
For the first time in six and a half years, the ROK foreign minister visited Beijing

author:Straight news

Wang Yi: China and South Korea should pursue harmony and diversity

Yesterday (13th) afternoon, Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs, held talks with South Korean Foreign Minister Cho Doi-yeol in Beijing. At the invitation of Wang Yi, Zhao Duilie went to China on Monday (May 13) for a two-day visit. This is the first visit to Beijing by a South Korean foreign minister in six and a half years since 2017. Zhao's visit is considered to be a "warm-up" for the upcoming Ninth China-Japan-ROK summit and a breakthrough in China-ROK relations, which have cooled significantly in recent years.

For the first time in six and a half years, the ROK foreign minister visited Beijing

Source: The official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

In his opening remarks, Wang Yi pointed out that it is necessary to promote the healthy and stable development of China-ROK relations. He said that the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the ROK and the healthy and steady development of bilateral relations conform to the trend of the times and conform to the fundamental interests of the two peoples. Recently, China-ROK relations have faced a marked increase in twists and turns and tests, which are not in the common interests of the two countries and are not desirable to see.

For the first time in six and a half years, the ROK foreign minister visited Beijing

Source: The official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Wang Yi said that China and the ROK are close neighbors and should come and go frequently. Over the past 30 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the overall development of bilateral relations has been smooth and fruitful. The two sides established a strategic partnership in 2008 to give more importance to their respective diplomatic relations. China and the ROK have achieved mutual achievements and common development in exchanges and cooperation, and contributed to regional peace and prosperity, which fully demonstrates that the development of China-ROK relations is in line with the trend of the times and reflects the will of the people. Wang Yi stressed that China is ready to work with the ROK to strengthen exchanges and communication, adhere to the original aspiration of establishing diplomatic relations, adhere to good-neighborliness and friendship, accommodate each other's major concerns, eliminate external interference, and work together to promote the sustained, healthy and stable development of China-ROK relations.

Wang Yi pointed out that there is no fundamental conflict of interest between China and the ROK, and that harmony and diversity should be pursued. The two sides should understand and respect each other, strengthen communication and exchanges, eliminate misunderstandings and enhance mutual trust. It is hoped that the ROK will abide by the one-China principle, properly and prudently handle Taiwan-related issues, and consolidate the political foundation of bilateral relations. The two sides should send more objective and positive messages, increase positive guidance, strengthen people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and consolidate the foundation of public opinion in bilateral relations. The economic and trade cooperation between China and the ROK is large in scale and highly complementary, with the trade volume exceeding US$310 billion last year. China is accelerating the development of new productive forces, promoting high-quality development, and expanding high-level opening-up, which will bring important opportunities to South Korea. The two sides should deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, be reliable and long-term partners in each other's development process, jointly oppose trade protectionism, safeguard the international free trade system, and ensure the stability and smoothness of production and supply chains. Wang Yi hopes that Zhao Duilie's working visit will play a positive role in improving and developing China-ROK relations.

For the first time in six and a half years, the ROK foreign minister visited Beijing

Source: The official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Cho said that South Korea and China should manage their differences, not let them escalate into conflicts, and continue to maintain a good momentum of cooperation. He pointed out that the ROK does not believe that its foreign relations are a zero-sum game in which "you lose and I win," and it will not develop in this direction. Cho said that the key to taking the first step in promoting the new development of ROK-China relations is to minimize the geopolitical factors that restrict the development of bilateral relations, manage differences, focus on cooperation, and promote the fruitful results of bilateral cooperation in a down-to-earth manner.

Yonhap News Agency said that China's repeated calls for "no interference" in China-South Korea relations appear to be a warning to the United States to drag South Korea into a process of supply chain restructuring that is in strategic competition with China. Although it is too early to tell whether relations between South Korea and China will warm up, some analysts believe that at least the two sides have a common understanding of the need to manage relations to prevent conflict.


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