
Why do more and more people regret sealing their balconies? If you don't do 6 details well, it's no wonder you will regret it

author:Home Miscellaneous Altar

Text/Home Miscellaneous Altar

For the sealing of the balcony, many friends give mixed opinions.

However, you will find that more and more people now regret sealing their balconies.

So, isn't it bad to seal the balcony?

After looking at the problems of several closed balconies, I found that this was not the case.

Why do more and more people regret sealing their balconies? In fact, it is strange that the details are not done well, and it is strange not to regret it.

Why do more and more people regret sealing their balconies? If you don't do 6 details well, it's no wonder you will regret it
Why do more and more people regret sealing their balconies? If you don't do 6 details well, it's no wonder you will regret it

(1) - I didn't choose the right window type

After decorating and sealing the balcony, the first situation that will regret it is that the type of window is not selected.

The so-called type of window here mainly includes the material of the window and the way it is opened.

In fact, to put it bluntly, many friends are entangled in choosing broken bridge aluminum windows or plastic steel windows.

Another point is whether to choose casement windows or sliding windows?

This situation is actually different for different families.

Why do more and more people regret sealing their balconies? If you don't do 6 details well, it's no wonder you will regret it

However, if you don't choose the right type of window, it often brings the following problems:

(1) Poor window performance. In particular, if the heat and sound insulation performance of the window is not good, it is indeed easy to regret it. For example, staying on the balcony in winter and feeling the bitter cold is very uncomfortable.

(2) The use of the balcony remains unchanged. For example, the balcony was originally small, but the casement window was chosen. When I opened the window, I found that the balcony was occupied by the window.

(3) There are children at home, but they choose casement windows, which brings greater difficulties to our windows. This is because after opening the window, the child may hit the window, which is very dangerous.

Why do more and more people regret sealing their balconies? If you don't do 6 details well, it's no wonder you will regret it

(1) For small balconies, my personal point of view is to try to choose sliding windows, after all, it can bring us a lot of convenience.

(2) In fact, I personally recommend that you choose the inward opening and tilting window. It is also a popular way to open, which will not occupy the balcony and is also very easy to use.

Why do more and more people regret sealing their balconies? If you don't do 6 details well, it's no wonder you will regret it

(2) - The window is not handled properly

After sealing the balcony, the second situation of regret is that the window was not handled well.

It should be clear to everyone that the quality of the windows is only one aspect, and the installation is another.

Often many problems that occur in the later stage of the window are actually caused by the installation.

However, when we seal the balcony, we usually have to reprocess the windows before we can install them.

However, many homes have hastily treated the windows of the windows and then installed the windows.

Why do more and more people regret sealing their balconies? If you don't do 6 details well, it's no wonder you will regret it

Therefore, after moving in, there are many friends who have reported the following problems:

(1) Leakage of the window. This is also one of the more common and frustrating problems. When it rains, water seeps inside through the window. And it's not easy to repair.

(2) The air leakage and sound insulation effect of the window are poor. The state of manifestation is that the sealant of the window is not tight, and when the wind blows, the air is poured inside, and the sound insulation effect is very poor.

Why do more and more people regret sealing their balconies? If you don't do 6 details well, it's no wonder you will regret it

(1) When decorating, be sure to deal with the window. The original window should be chiseled clean, plastered and leveled, and waterproof mortar should be used to deal with it as much as possible.

(2) When installing the window, be sure to ensure that the window is not damaged. Then fix the window frame on the window, and then beat the styrofoam and sealant according to the procedure, so as to ensure the effect.

Why do more and more people regret sealing their balconies? If you don't do 6 details well, it's no wonder you will regret it

(3) - The window is fixed in the wrong way

There is another situation where the balcony is not fixed correctly.

In fact, for most windows, maybe we don't care about the way they are fixed.

However, for high-rise residents, there are also some friends who choose large glass windows, so you must pay attention to this.

Because as the glass area increases and the floor rises, the crosswind pressure on the windows is increasing.

If the window is not fixed correctly, the hidden danger is very large.

Why do more and more people regret sealing their balconies? If you don't do 6 details well, it's no wonder you will regret it

For this, some friends have reported the following questions:

(1) The windows are shaking, which makes people scared when they look at it. It is said that every time there is a strong wind, I see the newly installed windows, and there is a slight shaking, which is scary to look at.

(2) Falling off of windows. Of course, this is a more serious situation. The state of manifestation is that when the wind blows, the entire window falls down, which is very dangerous.

Why do more and more people regret sealing their balconies? If you don't do 6 details well, it's no wonder you will regret it

(1) Confirm the fixed point. When we install windows, we must confirm the fixing points. Like conventional windows, there are generally no less than three fixed points on each side, and then increase in order according to the length.

(2) Fixing mode. Personally, the opinion is to choose special expansion bolts to fix the windows. The main frame of the window should be firmly fixed with the window without any shaking.

Why do more and more people regret sealing their balconies? If you don't do 6 details well, it's no wonder you will regret it

(4) - Change the type of balcony window

A very typical situation of regret after sealing the window is to change the type of balcony window.

For different apartment types, in fact, its original balcony windows are also completely different.

In fact, we can look at a building in a community, and its balcony windows are basically the same.

As a result, some children want to change the type of balcony window and feel that the balcony window at home is not good-looking.

For example, the more common balcony windows have a low wall underneath. The walls are of different heights from the ground, ranging from thirty or forty centimeters to eighty or ninety centimeters, and so on.

And some friends see the large glass floor-to-ceiling windows installed in other homes, and they feel very good, so they want to install them in their own homes.

Then, there is a practice of changing the type of balcony window.

Why do more and more people regret sealing their balconies? If you don't do 6 details well, it's no wonder you will regret it

However, after the actual implementation, the following problems arose before even moving in:

(1) Blocked by the property or the local competent authority. Because we change the type of balcony window, which is different from the extension of the building, it is not allowed.

(2) Remove the position of the balcony window. This chiseling process may damage the insulation layer and may also damage the stressed structure, which brings serious hidden dangers.

Why do more and more people regret sealing their balconies? If you don't do 6 details well, it's no wonder you will regret it

(1) The balcony is sealed, and it is recommended that you replace the window on the basis of the original opening. The method is to install the size of the original opening, and we will install the size of the window, which is the safest way.

(2) When sealing the balcony window, try not to cut the original concrete structure. Because there are a lot of high-rise balcony windows, it is surrounded by concrete, and if it is removed, the problem will be serious.

Why do more and more people regret sealing their balconies? If you don't do 6 details well, it's no wonder you will regret it

(5) - Conflict between the drying rack and the window

Another situation that will be regretted after the balcony window is sealed is the conflict between the drying rack and the balcony window.

The conflict between the drying rack and the balcony window mentioned here is mainly for the conflict between the balcony window opening sash and the drying rack lifting process.

For example, a friend reported that he forgot after opening the window, and then opened the electric drying rack, and found that the electric drying rack hit the balcony window, and the drying rack was broken.

For this situation, in fact, after many families closed their windows, they appeared.

Because for our balcony windows, if we choose casement windows and open to the balcony, they basically occupy about fifty or sixty centimeters of the balcony.

And in this position, our drying rack is just above the vertical, so there are mostly conflicting situations.

Why do more and more people regret sealing their balconies? If you don't do 6 details well, it's no wonder you will regret it

After the conflict between the balcony window and the drying rack, most of them will bring the following problems:

(1) Affect the window. If we have a lot of clothes drying at home and hanging them on the balcony drying rack, it is a very sunny weather, and we want to open the window for ventilation, but we find that the balcony window cannot be opened, because it is blocked by the clothes of the drying rack, which is very awkward.

(2) The drying rack may be damaged. As mentioned above, we forgot about it after opening the window, so we opened the electric drying rack, and the electric drying rack hit the window in the process of descending, and it may have been broken.

Why do more and more people regret sealing their balconies? If you don't do 6 details well, it's no wonder you will regret it

(1) Choose the right type of balcony window. For example, the first thing many friends may recommend is to choose a sliding window. Personally, I recommend that you learn about the inward opening and tilting windows. In many ways, the effect is better.

(2) Change the functional type of the balcony and give up the balcony electric drying rack. For example, instead of installing a vertically lifting electric drying rack directly above the balcony, we can install a drying rack on the side of the balcony to hang clothes and dry clothes.

Why do more and more people regret sealing their balconies? If you don't do 6 details well, it's no wonder you will regret it

(6) - Cracking of the balcony slab

After sealing the balcony, there will be a more prominent problem of regret, which will lead to the cracking of the balcony board.

Because for different room types, the stress of its balcony slab is also different.

Therefore, there are different types of balcony window seals. For example, ordinary window seals, and large glass floor-to-ceiling windows.

For these different types, you can't blindly follow the trend, because the problems will indeed be very serious.

At present, there are many problems, that is, the ordinary broken bridge aluminum windows are changed into large glass floor-to-ceiling windows.

After the installation of the large glass floor-to-ceiling window, it is indeed very beautiful, its field of vision is wider, and the lighting rate is higher.

However, if our balcony was originally not suitable for the installation of large glass floor-to-ceiling windows, but was changed to large glass windows, the problem is really serious.

Why do more and more people regret sealing their balconies? If you don't do 6 details well, it's no wonder you will regret it

For this problem, it is still more prominent. Personally, to summarize, there are two problems as follows:

(1) Cracking of the balcony board. This kind of problem is that we need to chisel the location of the balcony windows and then install large glass windows. Due to the installation process, there is also the weight of the glass window itself, which leads to the cracking of the balcony panels.

(2) The cracking of the balcony board caused by the problem of chiseling. Like many balcony windows, the bottom plate has a beam, in order to change it to a floor-to-ceiling window, some friends have removed this beam, causing the problem of cracking.

Why do more and more people regret sealing their balconies? If you don't do 6 details well, it's no wonder you will regret it

(1) Do not dismantle all the concrete structures of the balcony. If you want to change the type of window, just use a different window instead.

(2) For the balcony, we must consider its load-bearing problem, and do not increase the load too much. Large glass floor-to-ceiling windows, like the one mentioned above, are actually not a good choice.

Why do more and more people regret sealing their balconies? If you don't do 6 details well, it's no wonder you will regret it

Written at the end of the article

Home decoration sealed balconies, in fact, more and more. Especially for the balcony in the north, if it is not sealed, it is really uncomfortable.

However, for sealing the balcony, everyone must choose the right window and the right way. In fact, to put it bluntly, it is necessary to grasp the details. If you don't do these details well, you will often regret them. Therefore, everyone must pay attention to these aspects. #头条创作挑战赛#

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