
Summer Drowning Prevention Parents' Meeting Speech

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Summer Drowning Prevention Parents' Meeting Speech

Summer Drowning Prevention Parents' Meeting Speech 1

  Parents, Teachers and Students,

  Hello everyone!

  In order to enhance the students' ability to prevent disasters and avoid dangers, in order to avoid the occurrence of drowning incidents, today, the theme of my speech is "cherish life and prevent drowning", and I would like to put forward the following requirements to all students:

  1. Establish a sense of safety, strengthen self-protection, do not take the river, ditch, or remote road, and walk together when you go home

  2. Do not go out to swim alone, let alone go to places that do not know the water conditions or are more dangerous and prone to drowning casualties to play, swim, and do not play by the river pond; Do not pick up items that have fallen into the water; Don't go fishing in the river and catch fish,

  3. Swimming: You need to swim in a regular swimming place, and you can go swimming under the guidance of an adult

  Fourth, to be clear about their physical health, easy to cramp people should not participate in swimming, to be prepared before going into the water, first move the body, if the water temperature is too low, should first wash the body in shallow water, to adapt to the water temperature before swimming

  Fifth, you should have a clear understanding of your own water nature, do not be reckless after entering the water, do not jump and dive rashly, and do not play with each other, so as not to drink water and drown

  6. If you suddenly feel unwell during swimming, such as dizziness, nausea, palpitation, shortness of breath, etc., you should immediately go ashore to rest or call for help

  7. In swimming, if the calves or feet cramp, do not panic, you can use the legs to kick or jump, or massage and pull the cramps hard, and call your companions for help.

  8. Start with me, strictly abide by school discipline, resolutely do not play in the water, classmates should care for each other, love, and find that existing students go swimming or go to dangerous places to play without permission, and discourage and tell teachers or parents in time

  9. First aid for drowning

  In our daily life, if we encounter a drowning person, what should we do when rescuing them?

  When you find that someone has fallen into the water, you can't rush into the water to rescue, because once caught by the person who fell into the water, it will be very dangerous, and entanglement with the person in the water will not only consume a lot of physical strength of the rescuer, and sometimes even lead to the rescuer's physical exhaustion and eventually death, you should immediately shout for help, and at the same time throw lifebuoys, bamboo poles, planks and other objects to the drowning person, and then drag them to the shore.

  Methods of rescuing a drowning child at the scene:

  1. Quickly remove sludge, weeds and secretions from the mouth and nose; Keep your airway open and pull out your tongue to avoid blocking your airway;

  2. Lift the drowning person up and make him lie prone on the rescuer's shoulder, with his abdomen close to the rescuer's shoulder, and his head and feet drooping, so that the water in the respiratory tract can flow out naturally, but do not delay the time for cardiopulmonary resuscitation because of water control;

  3. Mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration and cardiac massage;

  4. Contact the emergency center as soon as possible or send the drowning child to the hospital

  Please students, in daily life to improve safety awareness, safety first, prevention before it happens, water ruthless, people have affection, in fact, as long as we pay attention to all kinds of swimming, water play in life, improve the awareness of safety precautions, learn to know how to save themselves in the event of drowning and how to rescue others when they encounter drowning, drowning incidents can be prevented

  Teachers, students, let us work together to create a safe campus, and wish our students a safe and safe arrival at school every day and go home happily; I wish our campus a safe harbor and a harmonious campus for all teachers and students!

Summer Drowning Prevention Parents' Meeting Speech 2

  Dear Parents and Students,

  Today, the title of my talk is "Safety Education for Drowning Prevention".

  Approaching the height of summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, summer is the season of drowning accidents, swimming drowning and causing death accidents often occur, which brings indelible pain to the family, school and even the whole society, and the lesson is particularly profound, in order to prevent the recurrence of such drowning accidents, here, on behalf of the school, I put forward the following requirements to all teachers and students:

  1. Start with me, strictly abide by school discipline, resolutely do not play in the water, students should care for each other, love, and find that some students take the risk of swimming or playing in dangerous places without permission, and discourage and tell teachers and parents in time;

  2. Do not swim or play in ponds, lakes or reservoirs without permission at any time; Do not invite other students to swim in the water without authorization; Do not get to play and swim in ponds that do not know the water conditions or are more dangerous;

  3. If you encounter someone falling into the water, you must not risk going into the water to rescue, you should immediately shout for help, seek help from adults, and at the same time, on the premise of protecting yourself, you can throw lifebuoys, bamboo poles, planks and other floating objects to the drowning person.

  Students, we are the hope of the family, the future of the country and the nation, let us take action, cherish life, prevent drowning, and finally, remind students again to improve safety awareness in daily life.

  Thank you!

Summer Drowning Prevention Parents' Meeting Speech 3

  Parents and Students,

  For everyone, there is only one life. Paying attention to safety is an effective way to treat and cherish life. In real life, not everyone has a high level of security awareness. Have you noticed that there are often many people around us who have caused irreparable consequences because of their own negligence, such as two children in Lianzhai who drowned in a river swimming last year, and three classmates who drowned in a river to catch fish in the town a few days ago. In view of this, I would like to make the following requests to all students in the school:

  1. It is strictly forbidden for students to play or chase by the river, lake, river, reservoir, ditch, or pond to prevent them from slipping into the water.

  2. It is strictly forbidden for students to swim in the water without permission, especially for primary and secondary school students, who must be accompanied by adults and bring lifebuoys.

  3. It is strictly forbidden for students to go out fishing and catch tadpoles without permission, because fishing squats at the water's edge, and the mud and sand and gravel at the water's edge have been soaked in water for a long time, and become very loose.

  4. Without an adult accompanying or wearing a lifebuoy, it is strictly forbidden to go boating in groups without permission.

  5. When rowing in the park or taking a boat, you must sit well, do not run around on the boat, or wash your hands and feet on the side of the boat, especially when taking the boat, do not shake, and do not be overweight, so as not to overturn or sink the boat.

  6. When taking the boat, once you encounter special circumstances, you must keep calm, obey the command of the staff on the boat, and do not jump rashly. If someone is drowning, don't risk going into the water to rescue them.

  7. In case of strong wind, rain, waves or foggy weather, it is best not to take a boat or play on a boat.

  8. If you accidentally slip into the water, you should breathe in, beat the water, shout loudly, the people on the shore should immediately call for adult rescue, and find long branches, bamboo, grass and vines nearby, so that the people who throw them into the water can be grabbed, if there are no adults to rescue, the people on the shore should shout while immediately taking off their clothes, belts and picking them up and throwing them to the people who fall into the water.

  9. If you are unfortunately drowning, when someone comes to help, you should relax your body and let the rescuer support your waist.

  10. When you have a special beloved thing and falls into the water, don't rush to catch it, but ask an adult to help.

  1. Measures to prevent drowning:

  1. Primary school students should swim under the guidance of adults and learn to swim;

  2. Don't play alone by the river or pond;

  3. Do not swim in non-swimming areas;

  4. If you can't swim, don't swim to deep water, even if you have a lifebuoy, it's not safe;

  5. Appropriate preparation activities should be made before swimming to prevent cramps.

  2. Self-rescue methods in case of drowning:

  1. Don't panic, call for help immediately when you find someone around;

  2. Relax the whole body, let the body float on the water, float the head out of the water, kick the water with your feet, prevent the loss of physical strength, and wait for rescue;

  3. When the body sinks, you can press the palm down;

  4. If you suddenly cramp in the water and can't dock, call for help immediately. If there is no one around, take a deep breath and dive into the water, straighten the leg with the cramp, and pull the toes up with your hand to relieve the cramp.

  3. Rescue methods when someone is found to be drowning:

  Method 1: You can throw lifebuoys, bamboo poles, wooden planks and other objects to the drowning person, and then drag them to the shore;

  Method 2: If there is no rescue equipment, you can enter the water for direct rescue. When approaching a drowning person, turn his hips so that his back is towards him and haul them. Sidestroke or backstroke is usually used for hauling. Special emphasis: Minors who find someone drowning should not rush into the water to rescue them, but should immediately shout for help or use life-saving equipment to call for help. According to reports, at about 2 p.m. on August 8, 4 teenagers in Bottle Kiln Town, Yuhang District, Zhejiang Province, were fishing and playing by the Qikeng Reservoir together, and suddenly "plopped", one of the 7-year-old boys accidentally fell into the water, and Zhou Chaolong, a 13-year-old boy on the shore, jumped into the water without hesitation to rescue, and both were killed by the ruthless river. Zhou Chaolong's behavior is touching, but minors should not be encouraged to go into the water to save people. He could have shouted for help and sought help from an adult. "Saving people should also be within one's own ability."

  4. How to give first aid to a companion after drowning?

  What should I do if my partner is drowning? In the unlikely event that a companion is drowning, do not rush into the water to save someone, and immediately call for help. After rescuing the drowning victim ashore, immediately pry open the teeth to remove the debris in the mouth and nose to clear the airway; If the drowning person's breathing and heartbeat have stopped, chest cardiac massage and artificial respiration should be done with the head up, and at the same time rush to the hospital for rescue.

  5. First aid for drowning people on the shore

  1. Quickly remove the sludge, weeds and secretions in the mouth and nose of the drowning person, keep the respiratory tract unobstructed, and pull out the tongue to avoid blocking the respiratory tract;

  2. Lift the drowning person up and make him lie prone on the rescuer's shoulder, with his abdomen close to the rescuer's shoulder, and his head and feet hanging down, so that the water in the respiratory tract can flow out naturally. But don't choke on water and delay CPR;

  3. Mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration and cardiac massage;

  4. Contact the emergency center or send to the hospital as soon as possible.

  To sum up, drowning is very dangerous, and it is necessary to improve safety awareness in daily life, safety first, and prevention before it happens. Water is merciless, people are merciful. In fact, as long as we pay attention to all kinds of swimming and water play matters in our lives, improve our awareness of safety precautions, and learn how to save ourselves when we encounter drowning and how to rescue others when they encounter drowning, drowning incidents can be prevented.

Summer Drowning Prevention Parents' Meeting Speech 4

  Dear Parents and Friends,

  Hello everyone!

  Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedules to participate in this summer safety education parent-teacher meeting for elementary school students.

  Children are the future of the motherland, but also the hope of the family, and the life of their parents. In the process of their growth, their parents have devoted all their efforts to giving them meticulous care and carefully designing a bright future for them. We would also like to thank you for choosing our school as a place for them to study and live, and we will do our best to create a comfortable and safe learning environment for them. But look at our children, and then look at the children's living and learning environment drowning accidents, traffic accidents, food hygiene accidents and other unsafe hidden danger factors, I have to say that we worry about one thing, more important is to keep up with safety education at all times, and to always be vigilant about children's safety precautions.

  As a school, it is our duty to educate our students about safety. At the beginning of the school year, from the principal to the leader in charge to the teacher, from the student to the class teacher to the teacher, from the student to the parents, the safety responsibility letter is signed at all levels to ensure that there are no loopholes in safety management; During holidays and seasonal safety precautions, the school issues student safety responsibility letters and reports to parents; The third period of the Thursday afternoon is selected as a safety education class; In order to ensure the safety of students, all teachers go to the streets in the morning to conduct traffic safety inspections, and on weekends and weekends, they go to the surrounding ponds, rivers, ditches and other places to carry out drowning prevention inspections. However, it is far from enough to rely on the strength of the school alone, and it is more necessary for our children's guardians to supervise and educate, and to combine the school in thought and action to manage together.

  First, be highly vigilant about drowning accidents and how to prevent drowning accidents in children

  1. As a parent, we must be highly vigilant against drowning accidents, once a drowning accident occurs, for the person who has an accident, it is nothing more than these two situations: one is to recover after rescue or treatment, and generally recover health, and the second is to drown, that is, to lose life. As guardians of our students, we first need to let them know that swimming in the river is a very dangerous thing to do, so dangerous that it threatens our lives. If due to our negligence as parents, or the purpose of education is not clear enough, the child does not listen to the advice and insists on going his own way, or the supervision is negligent, resulting in the child to play in the river and play in the water. In the end, one misstep turned into a thousand years of hatred, leaving us with only tears of remorse. Therefore, we must educate children to achieve "six no's and two sessions", that is, not to swim in the water without adult guidance; Do not swim with classmates without permission; Do not swim in unsafe waters; Do not blindly go into the water to rescue; Do not go down to and from school to play in rivers and ponds, play and fish; Do not venture over bridges, rivers, or puddles; When danger is discovered, they will remind, dissuade and report each other; Learn basic self-care and self-help methods.

  2. China's child accidental drowning investigation report, from the beginning of May this year to the present, there have been 12 child drowning accidents, 26 lives have disappeared, bringing great harm to the family, and these accidents basically occur in rural areas or at the junction of urban and rural areas, most of them are caused by parental negligence, especially on weekends and holidays. Some parents will ask, school teachers and parents are carrying out safety education almost every day, why are there so many accidents? This brings me to the next point I want to focus on, how to prevent the dangers of child drowning accidents.

  Each of us has to travel, according to the survey, people face the threat of death at least 10 times in their lives, but some people will always turn the danger into a disaster, and some people lose their lives before they have time to think, the main reason is that they have given up their vigilance and are not careful enough. We need to help children develop the ability to make correct judgments about possible dangers around them at all times when traveling, and try to stay away from dangers. Summer is coming, the weather is hot, some students can't stand the heat, especially the senior students, always think of bubbles in the water, don't you know, such will bring themselves to the edge of danger. The river bed is uneven due to sand pumping, the water temperature changes greatly, the bottom of the pond and fish pond is staggered, and there are many aquatic plants. Some students say that I can swim, and the water is very good, but do you know that the vast majority of people who drown can swim, and no one will drown on the road, that is, how many people who can swim in the river don't think they are a little watery? If you don't know how to swim, he may hesitate if you let him swim in the river. However, it was because he could swim that he was negligent and gave up his vigilance. Some people fell headlong into the water, and their heads were buried in the mud and died; Some people are entangled in water and weeds and cannot get out and die; Some people are unable to swim to shore due to leg cramps; Some people are unable to swim anymore because they are not strong enough and eventually sink to the bottom. Therefore, it is important for students to understand that they should not blindly enter the water because they know how to be watery, and remember to remember. Some students said again, "Dad, Mom, I don't go into the water, I just play with my companions by the water, walk by the river, okay?" Tell him, no! Don't put yourself in a dangerous situation, always be vigilant and mindful everywhere. Be sure to strongly inform your child that they are not allowed to swim in the water or without an adult. Do not get to reservoirs, ponds, wells and other dangerous places to play, bathe, swim; It is not allowed to accompany adults to reservoirs, ponds and other places to fish, lobster, etc., especially children who are only supervised by grandparents, and they must always be vigilant.

  We have always stressed that children are not allowed to swim in the river, or even play in the river, so has swimming become a dangerous sport? Of course not. If your child wants to swim, take him to the regular pool or go to the river with an adult. Holidays, weekends, take children to Zhongxiang Natatorium to play, affordable, but also close parent-child relationship, enhance the interest of life, not only to meet the children, we ourselves will be physically and mentally happy, it is a kind of fun of life, you might as well enjoy the whole family.

  2. Always be vigilant and achieve safe transportation

  Due to the distance of some students from school, it has brought a lot of inconvenience to students to school and home. As parents, some choose to let their children ride their own bicycles to school, and some choose to use vehicles to pick up and drop off their children. However, the state clearly stipulates that only students who are at least 12 years old can ride bicycles on the road, and students under the age of 12 are not allowed to ride bicycles on the road; At the same time, after our investigation, we understand that there are great potential safety hazards in the vehicles that pick up and drop off students, especially the problem of overloading and overcrowding. If an accident happens, it will ruin the lives of a dozen or even dozens of children, and the happiness of a dozen or dozens of families. Therefore, parents of the school cooperate with the school to do the following:

  1. Children should be refused to ride unlicensed, unlicensed, and uninsured "three no" cars, scrapped cars, trucks, tricycles, and tractors; Do not ride in overcrowded or speeding vehicles. It is recommended that you do not let your child go to and from school in a small vehicle such as a small noodle.

  2. Parents must sign a safety responsibility letter with the owner to clarify the safety responsibility.

  3. If your home is not far from the school, it is recommended that you pick up and drop off your children to and from school in person.

  4. Always educate children to pay attention when riding vehicles: do not wait for vehicles or hail vehicles on the motor lane; After the car comes, when the car stops steadily, get off first and then get on in order, don't be crowded; Do not carry flammable, explosive and other dangerous goods on the bus; Do not open the doors and windows at will, do not stick any part of the body out of the car, and do not throw objects outside the car; Do not walk around or play in the car; After getting off the bus, when you need to cross the roadway, you must abide by the rule of "one stop, two looks, three passes", and when you are sure that there is no vehicle passing, you should pass through the rear of the car, and you must not rush through the front of the car.

  5. If you find unlicensed, unlicensed, and uninsured vehicles carrying passengers and vehicles with overcrowding and speeding, we hope that you will report to the traffic management department in time.

  6. Supervise your children, children under the age of 12 are not allowed to ride bicycles on the road, let alone drive any motor vehicles or electric vehicles. Do not stop, fight, chase on the highway, at intersections and on motorized lanes, and suddenly cross the road at will. Skateboards, roller skates, etc. are not allowed on the road.

  3. Home-school cooperation, collective wisdom and efforts, and combination of prevention and control

  In order to effectively protect the safety of students' lives and the happiness of their families, our school has taken the following safety precautions, and parents are requested to support and cooperate with each other:

  1. Strictly abide by the school's work and rest time system. Parents are requested to reasonably arrange their children's work and rest time and pick-up time, in accordance with the regulations of the superiors, primary school students should not arrive at school earlier than 7:20 in the morning, therefore, parents must let their children sleep well, calculate the time to get up in the morning, go out and arrive at school, do not send their children to the side of the road too early to wait alone, so as to avoid safety accidents.

  Our school schedule is: breakfast at 7:30 a.m., class time at 8:00 a.m., noon dismissal at 11:40 a.m., afternoon lunch break at 13:00, afternoon dismissal at 16:30, including Friday at 15:45.

  2. Abide by the school leave system. If a student needs to take leave due to illness or illness, parents should come to school in person or call the class teacher to inform the class teacher. Similarly, if a student needs to leave the school due to illness or illness while at school, the school will notify the parents as soon as possible. That is, to achieve two-way implementation, the school and the family should work closely together, do not let the child stay away from the supervision range, and always know the whereabouts of the child.

  3. Parents and schools cooperate to carry out safety education for students in other aspects, such as: as a parent of a junior student, pick up their children from school in time and tell them where to pick them up; Go home in time after school, report to you as soon as possible, and have to go out to play or visit relatives and friends with the consent of your parents; Beware of abduction, don't go with strangers, and don't talk to strangers casually; Don't buy food at roadside stalls, don't eat food given by strangers, and don't pick up food on the road or on the ground to eat; How to escape in case of danger, etc., to enhance children's awareness of safety precautions and self-protection.

  4. Parents are requested to carefully check family and social conflicts, check whether their children's pockets contain dangerous items such as "lighters, controlled knives, sharp toys" before coming to school in the morning, and carefully observe the emotional changes of students going to and from school, observe and ask diligently, and ensure that children's behavior and psychology are not biased.

  If you have a good opinion or suggestion, please let the school know by phone or in writing. Parents hope that parents can understand the inconvenience.

  That's all we have to talk about today, if parents have any questions or suggestions, they can put them forward and we will discuss them together. Thank you for visiting us today! Let's work together with the common goal of "all for children" to provide children with a good, scientific and systematic educational environment and a platform for safe growth, so that children can grow up happily and healthily!

  Finally, on behalf of the school, I would like to thank you again for coming. Thank you!

Summer Drowning Prevention Parents' Meeting Speech 5

  In 20008, a magnitude 8.0 earthquake struck Wenchuan, killing 69,227 people, injuring 374643 and leaving 17,923 missing. In order to wake up everyone, the state has designated today as the "5.12 National Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Day", aiming to further create a publicity atmosphere for disaster prevention and mitigation in schools, families and society through the publicity and education activities on the theme of "Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Day", arouse the attention of teachers, students, parents and all walks of life to disaster prevention and mitigation, and enhance the awareness of disaster prevention and reduction.

  1. Flood control and flood control safety

  2. Drowning prevention safety

  The "Ten Ones" theme activity has done a lot of publicity and prevention work, and I would like to emphasize the following points here:

  The "six nos" do not swim privately. Do not swim with others without permission. No swimming without a parent or teacher to lead the swim. Do not swim in waters where there are no safety facilities and no rescue personnel. Don't swim in unfamiliar waters. Students who are not familiar with the nature of water should not go into the water to rescue without permission.

  3. Other security

Summer Drowning Prevention Parents' Meeting Speech 6

  Dear Parents and Students,

  Hello everyone!

  The theme of my speech today is: Cherish Life, Prevent Drowning.

  When you see a mother who is pregnant for ten months, after experiencing countless painful torments and long waiting anxieties, with a cry, announcing the birth of a new life, will you sigh at the hard-won life?

  When you see a seriously ill patient, you see him struggling painfully on the brink of life and death, unconscious countless times, his life hanging by a thread countless times...... Does his desire for life make you lament the fragility of life?

  Human life is precious, but at the same time it is fragile, if we do not pay attention to safety awareness, ignore potential safety hazards, and treat life as a child's play, then the consequences are unimaginable. In the hot summer, many swimmers drown due to a lack of relevant safety knowledge.

  On the morning of XX month, when X students in the second year of junior high school in XX City were having a barbecue, X students accidentally fell into the water, and X classmates rescued them, resulting in X students drowning. On the same day, X students from XX Middle School drowned while swimming in a river. On the afternoon of October XX, X students from XX Primary School in XX City drowned while swimming in a nearby river, resulting in the drowning of X students. On the same day, X elementary school students and one junior high school student in District XX drowned while swimming in the river in District XX.

  In just two days, x cases of minor drowning accidents occurred in four provinces and five places, resulting in the drowning of xx primary and secondary school students. One by one, like a flower, before it has time to bloom, it withers in an instant, sinks to the bottom of the water and is no longer to be found. The Si people have gone, and what is left behind is the pain and regret that accompany the life of their relatives. Life is certainly fragile, shouldn't we cherish it? Are we willing to let the good years pass away with the water? Students, tragedy cannot be repeated over and over again, and there is no second time in life. We must take precautions, strengthen self-protection, stay away from the hidden danger of drowning, and take every step on the road of life. To this end, we would like to put forward the following suggestions to all students:

  1. Don't be too hungry or full when you go into the water, and don't go into the water one hour after eating to avoid cramps.

  2. Test the water temperature before entering the water, if the water is too cold, do not enter the water.

  3. Don't swim in canyons where the geography is unclear. The water in these places varies in depth and is cold and biting, and there may be obstacles in the water that can hurt people, which is very unsafe.

  Life is precious, and happiness is in our own hands. I hope that students can guard against drowning, cherish life, and hope that the flower of life will never wither!

  Thank you!