
The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! The old lady asked the car toucher to pay 10,000 yuan, shouting "My son is the mayor"? Police: Rumors

author:Come on, Ling Lingling

“摸‬一下‬车‬要‬赔偿‬1万块‬、我‬儿子‬是‬市长‬”语出惊人‬的‬越野车‬老太太‬究竟‬是何‬背景‬? 真相‬来了‬,警方‬通报‬称‬:这是‬谣言‬,造谣者‬已被‬行政‬拘留‬。



On the afternoon of May 12, a netizen in Chengdu posted on the Internet that "a man was claimed 10,000 yuan for touching the old lady's off-road vehicle, and the old lady also claimed that her son was the mayor".

It can be seen from the video posted by the netizen that many local citizens surrounded an off-road vehicle, and at this time, an old lady wearing a mask got out of the car, staggering to the front of the car and communicating with the police.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! The old lady asked the car toucher to pay 10,000 yuan, shouting "My son is the mayor"? Police: Rumors

Later, the netizen released another video, in which the off-road vehicle was surrounded by the police, and the surrounding area was still full of onlookers surrounding the vehicle, and a man was forcibly taken away from the scene by the police, which caused a burst of exclamations from the onlookers at the scene, and uninformed netizens thought that something big had happened.

根据该名博主描述:是一名男子触摸了一下这辆越野车,随后被车主老太太索赔1万元,老太太甚至打打人扬言道:“儿子‬是‬市长‬,家属‬是‬当官‬的‬。 ”并且‬警方‬到来后‬还‬将打人‬的‬‬老太太现场‬就给‬放行‬了‬。

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! The old lady asked the car toucher to pay 10,000 yuan, shouting "My son is the mayor"? Police: Rumors

If that's what happened, then it makes sense why so many people are watching here, but is the truth really what the blogger describes? Definitely.


On May 13, the Chengdu police issued a detailed report, which roughly reads: A drunk man touched and knocked on the off-road vehicle when passing by the off-road vehicle, and the old lady of the owner found that the vehicle had scratches, so the old lady stepped forward to ask the man why she scratched her car, but the man did not admit this fact, and the two sides had a quarrel and pushed, and then attracted many onlookers.

After the old lady called the police, the police wanted to take the two back to the police station for mediation, but the drunk man did not cooperate, so he was forcibly taken away from the scene by the police.

In the end, the old lady and the man reached a settlement agreement and signed it, and the "old lady's son is the mayor, the family is an official, the compensation is 10,000 yuan, and the scene is released" is verified to be untrue, and the initiators of spreading such information are both administratively detained.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! The old lady asked the car toucher to pay 10,000 yuan, shouting "My son is the mayor"? Police: Rumors

The truth has come out, but it seems that the rumors have not dissipated, netizens still believe in the rumors, and many netizens left messages in the Chengdu police account: What is the identity of the old lady's son?

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! The old lady asked the car toucher to pay 10,000 yuan, shouting "My son is the mayor"? Police: Rumors

Looking at the posture of netizens, I still don't believe the police report, I don't understand why such a simple small dispute caused such a huge controversy? To put it bluntly, there are still too many people who don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement.


It's very strange, it was obviously a drunk man who knocked on someone else's car, and it was not too much to apologize or compensate, but the author couldn't find a netizen in the comment area to accuse him, I can only say that the power of rumors is still quite great, and the whole truth is completely covered.

