
A woman who makes a man look up to her life has a deep power: "disobedience"

author:Wu Qingxi

Life is like a colorful picture scroll, on which everyone paints their own story.

However, some women choose to incorporate their own colors into other people's paintings, becoming supporting characters in other people's stories.

But women who can really make men look up to their lives have a unique power in them - "disobedience".

"Disobedience" is not stubbornness, but sticking to oneself and maintaining independent personality and pursuit.

The British writer Virginia Woolf said, "More than anything else, a man can make himself who he is." ”

Such women, they do not follow the crowd, do not blindly follow, they have their own beliefs and pursuits, and their lives are controlled by themselves.

A woman who makes a man look up to her life has a deep power: "disobedience"

In Jane Eyre, Jane Eyre is a typical "disobedient" woman. She lived in an environment full of discrimination and injustice, but she never gave up on her quest for freedom and dignity.

She courageously rejected Mr. Rochester's marriage proposal because she knew that she could not be carried away by love, and she could not give up herself for love.

Her "disobedience" earned her the respect and love of Mr. Rochester, and also made her a high-profile woman.

Not being submissive and keeping oneself is the charm of women.

The French writer Beauvoir said, "Women are not born, but become." ”

If a woman loses herself, then she also loses her charm. And those women who can stick to themselves and maintain their independence, they exude confidence and charm that will make men fall for them.

Men always want to transform women, hoping that they can become their ideal partners.

However, really smart women are not easily swayed by what men think. They have their own pursuits and dreams, and they will work hard for their dreams.

A woman who makes a man look up to her life has a deep power: "disobedience"

When men try to reform them, they will firmly state their attitude: "If you really love me, you should love me as I am." "Such women, their disobedience is not only a recognition of themselves, but also a respect for men.

The famous psychologist Sigmund Freud once said: "The essence of love is self-sacrifice, but first we must maintain ourselves." ”

If a woman can maintain herself in love and not change herself in order to cater to men, then she will be able to win the respect and love of men.

Such women, their love is equal, they respect each other, and they can last for a long time.

Obeying everything and expressing oneself is an important way to manage feelings.

In relationships, communication is crucial. If a woman always follows the man's ideas and never expresses her opinions and feelings, then the relationship will become dull and monotonous.

And a woman who can actively express herself and dare to speak her mind can inject more vitality and freshness into the relationship.

A woman who makes a man look up to her life has a deep power: "disobedience"

I have a friend who is a woman who dares to express herself. She and her husband have been married for many years, but the relationship between the two is getting better and better.

She never hides her thoughts and feelings and is always able to communicate openly and honestly with her husband. When the two have a disagreement, she will also actively put forward her own opinions and suggestions.

Her husband appreciates her independence and courage very much, and also gives her ideas and suggestions a lot of importance and respect. This kind of relationship is full of vitality and vitality, and it can also be long-lasting.

The French writer Victor Hugo said: "True love is manifested in the lover's subtle, humble and even shy attitude towards his idol, and by no means in the casual expression of enthusiasm and premature intimacy." ”

If a woman can maintain independence and self-confidence in her relationship and not submit to men at will, then she will be able to win the respect and love of men.

Such women, their lives are full of color and vitality, and they can also make people look up to their lives.

At no time should a woman be a woman who is just accommodating to others. They should learn to be their truest selves, maintain their individuality and pursuits, and run hard towards their dreams.

They should be brave enough to express their thoughts and preferences, not go against their hearts, and firmly hold the direction of their lives in their own hands. Such a woman is a woman who is really highly regarded.