
Taiwan's foreign affairs department jumped to sue Xu Qiaoxin for setting a bad example "Confidential documents" have become a talisman for the DPP's abuse of power

author:Chinese graticule
Taiwan's foreign affairs department jumped to sue Xu Qiaoxin for setting a bad example "Confidential documents" have become a talisman for the DPP's abuse of power

Kuomintang representative Xu Qiaoxin (left) and head of Taiwan's foreign affairs department Wu Zhaoxie (right). (File photo) (Source: Taiwan's "China Times News Network")

Wu Zhaoxie, responsible person of the foreign affairs department of the Taiwan authorities, who is about to be transferred to another post, staged a drama of making a complaint before leaving, and he insisted on ringing the bell to accuse Xu Qiaoxin, a Kuomintang public opinion representative who is known as a "fierce green general." The cause of the incident is that Xu Qiaoxin exposed and questioned the suspected black box operation of Taiwan's foreign affairs department's plan to aid Ukraine through the Czech Republic, which was considered by Taiwan's foreign affairs department to have leaked "secrets", and Xu Qiaoxin has continued to be attacked by public opinion manipulated by the DPP in recent days. According to the Taiwan media, although Wu Zhaoxie said that it is not the first time that Taiwan's foreign affairs department has filed a complaint against a public opinion representative, it is actually very rare for the administrative department to compete with the public opinion representative in such a confrontation in the political arena on the island.

Taiwan's foreign affairs department sued Xu Qiaoxin for setting a bad example

The Kuomintang caucus in Taiwan's legislature recently held a press conference accusing Taiwan's foreign affairs department of lying about its aid to Ukraine. Xu Qiaoxin said that the Taiwan authorities signed a contract with the Czech Republic for a $10 million aid fund for Ukraine, and designated the medical equipment supplier "Czech Institute of Health Sciences" to implement the plan, and the remittance amount went directly into the account of the "Czech Institute of Health Sciences".

Xu Qiaoxin pointed out that the agreement also specifies 30% to 40% to purchase Taiwanese medical equipment, what is the current status of Taiwan's medical equipment procurement? Is there an open tender for selection? The person in charge of the "Czech Academy of Health Sciences" went to Taiwan in March this year, and whether the matter was discussed at that time, she asked Taiwan's foreign affairs department to produce the minutes of the meeting.

Taiwan's foreign affairs department jumped to sue Xu Qiaoxin for setting a bad example "Confidential documents" have become a talisman for the DPP's abuse of power

Xu Qiaoxin, a representative of the Kuomintang, questioned the Taiwan authorities' plan to aid Ukraine for alleged black-box operations, and was reported by Taiwan's foreign affairs department for suspected leaks. (Source: Taiwan's "China Times News Network")

Taiwan's foreign affairs department believed that Xu Qiaoxin had disclosed "confidential documents" in front of the media, so he went to the Taipei District Prosecutor's Office to report Xu Qiaoxin for leaking secrets. Xu Qiaoxin said that as early as March 26, the Czech government printed and edited the international journal "Journal of Modern Economic Diplomacy", which had reported the full text and content of the contract in great detail, and even disclosed the names of the cooperative units "Czech Institute of Health Science and Technology" and the Association of Medical Device Manufacturers and Suppliers.

Taiwan's "China Times" pointed out that even the information that has long been made public by Czech periodicals has been said to be a big secret by Taiwan's foreign affairs department. Whatever the DPP does not want the people to know, it will use secrets to hide it and evade the supervision of Taiwan's legislature and the media. But when things go wrong, there must be demons, why does Taiwan's foreign affairs department have to go through the Czech Republic to aid Ukraine? And why can 30% to 40% of the aid amount be used in Taiwan's medical material procurement cases to completely circumvent the procurement regulations? I am afraid that this is the real secret that the foreign affairs department of the Taiwan authorities does not dare to disclose!

Taiwan's "Zhongtian News" conducted a street interview on "the $10 million Taiwan-Czech aid to Ukraine case, who do the people think is justified", and some people believe that the document was originally made public in March, but Taiwan's foreign affairs department said that it should wait until 10 years before it can be made public, and what has been made public in March, why wait until 10 years? Some people said, "Because I am an ordinary citizen, I may want to understand where the money is going", "There is a problem, if you don't disclose this matter, it means that you are obstructing it, otherwise why are you so afraid?"

Taiwan's foreign affairs department jumped to sue Xu Qiaoxin for setting a bad example "Confidential documents" have become a talisman for the DPP's abuse of power

Xu Qiaoxin (center), a representative of the Kuomintang, accompanied by Taiwanese media person Zhao Shaokang on the 13th, gathered with members of the "Battle Blue" People's Congress to cheer for Xu Qiaoxin. (Source: Taiwan's "China Times News Network")

The Kuomintang fought back and expressed its support for Xu Qiaoxin

In response to Xu Qiaoxin's accusation by Taiwan's foreign affairs department and continued to be surrounded and suppressed by the green camp, Zhao Shaokang, a senior media person in Taiwan and the initiator of "Battle Blue", held a press conference on the 13th, and more than 10 Kuomintang representatives gathered to support it. Zhao Shaokang believes that there are many cases in the DPP that should not be treated as confidential documents, and as long as they are brought out for discussion, they will be regarded as leaks, and the blue camp should not fight alone, and secrets are not a fig leaf for the DPP.

Zhao Shaokang pointed out that Xu Qiaoxin was surrounded and suppressed by the Green Camp People's Congress, the Internet Army, and the flank because she hit the sore spot of the DPP, so that she had no privacy at all, can politics be like this? From Ma Wenjun to Xu Qiaoxin, the DPP has used the so-called "Secrets Protection Law" to smear these people who want to expose improper policies.

Zhao Shaokang stressed: The DPP is now using the "Law on the Protection of Secrets," the "Regulations on Cross-Strait People's Relations," and the "Anti-Infiltration Law" to rectify the opposition to the DPP, so these three "bills" must be thoroughly amended.

Xu Qiaoxin said that it is the norm for all documents of Taiwan's foreign affairs department to be classified and so on, and it is their right for Taiwan's foreign affairs department to file a lawsuit against her. However, Taiwan's foreign affairs department is only shifting the focus, but no one has come forward to say clearly the flow of 10 million US dollars, how much Taiwan medical materials are purchased, and how to procure them, and they will be tracked to the end in the future.

Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun pointed out in an interview after attending a press conference of the Kuomintang think tank on the 13th that Xu Qiaoxin is a very important general of the Kuomintang, and as long as she does good for Taiwan and the people, the Kuomintang will definitely support it to the end. He also hopes that the Green Camp Cyber Army will stop maliciously attacking Xu Qiaoxin and stop trying to destroy personal privacy or harm her family.

Luo Zhiqiang, a representative of the Kuomintang People's Congress, also blew himself up when he was interviewed by a radio program on the 13th, and he had asked the Taiwan Supervision Organization to investigate in order to clear up his political donations, and the agency returned his innocence after the investigation, but the investigation documents were also listed as "confidential documents" and could not be made public, making him think that this kind of practice of indiscriminately identifying secrets should be changed in the legal system.

Taiwan's foreign affairs department jumped to sue Xu Qiaoxin for setting a bad example "Confidential documents" have become a talisman for the DPP's abuse of power

Tsai Ing-wen, leader of the Taiwan region (right), and Wu Zhaoxie, head of Taiwan's foreign affairs department, (left). (File photo) (Source: Taiwan's "China Times News Network")

"Confidential documents" have become a talisman for the DPP's abuse of power

Taiwan's "United Daily News" recently published an article entitled "Confidential, Confidential, How Many Crimes Are Committed in Your Name?" The editorial pointed out that during the DPP's administration, including Chen Shui-bian and Tsai Ing-wen, it became the norm for them to abuse "secrets" to evade supervision or cover up malpractices, and the "secret treaty on aid to Ukraine" disclosed by Xu Qiaoxin this time involves many problems, and it is not just the word "leak" that can arbitrarily judge right and wrong.

What Xu Qiaoxin revealed this time is that Taiwan's foreign affairs department signed a memorandum with the "Czech Academy of Health Sciences" to provide $10 million to assist Ukraine in rebuilding its medical system. The first puzzling thing about this case is that the Taiwan authorities have provided assistance to Ukraine many times, including donations to Kyiv and other cities, seven medical institutions, and the Orthodox Church. Is this a "plan to aid Ukraine" or another kind of "secret diplomacy"?

Second, although there is a risk of violating the rules by making public the documents classified as classified, the contents of this plan have already been published by the Czech government's diplomatic journals, so what is the need for secrecy or what should be kept secret? Taiwan's foreign affairs department also admitted that although the document was classified as confidential, it could not ask the Czech Republic to handle it in the same way. Therefore, there is no doubt as to why this document must be classified as a confidential document, which of course raises questions as to whether it is an evasion of responsibility.

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has been in power twice and has abused "secrets" as a means to evade supervision and even corruption. During the Chen Shui-bian period, a number of classified defense and foreign affairs cases were full of suspicions. In particular, in order to solve the case of embezzlement of confidential expenses, Chen Shui-bian and his family fabricated a "special project for the southern route" and claimed that they would use confidential expenses as so-called "confidential diplomacy." This caused a sensation. Later, after judicial investigation, it was found that the so-called "Southern Route Project" was purely fictitious, and the relevant funds actually went into the purse of Chen Shui-bian's family. Lin Dexun, director of Chen Shui-bian's office, who cooperated with the fraud at that time, is now about to take up the post of director of the office of the responsible person of Taiwan's administrative organ, which is even more ironic.

As for the use of "secrecy" during the Tsai Ing-wen period, it was even more perfect. Not only are all kinds of documents related to defense and foreign affairs classified as classified and not allowed to be questioned by the outside world, but if there are doubters, they are often labeled as "affecting security" and "secretly aiding the CCP", and even many cases that are not related to security are also covered up as "confidential".

For example, the process of vaccine research and development and procurement during the epidemic is classified as confidential. In order for Taiwan's legislature to access procurement documents, it must also convene a secret meeting; The documents provided by Taiwan's health and welfare department at the secret meeting were also smeared and covered up everywhere, making it impossible for the Democratic People's Congress to supervise them. Compared with the Tsai Ing-wen administration's escort of "high-end" vaccines and the suppression of foreign vaccine purchases, the so-called "confidentiality" is simply to avoid the exposure of unreasonable content.

The secret protection system is to ensure security and interests, but the DPP is accustomed to using "secrets" to cover up improper or illegal activities, and many "confidential documents" have become talismans for abuse of power. When crimes are carried out in the name of false secrets, it is a matter of course for the people to expose and supervise them.