
suffered from poverty in her childhood, and the girl decided to drop out of school to become an actor, the inspirational story of actor Xin Zhilei

author:Seriously, the stars talk about entertainment

1. Li Qian, a new-generation actor with a luxurious lineup, has a life experience full of hardships and tests behind her brilliant achievements!

On the screen, the audience is all captivated by an actress with an extraordinary temperament, elegance and charm - she either plays the delicate makeup and proud imperial concubine in "The Legend of Ruyi", or portrays a female agent with strong skills and cold eyes in "Embroidered Spring Knife".

The one who has performed many classic roles vividly is Li Qian, a powerful actor who has attracted much attention in recent years.

suffered from poverty in her childhood, and the girl decided to drop out of school to become an actor, the inspirational story of actor Xin Zhilei

In front of the camera, Li Qian showed extraordinary control ability, calmly controlling every role, and her vivid and realistic acting skills were amazing.

There is no doubt that Li Qian's brilliance today was not achieved overnight, but accumulated step by step with courage and hard work, and finally reached the peak of her career. And the confidence and calmness she exudes comes from a life experience full of twists and turns.

She was a girl from a poor rural area, and at the beginning of her life she was shrouded in the haze of family poverty. However, she was not defeated by the heavy blow of fate, but relied on her courage and perseverance to overcome obstacles all the way, and finally saw the light of day and embarked on a brilliant journey in life.

suffered from poverty in her childhood, and the girl decided to drop out of school to become an actor, the inspirational story of actor Xin Zhilei

Now, let's put aside our admiration for her star halo for a moment, take an in-depth look at the actor's growth process, and feel her tenacious and never-say-die inner world.

I believe that her unique life experience will bring us profound inspiration and touch.

It was an ordinary art show, Li Qian stood in the center of the stage as a member of the school's model team, and her tall posture and delicate face attracted the attention of the audience.

suffered from poverty in her childhood, and the girl decided to drop out of school to become an actor, the inspirational story of actor Xin Zhilei

At this moment, a middle-aged man in casual clothes stepped forward and took the initiative to greet her: "Hello, I'm Donnie Yen, I watched your performance very well just now." Li Qian was stunned for a moment, never thought that one day she would be favored by film and television superstars.

This is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and Li Qian knows that once she misses it today, she may not have such a good opportunity again.

So, this girl from a poor background, in order to change the fate of her family, resolutely decided to give up her studies and embarked on a journey to pursue her dreams. What awaits her will be an unprecedentedly difficult journey.

suffered from poverty in her childhood, and the girl decided to drop out of school to become an actor, the inspirational story of actor Xin Zhilei

3. In order to change the embarrassing economic situation of her family, Zhilei resolutely chose to drop out of school, and left her hometown to embark on a dream-chasing journey to the capital Beijing.

With her mother's unwavering support, Zhilei regained her confidence. A few days later, she did not hesitate to give up her academic career and accompanied Donnie Yen into Beijing, a bustling city full of challenges and opportunities.

Growing up in the countryside, she can only describe the city's vientiane with amazement and curiosity.

suffered from poverty in her childhood, and the girl decided to drop out of school to become an actor, the inspirational story of actor Xin Zhilei

After entering Donnie Yen's acting studio, Zhilei was surprised to find that there were more than 100 young people stationed with her. They come from all over the world, and each of them has great talent and ambition, and they all want to make a name for themselves quickly.

In the face of such a large number of powerful colleagues, Zhilei felt unprecedented pressure, and she rubbed her hands nervously, afraid that her skills would not be comparable to others.

In order to adapt to the new environment, Zhilei began to study the basic acting skills diligently. However, as the number of shows she participated in continued to increase, she realized that her acting skills were still immature and difficult to handle all kinds of complex plots and roles.

suffered from poverty in her childhood, and the girl decided to drop out of school to become an actor, the inspirational story of actor Xin Zhilei

Whenever she witnesses the emotionally charged performances of others, she always feels ashamed of herself and secretly resolves to put in more effort.

The company has high hopes for her, but Zhilei knows that it is almost impossible to stand out from the crowd with her current abilities. Therefore, she embarked on a long and lonely path of cultivation - learning various basic skills with senior teachers during the day, and taking on inconspicuous small roles and tricks in various crews at night, accumulating valuable experience step by step.

In the early days, her contemporaries looked at her with admiration for her tenacity. However, as time went on, they chose to give up and quit the highly competitive industry one after another.

suffered from poverty in her childhood, and the girl decided to drop out of school to become an actor, the inspirational story of actor Xin Zhilei

Only Zhilei has always held her ground, even if she can only be unknown in front of the camera, she has never wavered in her inner belief.

In this way, Zhilei's daily life is occupied by busy work, and she has no time to take care of other trivial matters. She often misses the good times in her hometown, when the family was laughing and happy, despite the poverty.

Now, however, she has moved away from her homeland to chase her dreams, and her heart is often shrouded in fear and confusion.

suffered from poverty in her childhood, and the girl decided to drop out of school to become an actor, the inspirational story of actor Xin Zhilei

The warm memories of the family are always haunting her heart, especially her father, who is lying in bed and suffering from illness, which keeps Zhilei awake at night, and she misses the scene when she firmly decided to take this path in the first place.

She silently told herself that she must be angry and strong, earn a lot of wealth as soon as possible, and be sure to cure her father's illness and let her mother and younger siblings live a carefree and happy life.

As a result, Zhilei's life has become more and more intense: she concentrates on her studies during the day, devotes herself to theatrical performances at night, and needs to improve her acting skills repeatedly when she returns to her residence.

suffered from poverty in her childhood, and the girl decided to drop out of school to become an actor, the inspirational story of actor Xin Zhilei

When others enjoy the leisure time of the weekend, she always stays alone in her room to watch the wonderful works of those well-known actors, and humbly asks those around her for advice.

In this way, year after year passed quietly, and Zhilei gradually grew from a fledgling novice to an excellent actor. Thankfully, her hard work was not in vain.

By chance, Zhilei met a senior senior in the theater industry, who appreciated her diligence and studiousness, and took the initiative to lend a helping hand and promote Zhilei.

suffered from poverty in her childhood, and the girl decided to drop out of school to become an actor, the inspirational story of actor Xin Zhilei

Under his careful teaching, Zhilei not only mastered the basic acting skills, but also deeply understood the essence of many industries. In this way, before she knew it, Zhilei had spent five or six spring and autumn seasons in the bustling city of Beijing.

During this period, although she participated in some small roles sporadically, she did not attract much attention.

However, the god of fate favored her after all. One day, on a filming site, a director accidentally witnessed her superb performance, praised her, and strongly recommended her to join the cast of his upcoming new film.

suffered from poverty in her childhood, and the girl decided to drop out of school to become an actor, the inspirational story of actor Xin Zhilei

The film was a huge success upon its release, and Zhilei finally made a name for herself in the entertainment industry and won wide recognition.

However, while her career was thriving, her family passed away one after another, and she was unable to witness the moment when she realized her dream. Whenever the festive season comes, Zhilei will always take time to return to her hometown, come to the tombstones of her parents and grandparents, and pour out her struggles over the years and the emotional twists and turns in her heart.

Zhilei vividly remembers that when she was a child, her family was always full of laughter and laughter during the Spring Festival, and her younger siblings always gathered around her grandparents to listen to their fascinating stories.

suffered from poverty in her childhood, and the girl decided to drop out of school to become an actor, the inspirational story of actor Xin Zhilei

As the eldest daughter in the family, she takes care of her sick father carefully, and whenever her mother returns from heavy work, she will always see her daughter's well-behaved and sensible figure, with a very relieved smile on her face.

However, it is a pity that by the time Zhilei became famous, her father had already passed away, and her mother could only enjoy her daughter's demeanor through the TV screen.

However, these can no longer be traced back, and now she can only commemorate her deceased relatives in a silent way, expressing her deep guilt and reluctance. Zhilei often told her late father in her heart that your wish has finally come true, but unfortunately you have not been able to witness it with your own eyes.

suffered from poverty in her childhood, and the girl decided to drop out of school to become an actor, the inspirational story of actor Xin Zhilei

As for her mother, Zhilei endowed her with endless respect and gratitude, and deeply thanked her for her firm support and broad-mindedness, and it was her mother's selfless care that gave her the courage to pursue her dreams.

After achieving brilliant achievements in her career, Zhilei always remembers her hard years and the deep affection of her family. When she was financially well-off, she regularly provided her mother with generous living expenses to ensure that she could live out her old age in peace.

suffered from poverty in her childhood, and the girl decided to drop out of school to become an actor, the inspirational story of actor Xin Zhilei

For her younger brother's studies, Zhilei gave everything she could, giving him the greatest support and assistance.

Whenever Zhilei wins a major award in the entertainment industry, her first reaction is to tell her loved ones the good news. Although my father and grandparents have passed away a long time ago, she still tells them from the bottom of her heart that this award is the deepest encouragement you have given me.

From a poor girl to a hot actor, Zhilei has won the glory of her career with her own strength. And her caring and filial piety to her family makes people feel her innocence and kindness.

suffered from poverty in her childhood, and the girl decided to drop out of school to become an actor, the inspirational story of actor Xin Zhilei

Because of this, she was able to move forward bravely on the road of chasing her dreams, and finally reaped a happy life.

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