
It turns out that a man really loves a woman, and that's what it looks like

author:Dahui said
It turns out that a man really loves a woman, and that's what it looks like

Love is like a huge playground, in which everyone can find their own suitable and favorite play tools, have fun, indulge in it, and release themselves to the fullest.

Love, you don't have to stick to one of the forms, everyone has a way of expressing love, and it is enough to find a form of getting along with each other that suits each other.

However, there are also some commonalities in love that no one can escape.

For example, the word "distressed", when a man really moves his true feelings, he will definitely have such true feelings.

It turns out that a man really loves a woman, and that's what it looks like

I feel sorry for what you have suffered in the past, and I feel sorry for you even more

In the TV series "An Home", Fang Bijin's original family is very unlucky.

Her parents favored sons over daughters, treated her like an ATM, and desperately squeezed her.

Never cared about her, every time he called, he was asking her for money and letting her fill her brother's life.

After Xu Wenchang learned of her experience, the distress in his eyes was clearly visible.

When her grandfather died, Fang Bijin completely fell out with her family, her mother shouted to teach Fang Bijin a lesson, Xu Wenchang stood in front of her, and roared: I see who dares, she is my woman, you don't hurt her, I hurt.

His distress is not just to talk about it, but to protect her and spoil her with practical actions.

Because I felt sorry for what happened to her in the past, I redoubled my pity.

No matter what the past is, the future will not make you suffer, this is a man who really loves you and gives you a promise.

It turns out that a man really loves a woman, and that's what it looks like

Feeling sorry for you not cherishing the way you look and losing your temper

I know an older sister who is a typical strong woman who can ignore anything for the sake of work.

Once, she had a high fever and insisted on following up on a very important project, and finally had a fever.

When her boyfriend learned about it, he lost his temper and blamed her for not knowing how to cherish her body.

After a moment of blame, seeing her weak appearance, he softened.

During her hospitalization, she put down all her work and stayed with her every day to take care of her.

I am angry because I care, because I feel distressed.

A man who really loves you cares more about your body than about your work and career.

He doesn't want you to work too hard, he doesn't want you to work hard at the expense of your body.

He will lose his temper when he sees that you don't cherish yourself, but it is because he feels too sorry for you that he will lose control.

It turns out that a man really loves a woman, and that's what it looks like

I feel sorry that you are too sensible and don't want you to wronged yourself

There's a saying that goes like this:

People who love to cry have candy to eat, and sensible people get nothing but sensible.

It always seems that people who are too sensible are often ignored.

Sensible is no longer respected, and many people have a lot of experience telling us that sensible people are often the easiest to be disappointed.

Myolie Wu said: My ex and ex are very good people, one of them taught me to be a mature and elegant woman, and the other taught me to be an independent and sensible adult, but I still prefer my current one because he made me a child again.

The person who really loves you, he will not turn you into a sensible woman, but will spoil you as a child.

He will be very distressed when he sees your sensible appearance, and he doesn't want you to wronged himself, he hopes that you can be with him, you can be yourself to your heart's content, and you can laugh brightly, instead of being full of grievances.

It turns out that a man really loves a woman, and that's what it looks like

The word "distressed" is the highest state of love.

To be able to achieve this point means that the love is deep and the love reaches the heart.

Only if a man really puts you on the tip of his heart, he will think about what you think and hurt what you hurt.

I don't want to see you sad, I just want to see your smile.