
Frequent cerebral infarctions? Most of these habits of the elderly are easy to ignore, see if you have been tricked?

author:Liu Suzhen ear, nose and throat

Hello dear readers. Recently, we received a letter from a grandmother Zhang, in which she described her symptoms of sudden dizziness and slurred speech, and was diagnosed with cerebral infarction after a hospital examination. Grandma Zhang's case reminds us that as a common geriatric disease, prevention and early detection of cerebral infarction are crucial.

Frequent cerebral infarctions? Most of these habits of the elderly are easy to ignore, see if you have been tricked?

Cerebral infarction, also known as cerebral thrombosis, is an ischemic brain injury caused by blockage of blood vessels in the brain, which can be life-threatening in severe cases. Therefore, understanding the early symptoms of cerebral infarction is an important step for the elderly to protect their health. Next, we will delve into the knowledge of cerebral infarction to help you better prevent and cope with this disease.

1. Common misunderstandings of cerebral infarction

Cerebral infarction, as a serious health problem, is often considered a disease that only occurs in older people. However, with the change of modern lifestyles, the age of onset of cerebral infarction is decreasing, and more and more young and middle-aged people are also beginning to be threatened by this disease. Although the severity of cerebral infarction is self-evident, there are many misunderstandings in the public's perception of it.

Frequent cerebral infarctions? Most of these habits of the elderly are easy to ignore, see if you have been tricked?

First of all, many people mistakenly believe that the precursor of cerebral infarction must be a severe headache. In fact, while headache can be a symptom of cerebral infarction, it is not a precursor to an inevitable occurrence. The early symptoms of cerebral infarction may be very subtle, such as sudden slurred speech, weakness of one limb, facial asymmetry, difficulty walking, etc. These symptoms may appear briefly and then disappear, which is called a "mini-stroke", which is an important warning sign of a cerebral infarction.

Second, there is a misconception that cerebral infarction occurs only in extreme cases, such as in patients with high blood pressure. In fact, there are many risk factors for cerebral infarction, including high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and poor lifestyle habits. Even in the absence of significant hypertension or other medical conditions, people with normal blood pressure can have a cerebral infarction. Therefore, everyone should be vigilant about cerebral infarction, especially those with a family history of the disease.

Frequent cerebral infarctions? Most of these habits of the elderly are easy to ignore, see if you have been tricked?

In addition, some people believe that once a cerebral infarction occurs, there is no cure. In fact, the therapeutic effect of cerebral infarction is closely related to the time after the onset of the disease. Prompt medical attention and treatment within the "golden hour" after the onset of the disease, that is, within a few hours of the onset of the disease, can greatly reduce brain damage and increase the likelihood of recovery. Therefore, once symptoms of cerebral infarction appear, you should immediately call the emergency number and seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Finally, some people neglect the prevention of cerebral infarction. In fact, prevention is better than cure. By controlling chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, such as quitting smoking, limiting alcohol, eating a balanced diet, and exercising moderately, the risk of cerebral infarction can be significantly reduced. In addition, regular health check-ups to detect and control risk factors for cerebral infarction in time are also important measures to prevent cerebral infarction.

Frequent cerebral infarctions? Most of these habits of the elderly are easy to ignore, see if you have been tricked?

By gaining insight into the truth about cerebral infarction, we can better protect our own health and the health of others. For cerebral infarction, we should have a comprehensive and accurate understanding so that we can make correct judgments and responses at critical moments. Let's work together to raise awareness of cerebral infarction and protect the health of ourselves and our families.

2. The relationship between lifestyle habits and cerebral infarction

Dear readers, we all know that a healthy lifestyle is essential to prevent disease, and cerebral infarction is no exception. The latest research tells us that seemingly ordinary lifestyle habits, such as a high-salt diet, lack of exercise, smoking, and alcohol consumption, may unknowingly increase our risk of cerebral infarction.

Imagine if your veins were rivers, then bad habits were like silt and garbage in the river, which would slowly accumulate and eventually lead to a clogged river. Similarly, poor lifestyle habits can lead to the accumulation of "garbage" in blood vessels, increasing the risk of blood vessel blockage, which can lead to cerebral infarction.

Frequent cerebral infarctions? Most of these habits of the elderly are easy to ignore, see if you have been tricked?

Especially for our elderly friends, as we age, the elasticity of blood vessels will gradually weaken, so it is particularly important to maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent cerebral infarction. So, what kind of lifestyle habits help us stay away from cerebral infarction? Next, I will reveal the answer for you, so let's make an informed choice for a healthy life together.

3. How to detect cerebral infarction early

Dear readers, do you know how to detect cerebral infarction early? Actually, the method is not complicated. First of all, older people should have regular physical examinations, especially for blood pressure, blood lipids, and blood sugar. Abnormalities in these indicators are often a precursor to cerebral infarction.

Secondly, it is also very important to be aware of the early symptoms of cerebral infarction and remain vigilant. For example, if you or a family member suddenly develops symptoms such as slurred speech and limb weakness, it may be an early sign of a cerebral infarction. In this case, one should seek medical attention immediately so as not to miss the best time for treatment.

Frequent cerebral infarctions? Most of these habits of the elderly are easy to ignore, see if you have been tricked?

Remember, time is of the essence. The effectiveness of treatment for cerebral infarction depends largely on the timeliness of treatment. Therefore, once a cerebral infarction is suspected, do not hesitate to seek professional medical help immediately. In the following content, we will go into detail about the early symptoms of cerebral infarction to help you better recognize and cope with this disease. Let's work together to protect the health of ourselves and our families.


Dear readers, through today's sharing, we have learned that although cerebral infarction is a terrible disease, it is not unpreventable and early detection. As long as we can recognize the early symptoms of cerebral infarction, improve bad lifestyle habits, and have regular physical examinations, we can effectively prevent and detect cerebral infarction at an early stage.

A healthy life starts with understanding. I hope that every elderly person can stay away from cerebral infarction and enjoy a healthy and happy life. Let's take action together to take care of the health of ourselves and our families and create a better future.