
This dish is a treasure all over the body, and it is better than fresh after drying, and it is really trouble-free to eat and take!

author:The food of the snow peaks

This dish is a treasure all over the body, and it is much more delicious than fresh after drying, and it is really easy to eat and take it!

The rotation of the four seasons is truly magical, and it can be said that every month and every season there are different vegetables and wild vegetables on the market. Spring and summer are the seasons to eat wild vegetables, this dish is full of treasures, we don't miss it when we encounter it, stock up on some and eat it slowly.

This dish is a treasure all over the body, and it is better than fresh after drying, and it is really trouble-free to eat and take!

This wild vegetable is our most common purslane, purslane is full of treasures, rich in nutrients, is the "life-saving vegetable" in the previous difficult years. Purslane as a vegetable is a nutritious vegetable, especially a Chinese herbal medicine. Purslane grows the most and is most vigorous, especially in summer, but as the seasons change, it gets old after the season. Today I would like to share with you a small way to store purslane, from summer to winter, it can be said that it will not be bad to eat for a year, take it as you eat, and it is much better than fresh.

This dish is a treasure all over the body, and it is better than fresh after drying, and it is really trouble-free to eat and take!

In fact, in our lives, there are a lot of dried vegetables, such as daylily, fungus and other dried vegetables are very delicious, and the flavor is very unique. Purslane tastes better than fresh purslane after drying, and it can be said that drying purslane is the best way to store purslane, let's find out together!

This dish is a treasure all over the body, and it is better than fresh after drying, and it is really trouble-free to eat and take!

Step 1: We store purslane, and it will be better to choose a slightly older purslane. Take the purslane home and wash it.

This dish is a treasure all over the body, and it is better than fresh after drying, and it is really trouble-free to eat and take!

Step 2: Put an appropriate amount of water in the pot, bring to a boil over high heat, and blanch the washed purslane in the pot.

This dish is a treasure all over the body, and it is better than fresh after drying, and it is really trouble-free to eat and take!

Step 3: Blanch purslane into cold water to cool, or let it cool directly.

This dish is a treasure all over the body, and it is better than fresh after drying, and it is really trouble-free to eat and take!

Step 4: Then hang the blanched purslane on a rope and dry it. Sun-dried purslane is stored in a plastic bag and will not go bad for a year. Many people will say, dried purslane has not been eaten, how to eat it? Here are two ways to make purslane, which are very delicious, try them when you have time, don't miss this year's purslane!

Recommended: Dried purslane meat buns

This dish is a treasure all over the body, and it is better than fresh after drying, and it is really trouble-free to eat and take!

【Preparation of dried purslane meat buns】Ingredients: flour, yeast powder, dried purslane, pork belly, green onion, ginger, salt, peanut oil.

1. Add yeast powder to warm water to dissolve, add flour and form a ball, ferment into a honeycomb for later use, soak the dried purslane in cold water, wash and pinch the soaked purslane to dry the water, and chop it into minced pieces.

2. Chop the pork belly, put the fat into the pot first, then add the lean meat and stir-fry well, add the dark soy sauce and mix well, pour it directly into the purslane, add minced green onion and ginger, salt, and chicken essence and mix well.

3. Knead the fermented dough into a small agent, roll it into a thin and slightly thick round skin on the side, put the filling on the bun skin and pinch it tightly along the edge, ferment for about 20 minutes, put it on the greased grate and steam it for about 20 minutes, and the bun is cooked out of the pot.

Recommended: Dried purslane button meat

This dish is a treasure all over the body, and it is better than fresh after drying, and it is really trouble-free to eat and take!

【How to make purslane button meat】Ingredients: pork belly, dried purslane. Seasoning: 1 piece of tofu, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 star anise, 1 tablespoon of dark soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of sugar, a pinch of salt, shredded green onion, shredded ginger, 2 tablespoons of peanut oil.

1. Put the dried purslane in the basin and soak it, pinch the water and chop it up, put peanut oil in the pot, stir-fry the green onion and ginger, pour in the cut purslane and stir-fry well, cook it into the dark soy sauce to color, add an appropriate amount of salt to taste and stir evenly, turn off the heat and set aside.

2. Put the whole piece of pork belly directly into the pot and boil the water, dry the moisture on the surface of the pork belly, smear the soy sauce and fry it in the oil pan until the skin of the meat is golden brown, take it out and soak it in cold water, take out the thick slices, add oyster sauce, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt and sugar and mix well.

3. Take a bowl, spread the pork belly skin down on the bottom of the bowl, put the fried purslane on top, then pour some juice from the marinated meat slices on top and then steam it in the pot for 1 and a half hours, take out the steamed button meat, and put it upside down on the plate.

Feng'er's words:

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