
Online "bundled insurance" 5 minutes to order, offline orders need to queue up to buy motorcycle compulsory insurance and have to bundle personal accident insurance?

author:Huashang Daily

According to the 2022 Xi'an Urban Transport Development Annual Report, there are 497,200 motorcycles in Xi'an, and an average of about 1,362 motorcycles need to be insured every day.

However, recently, many riders in Xi'an have reported that they can only buy motorcycle compulsory insurance online, which is very time-consuming to wait in long queues. Riders are puzzled: why doesn't the insurance company allow you to buy compulsory traffic insurance online, but you have to bundle personal accident insurance before you handle it?

Regarding the problems reported by the riders, the Gale News reporter of Huashang Daily recently launched an investigation.

Strange phenomenon

Riders complain

If you buy compulsory traffic insurance online, you have to bundle personal accident insurance

Offline handling encountered "turtle speed"

Mr. Wang, a citizen of Xi'an, wanted to buy a motorcycle with a displacement of 150, but after inquiring around, he found that the original motorcycle was 16,000 yuan, and the car dealer said that "package insurance" needed 16,500 yuan. He wondered why the compulsory motorcycle insurance of this displacement should be 180 yuan per year, why is the "package insurance" more expensive? The car dealer explained that it is difficult to issue motorcycle compulsory insurance alone in the near future, and it is necessary to purchase additional personal accident insurance ranging from 150 yuan to 300 yuan for online processing.

Mr. Wang was puzzled: compulsory traffic insurance is mandatory for the state to purchase, and now if you don't buy personal accident insurance, you can't do compulsory traffic insurance, isn't it a disguised bundled consumption?

In order not to purchase additional personal accident insurance, Mr. Wang went to the offline outlets of the insurance company for consultation and found that some outlets did not sell or handle the business in the name of system maintenance. The outlets of insurance companies that can handle motorcycle compulsory insurance business have a large number of people in line, and the processing time for everyone is very long.

In this regard, Mr. Wang believes that the handling of compulsory automobile insurance is often very fast, but the handling of motorcycle compulsory insurance is full of twists and turns, and the offline "turtle speed" handling has driven many customers who plan to purchase compulsory traffic insurance on their own back to online and are forced to purchase additional personal accident insurance.

Twists and turns to buy insurance

"Shaanxi motorcycle compulsory insurance convenient insurance platform is in vain"

Bundle insurance to receive the policy in just 5 minutes

There are many people who feel the same way as Mr. Wang, and Xi'an's Zhou Chang (pseudonym) is one of them. He said that in early May, he found out that his motorcycle compulsory traffic insurance was overdue, so he planned to buy compulsory traffic insurance through the store where he had purchased his motorcycle.

After contacting the salesman of the insurance company that the store cooperated, the car dealer replied to Zhou Chang that the purchase of compulsory traffic insurance requires an additional personal accident insurance of 180 yuan, and if you do not want to buy personal accident insurance, it is recommended to go to the business office of the offline insurance company to buy it directly.

"I felt a bit expensive, so I consulted some motorcycle friends." Zhou Chang said that on May 2, he learned through Moyou that the Shaanxi Provincial Insurance Industry Association opened the "Shaanxi Motorcycle Compulsory Insurance Convenience Insurance Platform", through which citizens can buy motorcycle compulsory insurance, "I clicked into the 'I want to insure' column, and there are many options for insurance companies on the page." ”

"It stands to reason that there are so many insurance companies to choose from, and it should be no problem to buy insurance, but this platform is a virtual reality, and I can't buy all of them." Zhou Chang said that he entered relevant information such as driving license and ID card as required, but was reminded that "the online business was not carried out" or "please go to an offline outlet to handle it" at the last step...... At that time, the platform showed one or two dozen insurance companies, but none of them could apply for compulsory motorcycle insurance online.

Zhou Chang found several online insurance salesmen, and the other party said that "I don't apply for motorcycle compulsory insurance", or I need to bundle "accident insurance" to issue a policy. In order to save trouble, he had to re-contact the car dealer, scan the code first and buy 180 yuan personal accident insurance, and then purchased compulsory motorcycle insurance. Five minutes later, the car dealer issued the insurance policy to him.

Market conditions

At the end of 2022, the number of motorcycles in Xi'an was 497,200

On average, 1,362 motorcycles are insured every day

The public reported that motorcycles are difficult to buy, is it related to the small motorcycle market? The reporter learned that -

According to the "2022 Xi'an Urban Transport Development Annual Report" compiled by the Xi'an Urban Planning and Design Research Institute, as of the end of 2022, the number of motor vehicles in Xi'an reached 4,854,500, an increase of 9.0%, of which 497,200 were motorcycles, an increase of 41.5% over the previous year. At present, the number of motorcycles accounts for 10.24% of the number of motor vehicles, and the market potential is huge.

It is estimated that an average of 41,433 motorcycles in Xi'an need to purchase compulsory motorcycle insurance every month, and an average of about 1,362 motorcycles need to be insured every day. Motorcycle compulsory insurance has an annual market of about 680 million yuan.

Telephone consultation

Some outlets said that the appointments were full in the past two or three days

Some outlets said they had to queue for two or three hours

On May 10, a reporter from Huashang Daily Gale News called a number of insurance companies as an insured citizen to inquire about the compulsory insurance of motorcycles.

Ping An Property & Casualty staff said that at least from 2024, motorcycle compulsory insurance cannot be handled online, and you must go to the store. "Ping An Property & Casualty has only one store in Xi'an, and there is about two or three hours of waiting in line at the site. Or make an appointment in advance and get there on time. "If the distance is far, it is recommended to contact other insurance companies to handle it."

The staff of Taiping Property Insurance said that the motorcycle compulsory insurance business needs to be handled in the store, "to take pictures of the motorcycle and other information, and handle it during working hours." Although there are sometimes a lot of people queuing up to handle business, you can basically do it on the same day. ”

PICC property insurance staff said that motorcycles to apply for compulsory traffic insurance, new cars must be handled offline outlets, and the old car part can be directly renewed.

The staff of life property insurance said that in 2023, motorcycles can also be handled online, but starting in 2024, motorcycle compulsory insurance cannot be insured online, "We don't know how the above company decided." "In the near future, if you want to apply for motorcycle compulsory insurance, you need to make an appointment two or three days in advance," the motorcycle review is now stricter, and there are more motorcycles recently, and the appointment has been full in the past two or three days. ”

The reporter of Huashang Daily Gale News noticed that the staff of the insurance company's outlets did not mention the need to bundle personal accident insurance when replying to the amount of compulsory traffic insurance.

Journalist investigation

There are a large number of people handling offline, and you need to wait in line

It takes more than 20 minutes for each person to process

Is it convenient for insurance companies to purchase compulsory motorcycle insurance? A reporter from the Chinese Business Daily Gale News learned from a motorcycle merchant that the main business of motorcycle compulsory insurance is PICC property insurance (Chinese people's property insurance) and Ping An property insurance (Ping An property insurance).

At 9:24 a.m. on May 10, the reporter came to the PICC property insurance outlet near Jinyuan International Plaza in the North Second Ring Road of Xi'an. There were nearly 20 citizens in front of a business window in the hall, all of whom came to buy compulsory motorcycle insurance. The reporter received a business number with "19" on it. With the passage of time, there are also citizens who have applied for compulsory motorcycle insurance.

According to the staff, to handle a "new motorcycle insurance and old motorcycle before compulsory insurance non-PICC property insurance, handled at the window, renewal can be directly operated through the small program." "Other insurance companies basically don't handle motorcycle compulsory insurance, we handle it." It takes about 20 minutes per person to process.

The reporter noticed that there are multiple business windows in the hall, but only one window handles motorcycle compulsory insurance business. According to the 20-minute business processing speed, about twenty or thirty people can be handled every day.

Mr. Fan, who had just submitted the information on compulsory motorcycle insurance, said that it took him about 30 minutes to complete the application, and that he would have to come again tomorrow because his wife was a foreigner.

At 10:36 a.m., the reporter came to the Ping An Property Insurance outlet located on Kechuang Road. There are more than 20 citizens at the scene, according to a receptionist, most of them are dealing with motorcycle compulsory insurance, need to wait in line, a person about twenty or thirty minutes, if it is a foreign car, etc., it may be longer.


Offline "strict review", twenty or thirty minutes per person

Provide the front and back of the driving license and ID card online, and the policy will be issued within 5 minutes after payment

According to the reporter's visit, it often takes about 20 minutes for a person to handle the motorcycle compulsory insurance business offline, and some outlets only open a window, so the daily reception volume is only twenty or thirty people.

According to the staff of some insurance company outlets, the recent compulsory motorcycle insurance review is strict, and offline insurance requires me to ride a bicycle and bring information, and the insurance company needs to take pictures of the motorcycle. Compared with providing the front and back of the ID card and driving license, the online insurance application can be issued in only 5 minutes after payment, which is obviously more convenient for the latter.

Many citizens questioned this, since the offline review is relatively strict, why only need to accept the bundled personal accident insurance online, and provide ID cards, driving licenses, etc. The insurance company's approach is obviously suspected of directing customers to buy insurance online as a bundle. Some citizens said that compulsory automobile insurance can be handled online, why must motorcycle compulsory insurance be handled online through a specific group? Is this a violation?

Statements from all sides

Car dealers tell -


The online order began to bundle 100 yuan accident insurance

or related to the loss of the insurance company's business segment

On May 10, a reporter from Huashang Daily Gale News contacted a motorcycle dealer Chen Chao (pseudonym). He said that the situation of bundling personal accident insurance has existed since he entered the industry in 2020, "Over the years, when buying motorcycle compulsory insurance in the store, it is often necessary to buy another personal accident insurance, but the amount of personal accident insurance purchased at that time was not high, and recently, the bundled personal accident insurance has become more and more expensive." ”

Chen Chao said that as far as he knows, the reason why the insurance company's salesmen want to bundle and sell personal accident insurance is because there is no profit in handling compulsory traffic insurance online, "without personal accident insurance, they have no one to pay their salaries." Recently, offline outlets have purchased compulsory motorcycle insurance, and some places have also seen the situation of bundling personal accident insurance. ”

In this regard, a car dealer boss told in detail on the online platform about the process of bundling personal accident insurance with compulsory traffic insurance. The netizen said that around 2021, the compulsory traffic insurance of motorcycles began to bundle and sell accident insurance, "At that time, an accident insurance was bundled for 100 yuan." Recently, riders need to add 150 yuan or even 200 yuan to buy motorcycle compulsory insurance. ”

Another car dealer said that the recent sales of bundled personal accident insurance for motorcycle compulsory traffic insurance may be related to the loss of this business segment of insurance companies. "Normally go to the business hall, below 250 displacement, 180 yuan can buy motorcycle compulsory insurance, online often add 100 yuan accident insurance, you can also smoothly issue a bill. In the past week, it has been very difficult to buy compulsory traffic insurance for motorcycles, and the policy has changed twice in three days...... Not only can you queue up offline for a long time to buy, but there is even a situation where you can add 300 yuan to get out of the motorcycle compulsory insurance online. "Customers think that we make the difference, but in fact we only earn 10 yuan of the difference, and the rest are taken by insurance companies and billers, and we are also very wronged, so recently customers want to buy insurance, and we directly push ......," the car dealer said.

Industry associations –

Underwriters have been losing money, people familiar with the matter said

This issue has been discussed and studied recently, but there is no conclusion for the time being

Is there no other option for the purchase of compulsory motorcycle insurance except offline or online to find a special person to bundle and purchase? It is reported that in January 2023, the Shaanxi Provincial Insurance Industry Association opened the official account of the "Shaanxi Motorcycle Compulsory Insurance Convenience Insurance Platform", through which citizens can freely choose insurance companies and handle motorcycle compulsory insurance. The system will be maintained from August 7 to August 31, 2023. On May 7, 2024, the platform system announced the upgrade and maintenance again, but the time limit was not announced.

According to the official account on May 7, the announcement on the upgrade and maintenance of the Shaanxi motorcycle compulsory insurance platform system shows that the purpose of the system upgrade is "to ensure the stable and smooth operation of the Shaanxi motorcycle compulsory insurance convenience insurance platform", and the platform cannot provide online insurance services during the upgrade. If you need to apply offline, please contact the insurance company.

On May 13, the reporter learned from an informed source of the Shaanxi Provincial Insurance Industry Association that the "Shaanxi Motorcycle Compulsory Insurance Convenient Insurance Platform" is a platform led by the Shaanxi Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission and undertaken by the industry association. The citizens in need will be linked to the relevant insurance companies, and the citizens will directly communicate with the insurance companies to purchase and apply for compulsory motorcycle insurance. The person familiar with the matter said that there are problems such as low insurance prices for motorcycle compulsory insurance, and the insurance companies that underwrite them have been losing money, "insurance is a commercial attribute in the final analysis, and it is unrealistic to lose money completely." "Recently, all localities are discussing and studying this issue, and the Insurance Association of China and the Shaanxi Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission have also held many meetings on this issue recently, but there is no conclusion for the time being," this issue is still in the research stage for the time being. ”

Industry insiders –

Motorcycle compulsory insurance has high risk, low pricing and high cost

"The loss ratio is high above 200% all year round"

In August 2022, an insurance practitioner expressed his opinion on the Internet on the issue of "difficulty in insuring compulsory motorcycle insurance". He said that there are indeed big problems in motorcycle compulsory insurance, including high risk, low pricing, and high sales costs.

Netizens analyzed that from the perspective of risk. First-tier cities often have high traffic pressure, serious violations of traffic rules by motorcycles, and high accident rates. For example, many of the city's streets are narrow, motorized vehicles can't get in, and pedestrians aren't as vigilant as they are on major roads, but motorcycles can get in.

From the perspective of pricing, the motorcycle as the main means of transportation, the vast majority of the third and fourth tier cities and towns, most of the income level is low, the risk awareness is weak, the price is high, the owner is reluctant, just hold the luck psychology not to buy insurance, once there is a traffic accident, the dispute is difficult to solve. That's why regulators have been suppressing the pricing of compulsory motorcycle insurance. There is such a situation: the compensation limit is the same as that of motor vehicles (before the fee reform), the accident rate is even higher than that of motor vehicles, and the price is only 20% of that of motor vehicles (horizontal comparison of small displacement). The loss ratio of motorcycle compulsory insurance is high above 200% all year round.

From the perspective of sales cost, the underwriting of motorcycle compulsory insurance, like car insurance, needs to enter the labor cost of each line such as policy, underwriting, agent call, claim investigation, and claim review. The market for motorcycles is large, and if an insurance company encourages the underwriting of motorcycle compulsory insurance, the staff of each line needs to be increased. However, motorcycle compulsory insurance is a type of insurance with obvious and serious losses, so insurance companies do not encourage underwriting. In addition, through several comprehensive reforms, the profitability of the insurance company's auto insurance business has been continuously compressed, so the motorcycle compulsory insurance is more like a burden than a business growth, and the first thing for the insurance company to consider is whether it can be profitable. Huashang Daily Gale News reporter Zhang Pengkang text/picture

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