
The sonorous sound beneath the rock formations

author:Chinese military horn

Source: People's Liberation Army Daily, China Military Trumpet

Special correspondent Li Bingfeng and correspondent Yu Yuanzheng

Following the first-class sergeant major Cui Daohu, he once again walked in the long construction corridor, and the footsteps of the team echoed in the ears of senior soldier Wang Xinchao.

Such a footnote, Wang Xinchao left a deep impression on the first day he came to the work area, and now it is already echoing in his inner rhythm.

Last year, Wang Xinchao, who graduated from a local university, pursued his military dream and came to a brigade of the Rocket Army. When the recruit left the company, after running for thousands of kilometers, and finally arrived at the destination, he was full of thought that in front of him would be the roar of the chariot and the earth-shattering sound of killing the fiery training scene.

"Here, this is our work area, and it is also the place where we will fight in the future!" The words of the leading cadre pulled him back to reality.

At this time, a group of officers and soldiers finished construction and were walking from the construction site to the barracks. He looked curiously at everyone who passed by, all of them dusty and mud-drenched, but in good spirits, and their footsteps were sonorous and powerful.

A few days later, he was also standing in this team. As soon as the sky was bright, everyone had already finished lining up, Wang Xinchao followed behind Cui Daohu, a first-class sergeant major, and walked into the position under construction with this footnote. As soon as you enter the work surface, you will be greeted by another fiery picture: busy machinery and equipment are shuttling back and forth, and the sound of welding, cutting, and roaring is mixed with the cries of officers and soldiers......

The new era is an era of struggle. Building a nest for missiles and helping to strengthen the army is a glorious mission and a mountain of responsibility, which requires everyone to work hard.

On the same day, the first task of Wang Xinchao's class was to transport the channel steel to the narrow working surface. Cui Daohu, who is nearly half a hundred years old, took the lead in carrying a quick step forward. When it was Wang Xinchao's turn, he found that a channel steel was so heavy that it made his shoulders hurt. He walked a few quick steps, trying to keep up with the head of the class as best he could. But after a few back and forth, he was out of breath, and his steps became heavier and heavier, and he slowly fell behind.

After enlisting in the army for more than 20 years, walking from one mountain to another, just completing a task and rushing to the next point, Cui Daohu's "halo" is dazzling: the "top ten sword sharpening soldiers" and "excellent sergeants" of the Rocket Army...... Wang Xinchao, who was sitting on the side resting, looked at the non-stop figure of the squad leader, listened to his footsteps on the muddy road, couldn't help but feel a little ashamed, gritted his teeth and rejoined the busy team.

Every day, listening to such footsteps, Wang Xinchao quietly changes. From the initial discomfort to the determination to take root, from the initial incomprehension to the initiative to integrate, he is moving forward to become an excellent missile engineer.

"These are the marks of growth." Pointing to the calluses and scars on his hands, he said, "Almost all of the stubble missile engineering troops have such marks. ”

"Soldiers scatter thousands of miles, the south and the north war, and the project monument writes my loyalty and dedication; The mission is thousand, the ambition is to shake the mountain, and the depths of the rock formation see me overcome difficulties. The heroic missile engineer corps, burning the flames of the east wind with the blood of youth......" is another new day, and the senior soldier Wang Xinchao stood in the ranks, sang "The Heroic Missile Engineers", and walked towards the construction site with firm steps.

Missile Engineer Corps: Flowing water battalions and iron soldiers

Jiefangjun Bao special correspondents: Li Yongfei, Li Bingfeng, and Fang Lei

The sonorous sound beneath the rock formations

Fighters of a certain unit of the Rocket Force carry out welding operations. Photo by Feng Danyang

Fighting in the north and south of the river, they carried stones in their bags-

Learn to talk to the rocks in order to conquer the majestic mountains

"Oops, I've got a hard bone again!" The air at the construction site was humid and sticky, and the drill pipe of the trolley collided with the rock, making a piercing roar.

This veteran, who was called "Wang Shi" by the officers and soldiers, has been "dealing" with Jianyan Lishi for decades.

Wang Yongfeng can't forget the first time he entered the construction site. On that day, he stood in the distance and saw a huge stone lying in the middle of the excavation section, like a "roadblock" blocking the way forward.

Several cadres and backbones gathered around to discuss ways to crack it, and the battalion commander said categorically: "It is a piece of iron, and we must gnaw it down." For more than 10 consecutive days, the party member commando team formed in the battalion fought day and night, and finally "smashed" the big stone, so that the construction could continue to move forward.

"You see, it's sedimentary rock, like a sandwich, layer upon layer; This piece of igneous rock is different, like a piece of iron after the solidification of molten iron. They have different compositions and different hardness, and if they encounter them during construction, they must be treated differently......" Wang Yongfeng spoke vividly and vividly, and his comrades-in-arms listened carefully and carefully.

"The longer I work on the project, the more I feel that every stone has a language, a life, and a temperament, and I have to learn to talk to them." Wang Yongfeng is usually a little introverted, but as long as he talks about stones, there is always something to say.

In his second year as a soldier, he returned from his studies as one of the first batch of drill rig operators in the unit. However, the first operation, either the section is uneven as if it has been "gnawed" and has to be reworked; Either you encounter a hard stone and you can't make progress by just trying hard...... After half a day, he was originally full of confidence, and he was a little depressed.

Standing on the pile of stones on the work surface, the company commander pointed to the stones one by one and said: "If you don't study them thoroughly, you won't be able to become an excellent trolley operator, and you won't be able to become a qualified missile engineer." He has always taken this sentence to heart and put it into action.

Over the years, Wang Yongfeng has gradually figured out the "temper" of the rock, and summed up a series of excavation plans in combination with construction practice to improve construction efficiency.

One year, the superiors relied on the construction battle to hold a skills competition. He was not only the first to complete the task, but also accurately judged that there was a fault zone ahead, helping the blasters adjust their plans in time to avoid danger. In this way, he gradually became a recognized technical expert among the officers and men of the brigade. Not long ago, he was responsible for drilling the section, which was once again rated as a "model section" for construction.

As the saying goes, "every inch of excavation is dangerous." As far as missile engineering units are concerned, dangerous situations such as fragmentation zones, mud and rocks, and fissure water may occur at any time, and they are always faced with the severe test of hardship, fatigue, injury, disability, and danger.

Once, during the construction of the rockburst section, he was conducting technical exchanges with surveyors on the working face after drilling the hole. Suddenly, with a "bang", a stone larger than a palm fell from the vault, cutting a wound on him......

"We missile engineers have a special affection for rocks, and sometimes we encounter bad rocks, which affects the progress of construction, and we hate them so much that our teeth itch, and more often, we regard them as 'treasures', because they are the ones who support the position project." The deputy chief of staff of a certain brigade said. In the years of drilling through the mountains and rocks, the deputy chief of staff has grown from a young man of the Yi nationality to a "position iron man".

"Learn to talk to the rocks in order to conquer the majestic mountains." The deputy chief of staff said so and did the same. He has led officers and soldiers to set several construction records, and has delivered high-quality projects on time and time again and again.

A veteran's pre-discharge inspection made him unable to help himself: a soldier opened his backpack and a dozen stones were wrapped in a new towel. This is the memory of the officers and men who have fought again and again, and it is also engraved with the youth and enthusiasm of the engineering troops.

There is also a soldier who treasures a worn hard hat, which is a witness of him and his comrades escaping from a construction collapse; There were also warriors with a few camel thorns and a handful of sand and gravel in their bags.

This is the memorial of their youth left by the "nameless coordinates" everywhere......

Bidding farewell to the newly built position, they lined up in a neat line and saluted solemnly-

The brilliant and magnificent trajectory depends on everyone to draw it

"Salute to the position!" At the sound of an order, in front of the just-completed position, a group of officers and men standing changed into camouflage training uniforms that do not leave their bodies all year round, wore neat and new regular military uniforms, and saluted solemnly.

Standing in the front row of the team, Sergeant Zang Zhenping, a second-class sergeant, was full of thoughts: the new position was created from scratch, from existing to excellent, he personally participated in the construction, paid his youth and sweat, and now his heart is full of reluctance.

At that time, there was a sudden collapse during construction, and the construction period, which had been half a month in advance, suddenly became tense again, and it was imminent to break through the collapse section. "Do you have enough time?" The company commander asked Commando Leader Zang Zhenping. Holding the banner of the "National Defense Construction Pioneer Company", Zang Zhenping knew the heavy responsibility on his shoulders and resolutely replied: "We will never let missiles and other positions be held, and we will ensure that the task will be completed ahead of schedule!" ”

This company is a competent company of the missile engineering troops. In that year, the officers and men of the company were not afraid of sacrifice and overcame all difficulties, successively overcame a number of undesirable geological construction problems, made outstanding contributions to the construction of national defense projects, and were awarded the honorary title of "National Defense Construction Pioneer Company".

The loess layer is muddy when encountered, and the surrounding rock of the cavity almost causes a secondary collapse...... During that time, one after another "roadblocks" appeared, and everyone shouted the slogan of "the more difficult and dangerous the more forward", optimized the personnel grouping, innovated the process method, and finally gnawed this hard bone.

On the day of completing the task, the assault team walked out of the construction tunnel, and the rainy days for half a month also cleared. The warm sun shone on his body, and the fatigue of continuous fierce battles disappeared at once, and everyone showed bright smiles.

"Salute to the position!" Also at a ceremony for the completion of the position, with a command, the officers and men bid farewell to the new position in this special way.

A soldier standing in the front row had an empty left sleeve. His name is Wang Tongwei, and he is a construction backbone. That year, when he and his comrades were laying a high-altitude cable, a cable that suddenly fell like a giant python pounced on them who were caught off guard. At the critical moment, Wang Tongwei pushed his comrades away, injured his left arm, and finally had to have his leg amputated.

Later, Wang Tongwei requested that his lost left arm be buried at the entrance of the position, and that he would always accompany the vast mountain to protect his beloved missile position. After recovering from his injury, he returned to the front line of construction.

It is better to overdraw one's life than to live up to one's mission. Gong Xiaobin, a surveying and mapping technician, was diagnosed with rectal cancer that year. While battling the disease, he studied how to break through the traditional construction technology. Only one month after the operation, he insisted on returning to the battle position, summed up the convenient "circular coordinate measurement method", reduced the working hours to one-fifth of the original, and named it "Gong Xiaobin circular coordinate method". Later, he was awarded the honorary title of "Model Non-commissioned Officer of the Missile Engineering Corps" and is still fighting on the front line of construction.

The brilliant and magnificent trajectory depends on everyone to draw it. A missile engineer soldier, who left behind the story of blood and fire in the fierce battle against the mountain, also erected an immortal monument, holding the sword of a great country and ready to soar into the sky at any time.

With the introduction of new equipment and new technologies, they have integrated innovative ideas into missile positions.

Keep your feet in the ravine and your eyes staring at the starry sky

The night is lonely, and the moon is in the sky. Deep in the mountains, a construction board room is brightly lit, and Engineer Zhao sometimes bows his head to think, and sometimes writes hard. At this time, he was thinking about new ideas for engineering design.

In order to promote the construction of the project with the help of scientific and technological innovation, Engineer Zhao took the initiative to change his major five times and repeatedly studied in the depths of the rock formation.

Keep your feet in the ravine and your eyes staring at the starry sky. Once, when he came across digital building information modelling technology, he made up his mind to use it as a "breakthrough" to achieve digital construction.

Through hard work, he has obtained a number of certificates in the field of architecture and design industry issued by relevant state departments, and has successively overcome the theoretical level of digital building information modeling, architectural drawings, equipment installation and project management.

Once, just as the construction officers and soldiers were worried about the complex structure of the project and the high requirements of the construction technology, Engineer Zhao appeared in front of everyone with a three-dimensional model, which made everyone's eyes shine. Later, with the help of this three-dimensional model, the officers and men completed the overall construction task of the project ahead of schedule.

In the past, in the missile engineering troops, steel brazing sledgehammers were used for construction, and they were pushed by shoulders and hands. Nowadays, walking into the construction site, there is a modern construction scene everywhere.

In a excavation face, Wang Jianxin, a first-class sergeant major known as the "trolley king", drilled into the trolley cab, imported the design drawings into the on-board computer, skillfully operated a few buttons, and the automatic trolley began to flexibly extend its arms, and after a while, it drilled explosive holes in the rock mass.

"In the past, this work mainly relied on hand-held wind drills to drill holes, which not only had large smoke and noise, but also was unsafe, and personnel climbed up and down, and had to risk rockbursts and landslides at any time." Wang Jianxin said that the gradual realization of mechanized construction, information management, and intelligent construction has effectively reduced safety risks and significantly improved construction efficiency.

"Over the years, with the introduction of new equipment and new technologies, our national defense construction has changed from manpower-intensive to scientific and technological efficiency." According to the leaders of a certain unit of the Rocket Army, they adhere to the guidance of science and technology, the innovation of all staff, and step up the training of a team of "small talents", "small Zhuge ", and "small makers", so that officers and soldiers can become practitioners and new forces of innovation.

That year, Gu Hanchun, a first-class sergeant major who had just learned to operate a rock drilling rig, found that the traditional rock drilling method affected the construction efficiency and quality, so he put forward a bold proposal to the company cadres - to change the traditional rock drilling method.

After receiving the support of the company cadres, he began to embark on the road of innovation and climbing. He consulted more than 10 experts in the military and localities, conducted hundreds of tests, and finally explored a new rock drilling method - adherent rock drilling method, and took the lead in playing a "model section", which promoted the overall quality and efficiency of construction.

Tan Zhihong, a first-class sergeant, researched and explored the "large-diameter medicine roll drilling and blasting process", reducing the amount of conventional section drilling by more than 20%; Engineer Song Zhonghua has developed the "Tunneling Electric Slag Removal Transportation System", which is embedded in the digital command platform to realize the information-based control and command of the slag removal operation......

One missile engineer unit after another has accelerated the change of concept and capability, left the footprint of innovation in the green mountains and ravines, integrated innovative ideas into the missile positions, and used modern national defense projects one by one to lay a solid foundation for peace.

The first time they walked into the camp before retiring, they looked at themselves on the lightbox and cried-

The battles beneath the rock formations will be remembered forever

"Look, we're home!" A bus stopped steadily at the gate of a certain brigade barracks of the Rocket Army, and Zhang Chunyang and 22 other soldiers got out of the bus and looked at the gate, their faces full of excitement.

The officers and men of the barracks lined up to greet them. Seeing Zhang Chunyang and them get out of the car, everyone applauded warmly and shouted loudly: "Welcome home!" ”

The phrase "welcome home" made Zhang Chunyang burst into tears. After joining the army for 8 years, he went directly to the construction area after the new training and put into the construction battle. Over the years, the construction task has been pushed forward, and he has followed the troops to the south and north, without waiting for the task to be completed, and his military career is about to come to an end.

On that day, the brigade leaders who commanded the battle in the work area had a discussion with the veterans who were about to retire from the construction line and asked them what other requirements or wishes they had. "I'm about to take off my uniform, I haven't been to the camp compound of our brigade yet, I want to go and see it." Zhang Chunyang's words expressed everyone's thoughts. Looking at the expectant eyes of this group of veterans, the brigade leader's nose was sour.

"It is said that 'the battalion of iron and the soldiers of flowing water' but for the missile engineering troops, it is 'the battalion of flowing water and the soldiers of iron fighting.'" A leader of the political work department of a certain brigade said that the officers and men have been "drifting" outside all year round in a fierce battle for construction, and they often have just completed a project and have to rush to the next point without stopping.

Zhang Chunyang's experience is also the experience of many other missile engineering troops. "Once, the brigade organized a training camp for grassroots backbones, and we happened to encounter bad geology in our operation surface, and I was a commando and did not make it" "Originally, I was arranged to go to the organ to exchange experience in leading troops, but my superiors suddenly transferred me to learn new machinery and equipment...... "The veterans who are traveling with me are in different situations, but they all have the same "regrets".

"I didn't expect our camp to be so beautiful!" The 22 veterans took a battery car to visit the corners of the camp and saw rows of neat barracks and green lawns, and couldn't help but admire again and again.

Walking into the military history corridor, one by one the relief pictures evoked the memories of the veterans. "That year, in order to complete the construction task, the dumplings we Chinese New Year's Eve were all eaten on the operation surface" "In order to overcome this landslide, we fought for more than 10 days before it was surrendered"......

As a matter of fact, the story of every missile engineer unit "going home" is embarrassing. Cao Wei, a sergeant in his 16th year of enlistment, walked on the clean and tidy road of the camp for the first time, and couldn't help but slow down, trying his best to engrave what he saw in his mind.

In the glow of the sun, he suddenly stopped in front of an honorary lightbox, stared for a long time, and burst into tears - with his outstanding professional performance, his advanced deeds and photos were hung in the lightbox.

The mountains are silent, and loyalty can be learned. At this moment, the pride and pride in my heart overflowed - the battle under the rock formation will be remembered forever.

(Produced by the People's Liberation Army Daily, China Military Horn)