
The dark side of human nature: Jia Ling lost weight successfully, why did some people choose to slander?



During this year's Spring Festival, "Hot and Hot" swept the whole network like a heat wave, and behind it, the story of Jia Ling's successful weight loss of 100 pounds has become the focus of public opinion, and the heat continues to heat up.

At its core, however, the work is not designed to explore the weight loss journey, but rather to a woman's gritty journey in search of inner self-redemption.

Despite this, with the release of the movie, the topic of "Jia Ling's slimming" occupied the public eye like cooking oil on fire and became the most controversial hot spot in the film.

On the one hand, there is no shortage of praise among the audience, who are deeply touched and think that the film conveys a positive spiritual power and is very inspirational.

On the other hand, some people disagree with this, believing that the film focuses too much on Jia Ling's weight change as a commercial gimmick to attract the public's attention, and lacks in-depth exploration of the core of the story.

Some viewers deeply resonated with the protagonist in the play who turned around bravely after the vicissitudes of life, witnessing the process of a mature woman challenging herself and achieving gorgeous transformation;

The other part criticized the film for being too personal, as if Jia Ling's life experience was directly put on the screen, presenting it as an autobiographical "Jia Ling's weight loss record", which fell into the whirlpool of self-emotion to a certain extent.

Regarding the fact that Jia Ling lost weight, the voices in the public opinion field have different opinions. Some people regret that she seems to have lost her sense of humor and happiness after losing weight, and some people even bluntly say that slimming has not significantly improved her physical attractiveness.

However, I firmly believe that Jia Ling's slimming choice should be respected and blessed, rather than being blamed for unwarranted criticism. After all, she not only managed to lose weight, but she did achieve a completely new transformation in her image.

Why, then, is it so difficult to genuinely appreciate and acknowledge the efforts and changes of others? This is a social phenomenon that deserves our deep thought.

The dark side of human nature: Jia Ling lost weight successfully, why did some people choose to slander?

On February 18th, the crew of "Hot and Hot" unveiled the music video blockbuster of its highly topical metamorphosis theme song "Everything is in Time", which instantly aroused enthusiastic attention and discussion among the public.

In this well-crafted MV, Jia Ling presents her bold and innovative image, changing the style of the past and incarnating two characters - plump and slender self-dialogue, the two form a strong visual and emotional collision and resonance through the staggered air duet of time and space.

What is particularly eye-catching is that Jia Ling is wearing a bright and moving lemon yellow long skirt with a variety of big wavy hairstyles, like a beautiful landscape jumping on the screen, quickly seizing the hot search lists of major social media, attracting countless praises. Many netizens were impressed by her unique charm and charm at the moment, and left messages praising her beauty and refinement.

However, the voices of the online world are always diverse and complex, although most netizens sincerely expressed their recognition of Jia Ling's beauty, but there are also some netizens who are stubborn, even in the face of Jia Ling's remarkable weight loss results, they still insist that she is not as cute and amiable as before. This aesthetic divergence reflects the pluralistic aesthetics of individual differences.

However, putting aside subjective bias, from an objective point of view, Jia Ling's slimming has indeed improved her external image to a certain extent, and her inner talent and personality charm have always shone brightly.

Regrettably, there are always some people who are malicious towards the success and beauty of others, and even do not hesitate to speak ill of them, which undoubtedly exposes the dark side of human nature, that is, jealousy and narrow-mindedness, and the inability to accept and praise the progress and transformation of others.

The dark side of human nature: Jia Ling lost weight successfully, why did some people choose to slander?

In Keigo Higashino's masterpiece "White Night Walking", there is such a profound aphorism: "There are two things in the world that cannot be looked at directly, one is the blazing sun, and the other is the deep human heart." ”

The human heart is like a veil, and its complexity makes it impossible to guess how much malice it may hide. Even if she truly achieves slimming and beauty like Jia Ling, the dark side of human nature is unwilling to accept this beauty. What's more, in the face of Jia Ling's transformation, they are full of fear and resistance in their hearts, and they would rather choose to denigrate rather than praise her beauty.

There is a cautionary saying: "Don't trust people's hearts too much, but deeply understand the nature of human nature." "Reality often brutally reveals that human nature is the most fragile and the most invulnerable existence.

Although Jia Ling has succeeded in creating a more beautiful self-image, those who are jealous are not only unwilling to admit her charm, but predict that her good state will not last, waiting for the moment when she "rebounds". As Keigo Higashino pointed out again, "There is nothing deeper in human nature than hatred of the success of others." ”

Xiaoma, a former college classmate, was successfully selected for selection and transfer on the occasion of graduation with excellent results, and entered a stable system. It's an enviable and decent job for women, and it's so precious to have a stable career.

However, when her relatives and friends learned of the news, they did not send their blessings, but sarcastically used bitter words to sarcastically mock her that her life would be destined to be uneventful, and she could only live an ordinary life. As everyone knows, they or their children may not even touch such an opportunity, and this mentality is nothing more than a typical "can't eat grapes and say that grapes are sour".

Unable to match the ponies' achievements, they choose to attack and belittle them psychologically.

Faced with the tide of bitter sarcasm pouring into the pony, she was once deeply trapped in the dilemma of self-knowledge.

Thankfully, however, her parents were wise and open-minded, and they understood their daughter's unique value and potential, and they always believed that she was exceptional. They constantly encouraged her, praised her for her extraordinary talent and future, and firmly supported her in this career path.

Human nature is often complex and changeable, and some people are so afraid of the success and happiness of others that they would rather choose to be self-blind than face the good fortune and achievements of others. This is the subtle and contradictory side of human nature.

The dark side of human nature: Jia Ling lost weight successfully, why did some people choose to slander?

In today's society, all kinds of voices emerge one after another. When a woman is eye-catching because of her outstanding looks and elegant dress, she unfortunately becomes the bull's-eye of gossip, is wantonly fabricated so-called "peach-colored rumors", and is even slandered for making a living from beauty.

Some people have climbed to the top of their careers with excellent work ability and perseverance, only to be misunderstood, and their achievements have been disparaged as the product of relying on "unspoken rules". In addition, those young women with good faces and rich relationships of the opposite sex are often innocently accused of being groundlessly accused and labeled as "third parties".

The dark side of human nature is undoubtedly chilling. Traits that should be praised and celebrated, such as good looks, great strength, and excellent social skills, have become the target of malicious vilification by some. This may reveal the cruelest part of human nature: in real life, there are not as many people who really want you to succeed as you think.

However, behind this distorted psychology, there is often a lack and powerlessness hidden. Because they lack the sparkle of self-worth, they are afraid of the merits of others, and then choose to satisfy their own superiority by belittling others. They try to maintain their inner balance by stepping on others and spreading slander.

As everyone knows, a truly confident and excellent person is able to appreciate and praise the excellence of others. Their inner world is rich and powerful, and they don't need to belittle others to show their self-worth.

As the saying goes, a person who can generously recognize and appreciate the good in others must have extraordinary qualities and outstanding talents.

For those accustomed to looking at the merits of others with a sharp gaze, their lives may be spent in a haze of envy and jealousy. As the old saying goes, "Mutual love is born from the heart." ”

Some people are jealous of the beauty of others and do not hesitate to maliciously belittle others, but they do not know that such behavior may lead to ugliness in their own inner and outer appearance.

Conversely, those who can genuinely appreciate and acknowledge the excellence of others tend to be motivated and willing to motivate each other and grow together, so that each other can move to a higher level.

Just like in the face of Jia Ling's successful example of weight loss, they will not only sincerely praise "really good-looking", but also turn this into a motivation for self-improvement, and strive to make themselves better individuals.

The dark side of human nature: Jia Ling lost weight successfully, why did some people choose to slander?

Admittedly, is it really that hard to appreciate the good in others? In fact, the reason is not that it is unattainable, but that some people lack the courage to face their own hearts and accept the reality that others are indeed excellent.

However, when we are able to affirm the excellence of others with an open mind and a sincere attitude, we will also be bathed in this light, drawing nourishment from it, gaining the strength to forge ahead, and then stimulating the motivation to transform into an ideal self.

Looking forward to the future journey of life, may you always uphold kindness, be loyal to the true feelings of your heart, and be close to those extraordinary souls, and use this as a mirror to temper yourself, and continue to move towards a higher realm and achieve a better life.

This statement is shared with you, and we will encourage and advance together.

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