile stability, and the crisis will arise immediately.

People who read history are always entangled in why Ziying can't use the geographical advantages of Guanzhong to hold the base camp and maintain the pattern of Qin dominating Guanzhong before reunification, so he also labeled Ziying as a "mediocre person", saying that this person is nothing. The key is that it is difficult for the child, there is no one in the first place, and after Zhang Han also led the only Qin army into the formation to surrender Xiang Yu, in the case of no soldiers available, the geographical advantage cannot play a role at all.

It is equivalent to the first emperor himself digging a pit for Daqin to let future generations jump in.

From the perspective of hindsight, not only did the first emperor adhere to the Guanzhong standard, but the second, third and even longer periods of time, the Qin state had to adhere to the Guanzhong standard, until the Great Qin completely digested the homeland of the six kingdoms, eliminated all the contradictions, and formed the inertia of rule.

If you look at it this way, the first emperor's eagerness to open up Lingnan is simply a wrong card, and he has overdrawn his family funds in a crisis-ridden situation. This is not comparable to the problem in the north, where the Xiongnu are elbows and armpits, while Lingnan can play this card after the second, third or fourth generations.

Before unification, the Qin State needed to gather strength, and after the unification, the Qin State could not have a situation of dispersion of forces, because the difficulty of defending the country was essentially more difficult than fighting the country.

While adhering to the Guanzhong standard, the first emperor could also set out to build a second political center. Before the unification, Xianyang, as the political center of the Qin State, could cover Guanzhong and the surrounding areas, but after the unification, Xianyang was a little powerless for the whole world, because the transportation conditions at that time were limited after all, even in the case of the first emperor building the Chi Road, the Straight Road, and the New Road, Xianyang was still out of reach of the remote areas such as Qi State, Chu State, Yan State, and Lingnan State, and could not make the fastest response to the changes that occurred in the border areas.

At this time, it was very necessary for the Qin State to build a second political center in the Kanto region to strengthen its control over the homeland of the Six Kingdoms. This is not to embarrass the first emperor, because he has historical experience to learn from, which is what the Western Zhou Dynasty did at that time, and the Duke of Zhou built a second political center in Luoyang while taking Hojing as his capital, that is, to clamp down on the princes of the Quartet while ensuring the safety of the base camp.

Two cards that can extend the period of Daqin

The Western Zhou Dynasty implemented the Liangjing system Source/Stills

Moreover, the geographical area of Kanto was already larger than that of Kanchu, so it was all the more necessary for the First Emperor to build a new capital in Kanto to solve military, political, and cultural problems at the same time. After the first emperor is done, he will be led by the clan to run the territory, so as to ensure that Guanzhong has a large strategic buffer space in the event of a crisis.

Even so, Qin's dominance over remote areas such as Qi and Chu was still weak, and at this time, the best way for the First Emperor was to divide the prince as a vassal king and govern his land in the form of a feudal town.

In this way, the Qin State essentially had three levels of political centers: Guanzhong as the standard, Luoyang as the vice, and the feudal towns as the auxiliary, which could completely fill the blind spot of the rule, solve the problem of the lack of local officials in the Qin State, and form a pattern of covering the whole world. Wait until the pattern of the world is really formed, and then cut the domain.

However, the first emperor did not refer to the practice of the Western Zhou Dynasty, nor did he listen to the suggestions of Wang Juan and others to divide the princes, but adopted the method of establishing a mobile government to solve the problem. To tell the truth, regarding the problems existing in Great Qin, the first emperor was clear in his heart, so he used a continuous grand parade to establish a mobile government to pacify the hometown of the six countries, that is, Xianyang has a team, and the first emperor himself has a team.

But there are obvious drawbacks to doing so. The first is the overconsumption of resources. Every time the First Emperor paraded, he would mobilize the nerves of the world, and a series of resources would converge on his convoy, which would definitely cause a great consumption of resources. Here's why later emperors rarely made big parades.

But even so, the First Emperor was still unable to solve all the contradictions, because, in the vast land of Kanto, he could not do it at the same time, and could only solve the problems of the place where he lived.

Moreover, under the traffic conditions at that time, it was an extremely laborious thing to carry out the grand parade all year round, and the first emperor as an entrepreneurial emperor could endure difficult conditions, and the second and third emperors may not be able to hold on, Hu Hai clearly knew the role of the grand parade in stabilizing the empire after ascending the throne, but he only symbolically paraded once and hid in the Xianyang Palace and did not want to come out.

It was the only parade that Hu Hai did not want to solve the problem, but to prove the legitimacy of his succession.

If you look at it this way, it is too necessary for the first emperor to build a second political center in the eastern part of the country, and at the same time divide the feudal kings in the border areas such as Chu and Lingnan to guard it. It would have been even more perfect if the II and III had been able to stick to a proper Grand Parade.

In this way, if there is turmoil anywhere, Daqin can make the fastest response, and it can also ensure that someone will come to King Qin in case of crisis.

Moreover, it solves economic and cultural problems. If the First Emperor had established a second political center in the Kanto region, the cultures of the Seven Kingdoms would have been better exchanged, and the feudal kings would have been able to bring the advanced production technology of Great Qin to the frontiers and promote the development of remote areas such as Lingnan.

In addition, the two-capital system can also train the prince to form his own team and prepare for the succession in advance. For example, the first emperor can sit in Luoyang by himself, and let the favorite prince sit in Xianyang, forming a pattern in which the entrepreneurial emperor deters Kandong, and the prince adapts to Guanzhong in advance.

There is no need to worry about the chaos that may arise in the event of a change of power.

Of course, while adhering to the Guanzhong standard and building a second political center, it would be better if the first emperor could play the heir card well.

In essence, adhering to the Guanzhong standard is also to safeguard the interests of the Great Qin Lords, so that the Honors can contribute to the defense of the Great Qin. But there is a problem here, that is, the sons of the first emperor have no military merits and are unable to control the nobles, and it is very easy to purge the nobles in the future, and cut off their arms, as evidenced by the killing of the Mengshi brothers after Hu Hai ascended the throne.

If he wanted to avoid a tragedy and ensure the full cooperation of the emperor and the nobles, the best way for the first emperor was to choose a prince who was highly bound to the interests of the nobles, and Fusu obviously met this condition, he and Meng Tian and the Great Wall Legion were essentially one.

Only if the nobles are not absent from the rule of Great Qin, and their interests can be guaranteed, then this group can defend Great Qin and solve the chaos in the Kanto region.

Two cards that can extend the period of Daqin

Xungui decided the fate of Daqin Source/Stills

Think about it, after Chen Sheng and Wu Guang revolted, assuming that Meng Tian, Meng Yi, Feng Zheng, Feng Quji, and Li Si were all there, how could Great Qin fall apart so quickly.

After all, at the military level, talents like Meng Tian are professionals and have the blessing of actual combat experience, and Liu Bang, the prince of Pei, was obviously at the level of primary school students in front of them at that time.

Of course, if there was a vassal king in Great Qin at that time, and the first emperor created a second political center in the Kanto region, then the Kanto heroes would not be able to stir up any waves, and they would be directly extinguished by the nearby forces.

In addition to these, Daqin is still in a blank state in the ideological field. The reason why after the uprising in Daze Township, the local officials of the Qin State became the main force of the rebellion was the lack of ideology, and the officials of the Great Qin did not have the idea of loyalty to the monarch at all.

Using officials as teachers can only exert their efficiency when there is peace and quiet, but after the crisis arises, such efficiency can also be transformed into the kinetic energy of the destruction of Great Qin.

The so-called water can carry a boat and can also capsize a boat, this is the truth.

However, this is also a bit difficult for the first emperor, after all, he had not evolved to the point where any problems could be predicted, and it was not until the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty that the ideological gap was filled, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty used Dong Zhongshu to establish a system of service values with Confucianism.

However, not building a second political center was definitely a mistake on the part of the First Emperor, because he had historical experience to use as a reference.

Later dynasties fully absorbed the lessons of the fall of the Great Qin, and they would play the card of the two-capital system or even multiple political centers to solve the problem. For example, the Sui and Tang dynasties took Luoyang as the second political center, and the Yuan Dynasty and above took into account the two major forces of the grassland and the Central Plains at the same time.

Moreover, the Sui and Tang dynasties were able to adhere to the Guanlong standard, Kublai Khan was able to adhere to the grassland standard, and the Qing Dynasty always took the Eight Banners as the main force, all of which are concrete manifestations of learning the lessons of the Qin Dynasty.

The biggest role of Great Qin is to establish a unified system, and after it is finished, it will provide lessons for future generations to avoid future generations from continuing to step on the pit.

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