
Mo Yan said: Tell you about a cruel interpersonal relationship, your relationship with anyone

author:Hall of Fame

Mo Yan's view: strength and weakness and bargaining chips in interpersonal relationships

1. Introduction: Mo Yan's profound insight

In the contemporary Chinese literary scene, Mo Yan has won the love of readers with his unique writing style and profound life observations. His words not only paint a vivid picture of the countryside, but also reveal insight into the complexity of human relationships. Mo Yan's words: "Tell you a cruel interpersonal relationship, your relationship with anyone, in fact, does not depend on how good you are to others, but on your strength and weakness, and how many chips you have." "Undoubtedly reveals an important and brutal truth in human relationships.

Mo Yan said: Tell you about a cruel interpersonal relationship, your relationship with anyone

2. The essence of interpersonal relationships: the game between strong and weak

In Mo Yan's view, the essence of interpersonal relationships is not our traditional sense of "good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil", but is based on the game between strength and weakness. The "strong" and "weak" here not only refer to material wealth and poverty, but also include social status, knowledge reserves, network resources and other aspects. In interpersonal relationships, the strong tend to have more resources and discourse, while the weak tend to be in a passive and dependent position.

This relationship of strength and weakness is especially evident in interpersonal interactions. When we try to build a relationship with someone, we tend to consider their strengths, background, and resources, rather than just our kindness to them. This is not to say that kindness is not important in relationships, but that kindness often seems inadequate in the face of strong and weak relationships. Therefore, in interpersonal communication, we need to recognize the importance of strong and weak relationships and learn to find our place in them.

3. The chips in hand: the key to interpersonal relationships

The "chips in hand" that Mo Yan refers to can be understood as the resources and advantages we have in interpersonal communication. These resources may include wealth, status, knowledge, skills, connections, etc. In relationships, people with more leverage tend to be better able to take control of the situation and achieve their goals.

However, the chips in hand are not set in stone. As time goes on and the environment changes, so do our chips. Sometimes, we can get into trouble because we lose some of our chips; Sometimes, we may also regain the initiative by getting new chips. Therefore, in interpersonal communication, we need to always pay attention to our leverage situation and learn to use these chips to maintain and develop our interpersonal relationships.

Mo Yan said: Tell you about a cruel interpersonal relationship, your relationship with anyone

Fourth, the interaction between strength and weakness and chips

In relationships, strength and chips interact with each other. On the one hand, the relationship between strength and weakness determines our status and discourse power in interpersonal communication; On the other hand, the chips we have in our hands will affect our strength and weakness. When we have more leverage, we tend to be able to take a more active position in interpersonal interactions; And when we lose chips, we can fall into a situation of passivity and dependence.

Therefore, in interpersonal communication, we need to learn to balance the relationship between strength and weakness and chips. On the one hand, we should strive to improve our strength and resources to increase our leverage in interpersonal communication; On the other hand, we must also learn to maintain a certain degree of independence and autonomy in the relationship between strength and weakness, and not to be overly dependent on others or controlled by others.

5. Goodwill and interest in interpersonal relationships

Although Mo Yan emphasized the importance of strength and leverage in interpersonal relationships, we cannot ignore the role of kindness. Kindness is the lubricant in interpersonal interactions, allowing us to be more harmonious with others. At the same time, kindness can also inspire empathy and trust in others, which can win us more support and help.

However, in interpersonal relationships, we also need to learn to properly handle the relationship between kindness and profit. We cannot ignore kindness to others in the pursuit of profit; At the same time, we must not neglect our own interests by placing too much emphasis on goodwill. In interpersonal communication, we need to find a balance where goodwill and benefit can promote and complement each other.

Mo Yan said: Tell you about a cruel interpersonal relationship, your relationship with anyone

6. How to improve your status in interpersonal relationships

In the face of complex interpersonal networks, how can we improve our status and voice? First of all, we need to constantly improve our own strength and resources. This includes learning new things, expanding your network, building wealth, and more. Second, we need to learn to use our leverage to maintain and develop relationships. This includes helping others at critical moments, demonstrating one's strengths and strengths at the right time, etc. Finally, we also need to maintain a certain degree of independence and autonomy. In interpersonal interactions, we cannot be overly dependent on others or controlled by others; We need to maintain our own independent thinking and judgment in order to deal with various complex situations.

7. Conclusion: Understand and deal with challenges in interpersonal relationships

Mo Yan's words make us deeply aware of the complexity and cruelty of human relationships. In interpersonal communication, we should not only pay attention to our own kindness and dedication, but also pay attention to our own strength and chips in our hands. Only by constantly improving our own strength and resources, and learning to use these chips to maintain and develop interpersonal relationships, can we maintain a clear head and a firm stance in complex interpersonal interactions. At the same time, we also need to learn to correctly handle the relationship between goodwill and interests, so that they can promote and complement each other in interpersonal interactions. Only in this way can we succeed in complex and dynamic relationships.