
"Meerkat Hunting Pioneer" Kong Pengfei: Deep Cultivation and Research of "Struggle Data"

Shenzhen Business Daily Reading Client Reporter Ren Jianxin Correspondent Peng Xinhe Huang Junsheng

"Pass me the information, and I'll dig it again." A few days ago, Kong Pengfei, the first-level supervisor of the police technical department of the investigation and handling team of the Huanggang Border Inspection Station of the Shenzhen Entry-Exit Border Inspection Station, participated in the seizure of a smuggling case. After finishing the case, he opened the special file on the computer, and added another branch line to the dense case development relationship map.

"In the future, we will dig deep according to information screening, background investigation, external investigation, etc., and do not let go of any clues." Kong Pengfei said.

"Meerkat Hunting Pioneer" Kong Pengfei: Deep Cultivation and Research of "Struggle Data"

Kong Pengfei, a police officer from Huanggang Border Inspection Station, shared his work insights at the station's "Double Ten Best" learning and promotion meeting.

"Dig again" and make big results with "small cuts".

"Dig a little deeper, I don't think it's that simple." This is the sentence that Kong Pengfei and his colleagues say the most. "Dig again" has become his mantra, and it is precisely this tenacity of "insisting on the green mountains and not relaxing" that has brought many hidden big and important cases to the surface.

One day in August 2023, a cross-border illegal crime case aroused Kong Pengfei's vigilance. After a massive big data investigation, he dug out that the case involved a variety of illegal and criminal activities, so he united with the local public security organs to finally investigate and lock up dozens of cross-border criminals.

"The border crossing is about to reopen." "yes, the shops around it will soon be booming again!" One day at the beginning of 2023, a chat between colleagues made Kong Pengfei keenly aware that the smuggling problem that plagued the fast and unblocked customs of the port was about to make a comeback.

He immediately reviewed the smuggling cases in Guangdong and Hong Kong in recent years, collected clues in an all-round way with the help of the smuggling situation at the Zhuhai and Macao ports, systematically analyzed the smuggling situation after the resumption of customs at the port of Shenzhen, built a "risk control and early warning model for smuggling activities", accurately extracted personnel portraits, and strengthened data guidance and investigation.

In the end, Kong Pengfei screened out more than 300 suspected smugglers, locked dozens of key suspected smugglers, and after joint investigation and crackdown, a total of more than 20 smugglers and a large number of smuggled goods were seized, and the amount involved exceeded 7 million yuan.

The swords and shadows of this security battle are rows and rows of data and clues one after another. Between the square inches of the computer screen, is Kong Pengfei's main battlefield.

In the past 16 years as a police officer, Kong Pengfei has won 1 personal second-class merit, 7 personal third-class merits, 4 personal awards, and in 2023, he will be awarded the title of "Top Ten Border Inspection Guards" of Shenzhen Border Inspection Station.

"Meerkat Hunting Pioneer" Kong Pengfei: Deep Cultivation and Research of "Struggle Data"

Huanggang Border Inspection Station police officer Kong Pengfei.

Take the initiative to move from the front desk to the "big backstage"

In fact, Kong Pengfei, who has just joined the police, is also a real "rookie", and he is silently doing a "caring person" in the travel inspection post day after day.

Key points of personnel inspection, forgery and false characteristics of documents...... After getting off the verification platform, Kong Pengfei stared at all kinds of fake documents for research and comparison, and actively asked colleagues for advice when he encountered problems that he didn't understand, so as to continuously update his knowledge reserves and improve his business skills.

"Meerkat Hunting Pioneer" Kong Pengfei: Deep Cultivation and Research of "Struggle Data"

Kong Pengfei and his colleagues discuss the facts of the case.

In the face of the thousands of inbound and outbound passengers at the port, Kong Pengfei insisted on "taking a look more, chatting more, and thinking more", so that there was nowhere to hide the doubts in the subtle knowledge.

The business accumulation of 8 years of duty positions has made him more handy when searching for traces. In the 2014 basic business skills competition held by the Shenzhen Border Inspection Station, Kong Pengfei found that the personnel with fake documents ranked first in the station.

In the process of asking questions from Lin Cong, a police officer in the investigation and handling team, a second-level hero model of the national public security system, Kong Pengfei became interested in the concept of "data research and judgment", and he realized that in the face of escalating illegal entry and exit methods, only by actively embracing big data and letting massive data "work for itself" can he continuously improve his combat effectiveness. Since then, Kong Pengfei has often taken advantage of his rest to "mingle" and study with his classmates in the investigation and case-handling team.

In 2017, Kong Pengfei, a "supernumerary personnel", officially became a regular and took up the post of investigation and case handling as he wished.

The ease that comes at your fingertips is the precipitation of accumulation. With a lot of experience in handling cases and the accumulation of investigation skills, Kong Pengfei has quickly grown from a "rookie" inspector to an excellent police detective with a "data sword" in his hand.

Be diligent in reviewing and let the data "speak" to get through the "last mile"

Clues not only exist in cloud data, but are often also hidden in online news. Kong Pengfei has a habit of thunder - the first thing he does when he goes to work is to browse the dynamics of the case, police tips, and search for hot topics in entry and exit.

"After a case is handled, it is necessary to summarize the experience in a timely manner, form your own case-handling ideas and disposal logic, and build a model to push to the front line, so that everyone can know it when inspecting." Searching for clues in the vast virtual world has given Kong Pengfei a keen insight, perseverance and the ability to constantly reflect and improve.

"Meerkat Hunting Pioneer" Kong Pengfei: Deep Cultivation and Research of "Struggle Data"

Verify the authenticity of documents.

He insisted on taking the on-site investigation of suspicious points as the "center of the circle", applied data mining synchrotron radiation expansion tactics, promoted the formation of a "zero delay" joint analysis model of two-way force of on-site verification and data analysis, and participated in the writing of more than 200 investigation reports, many of which were adopted by superiors.

In addition, Kong Pengfei also visited local public security organs many times to carry out police cooperation, carried out analysis, research and judgment and joint case handling of key groups such as illegal border crossers and cross-border illegal and criminal personnel, pushed hundreds of clues of local public security organs' "meerkat hunting" operations, assisted local public security organs in filing cases and arrested thousands of people suspected of obstructing national (border) border management and cross-border illegal activities, and followed up and investigated 3 cases approved by the leaders of the Ministry of Public Security, and 2 cases were listed as cases supervised by the National Immigration Administration.

These beautiful "data wars" have also opened up the "last mile" of transforming information clues into cases.

Peeling off the cocoon, looking for breakthroughs, and taking devoting himself to investigation and handling cases as the best touchstone for practicing his original mission and demonstrating responsibility, Kong Pengfei always motivates himself to overcome difficulties, climb one peak after another, and forge ahead, and generate his own "struggle data" in the new era and new journey.